miracle gro?

my plants are around 4 weeks from germination, i have not yet used any nutrients. i was planing on buying some proper stuff online but have left it a bit late now and not going to bother. i am in two minds as weather to let them go natural till flowering (i have sensi bloom a and b for flowering) or to use miracle gro all purpose that mum uses for her flowers and tomato plans?
could i also have the names of some good nutrients that can be purchased online reasonably cheaply for next time?
cheers :)
If you like water soluble chem nuts look at jacks classic, cheap and awesome. Just google jacks classic cannabis grows, wavels on here has some freaking monster grows all on jacks
You can buy it straight from peters, just googlesearch jacks classic

You can also buy it on eBay
jacks' classic, some bat guano and some molasses. MG is cheap chemical nutes. you CAN grow with it, But you could also shit and not wipe. I wouldn't recommend either one.
"my plants are around 4 weeks from germination" Is this like saying to your kid "I was doing this before I met your mother?? LOL
not sure i follow?? :S i didnt mean that im going to germinate some seeds in 4 weeks. i meant they are currently 4 weeks old , if thats what your getting at? :L

would it be better to use it or to use nothing? those are my options for this grow! im getting really mixed messages hear :/

Use it but 1/4 teaspoon per gallon you can bump it up to 1/2tsp per gallon after a couple of weeks.

Alot of people that buy organics or expensive nutes believe there are different NPK's depending on manufacture and source.
okay, but as it is much less strong would that be for use every time i water them? it says on the container to make it much stronger but only to use it every 7 to 14 days.
Yes you can use MG and it works great, but just like FG stated start at a reduced rate and increase slowly. I only use Scotts comercial ferts. I'm not going to pay $20/pint for a bottle with a big green leaf on it, it's just a waste of money. I've figured it out, my costs for base nutes, bloom boosters, supliments, and ph adjusting, are under $0.80/plant per complete grow. Using top of the line specialty nutes it runs closer to $10.00 per plant.
cheers im going to try it now :) do you know the answer to my question about if the reduced strength mix is for every time i water, or is it still as it says on the container for every 7 to 14 days?