predictions, please

What will happen to the PPACA?

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Well-Known Member
what will the SCOTUS do?

my guess? it will strike down the individual "mandate". that mandate that carries no criminal or civil penalties.

the rest will remain.

i always reserve the right to be wrong.

come, be wrong with me. humbling yourself is fun.

btw, fuck off corey and trevor (corey and trevor = justanotherhead).
what will the SCOTUS do?

my guess? it will strike down the individual "mandate". that mandate that carries no criminal or civil penalties.

the rest will remain.

i always reserve the right to be wrong.

come, be wrong with me. humbling yourself is fun.

btw, fuck off corey and trevor (corey and trevor = justanotherhead).

Did you get your talking point from CNN or Bill Maher?
what will the SCOTUS do?

my guess? it will strike down the individual "mandate". that mandate that carries no criminal or civil penalties.

the rest will remain.

i always reserve the right to be wrong.

come, be wrong with me. humbling yourself is fun.

btw, fuck off corey and trevor (corey and trevor = justanotherhead).

You really went out on a limb with that prediction. *eye roll*

cut and pasted from every news source on the web.
fuck off, kid.

I will take the optimistic view that it stands 5-4. This vote will basically come down to politics. To get rid of it all would piss off a lot of people with pre-existing conditions, parents and their children who are under 26, those who cannot afford healthcare (well those who don't watch only fox). It also will mean we will have to revert back to the flawed system that we tried to fix.

To do away with the individual mandate would again make the whole PPACA worthless, since the mandate is meant to expand the pool of people covered by health insurance, making other parts of the law possible.
One thing that does strikes me as WTF. Repukes are ready to strike this law down, but have yet to offer anything that would help the healthcare problem...and also why is it that some of the people who this will help are the very ones complaining against it. Most will not even have to pay into it, because low-funded individuals will receive subsidies to help them afford insurance.
I voted other, no way to predict this, I agree with london for the most part. It all has to go or stay either way, doesn't make any sense for it to happen any other way but it makes sense the supreme court would do something that doesn't make sense so idk. Lame topic I have to agree it was probably a copy/paste from Bill Maher's blog or something. I guess I would probably prefer to see it go but it did do SOME good in giving more people medicaid I suppose, however medicaid is terrible, and the government fucking sucks and couldn't possibly ever do anything right or in our interest so I would like to see it go in this sense because in one way this was and is America again selling people out to corporate America and tyranny.

what gives PIB, you don't look fuclked up. why all the disability?

aren't most guys from oreg0n fishermen and lumberjackers? let me guess, you're really from cali?
I will take the optimistic view that it stands 5-4. This vote will basically come down to politics. To get rid of it all would piss off a lot of people with pre-existing conditions, parents and their children who are under 26, those who cannot afford healthcare (well those who don't watch only fox). It also will mean we will have to revert back to the flawed system that we tried to fix.

To do away with the individual mandate would again make the whole PPACA worthless, since the mandate is meant to expand the pool of people covered by health insurance, making other parts of the law possible.
One thing that does strikes me as WTF. Repukes are ready to strike this law down, but have yet to offer anything that would help the healthcare problem...and also why is it that some of the people who this will help are the very ones complaining against it. Most will not even have to pay into it, because low-funded individuals will receive subsidies to help them afford insurance.

Where to start with this steaming pile of shit disguised as a post. First, you're "Wisconsin Recall" dreaming if you think it all stands. Second, we don't shred the Constitution because not doing so might piss off some people. Not to mention a great deal of the problems with the system are directly linked to government interference in the first place.

Finally, I guess the hundreds of ideas that the "repukes" have put forth don't qualify because they are actually legal and don't involve growing the size of government and creating even more beauracracy. I'm not going to sit here and list them all, I'm sure you can look them up if you really had ANY interest in hearing sane ideas.
Where to start with this steaming pile of shit disguised as a post. First, you're "Wisconsin Recall" dreaming if you think it all stands. Second, we don't shred the Constitution because not doing so might piss off some people. Not to mention a great deal of the problems with the system are directly linked to government interference in the first place.

Finally, I guess the hundreds of ideas that the "repukes" have put forth don't qualify because they are actually legal and don't involve growing the size of government and creating even more beauracracy. I'm not going to sit here and list them all, I'm sure you can look them up if you really had ANY interest in hearing sane ideas.

let me guess: all we need to do is fix malpractice suits and cross state lines, then we'll have a health care system to rival the rest of the wealthy world?


grow the fuck up. those two things will only make it more possible for insurance to cherry pick people better and won't bend the curve down at all. utter nonsense.
i think the individual mandate is necessary and doesn't even go anywhere near as far as other mandates, like medicare taxes and SS taxes that come right out of your check.

mandate is necessary. source: every other fucking nation that insures all yet has lower costs.
My guess is they strike the whole thing. If they strike just the mandate, the rest of the law is unworkable. It will be a disaster if they strike the mandate and let the rest remain.
i think the individual mandate is necessary and doesn't even go anywhere near as far as other mandates, like medicare taxes and SS taxes that come right out of your check.

mandate is necessary. source: every other fucking nation that insures all yet has lower costs.

Mandate is unconstitutional, source: US constitution.
I voted it all stands. It's a new era and more and more diseases are becoming more rampant. I have crohn's disease and have spent endless hours/co-pays in doctor's offices, and have had around 30 fucking surgeries because of it. I've had to re-enroll in college twice after graduating, just to stay on my parents' insurance. Had to pay almost $1,000 a month for like 7 months to pay for COBRA just so I didn't go 61 days without coverage and be denied for pre-existing condition bullshit. So many people are sick and suffering these days it would be stupid to not have insurance. Most people bitching about the mandate already has at least a PPO I'm sure. We're kinda already forced to pay for insurance so we don't fucking die from all the horrible shit that can happen to anyone at anytime, why not have affordable insurance through the government?