Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
i use supre thrive, expensive shit. I dunnno thou man I just use it on seedlings and clones at younge age. Dont know if it really does much, guess I can do a side by side with these seedlings. Its just vitamins and shit, Guess its good to use when rooting, sure it helps with root structure. I aint trying to hate I just guess Ive spent so much money on it and never really notcied anything ffrom when i dont use it


Well-Known Member
i use supre thrive, expensive shit. I dunnno thou man I just use it on seedlings and clones at younge age. Dont know if it really does much, guess I can do a side by side with these seedlings. Its just vitamins and shit, Guess its good to use when rooting, sure it helps with root structure. I aint trying to hate I just guess Ive spent so much money on it and never really notcied anything ffrom when i dont use it
I love side by side tests. Clones from same mom same cut date might be the most accurate....

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hey highlander, hows it goin? have you noticed the c4/caseyjones and the black rose have very hollow main stems? the leaf shapes were pretty familular, what is black rose made out of?
Going good broseph. Yeah I have noticed that with them,,,,seen it before though so it's not exclusive to that strain. I think the the black rose is part violet,,,that's why the purp but no potency.

Who you going to be tomorrow?

Ex gym rat here also lol,,,3 hrs/day, 4 days/wk. Hour of stretching every night. Played competitive volleyball for about 10 yrs while in my 30's. Played hard, paying for it now


Well-Known Member
i use supre thrive, expensive shit. I dunnno thou man I just use it on seedlings and clones at younge age. Dont know if it really does much, guess I can do a side by side with these seedlings. Its just vitamins and shit, Guess its good to use when rooting, sure it helps with root structure. I aint trying to hate I just guess Ive spent so much money on it and never really notcied anything ffrom when i dont use it
I think it is good to water with before you take clones from a plant, or transplant... it's supposed to help reduce shock, I've been told. :peace:

oh, and HC, could you send me a link to that place we were pming about? thnx.


Well-Known Member
oops i ment the leaf shapes were simular and the hollow stems, that why i was wondering if they had some of the same orgins maybe.. and ways i crossed a c4/cj male that had some purp on its sacs with to a BR female purple pheno, should be interesting, and also a c4/cj to one of my favorite bagseed crosses, should be fun. ill post some pics when things get good.


Well-Known Member
Can't beat that with a stick!! Great views, just enough breeze to blow your weed exhale off to the forest...


Well-Known Member
hey guys my bsbXcb has been flowering for almost 9 weeks now and she is STILL pushing out white hairs and fox tails like crazy. purple has set in now. has anyone experienced this? i;m hoping she is done soon. thoughts?




Well-Known Member
BSB was Black Sour Bubble. Black rose x Sour bubble.

From there, I got lost and confused.

I have the black rose pheno and the sour bubble pheno.
Its the pink version too!!


Well-Known Member
hahahha. HC... i lost my PM and rep privelages. lol. idk why tho.. oo welll. wont be here much anywayz. soo i could give 2 fucks... just kinda funny tho...


Well-Known Member
c4xcaseyjones X blackrose

some coloring traits from the blackrose, and the fresh leaves are almost white from frost and there not even flowering.

pretty sure that came from he c4xcj



Well-Known Member
Hey HC,
still breathing.

Been busy as hell lately trying to get everything in my life to work at once.
I'm itching to crack open a batch of CaliBand now that I got my shit back together,
but I know I'd run out of space so I'm going to hold back - for now!

Thanks again man,


Well-Known Member
Hey Owl, is the pink one a female? I'm pretty sure I read that the pink pheno was a keeper. Or maybe I'm thinking another kind.

HC - makes me want to bring my kayak up. I bought two more, an 8ft and 10ft pelicans for cheap. Now we just need enough rain to make the rivers flow a little bit

First attempt at BB


Well-Known Member
Heya HC hope your keeping well?
Quick question for you on the Calizhar X Caseyband, what the harvest window for it? currently they are 8wks 12/12 fs and have been flowering for about 6 of those