Club 600


Well-Known Member
It was nice, the sun even stayed out for most of the time. Glad I am not doing it today, I would need a scuba suit!

Leaves pointing up at night? You must have a strong Moon Droman?;)


Well-Known Member
jeez louis cant a guy go out back at 2 in the morning without being questioned, yea there deff pointed in the direction of the sunrise almost as if they were waiting for it. and no sight of the moon. snap some pics tommorow so you can see.

* i went out front to look at the moon and a restricted number called me, i wonder if one of my naighbors saw me moon gazing and decided to fuck with me. fuck, i hate restricted numbers. o well, 12 gage shotty by my bed.

and i answered no answer back. thats the fucked part.


Well-Known Member
i dont know who would be, thats why i dont like it. specially while im stareing in the sky. its eerie.

cause im thinkin that number didnt dile itself? what the hell.. couldent just think of a person and be like its got to be him or her, so its just a little bothersom or annoying.

o well, like i say.

nothing seriouse to worry about. ill be alright. prolly bout time to change the number anyways had it forever.


Well-Known Member
yea, your right. curiosity killled the cat on this one i guess. hah.

anyways, cheers too the 6 with a cup of grape juice a bowl. morning, morgen, and night!


Well-Known Member
If you aren't my parents, wife, or someone calling to tell me my house is on fire... don't call after midnight.

I cut down one of my plants tonight. Real nice smell to it. Pics aren't too impressive, so I can't be bothered to go in the other room for the memory card. Big footie day today. Can't wait.

nice pron peeps!!!


Well-Known Member
The thing is, if someone does call after midnight I am jumping out of bed incase it is a fire, or some other tragedy. Why else would someone call you at that time...oh yeh, it's yer pissed mate at a club, dick!

And keep yer shwag pics, Jig, lol. So what you reckon? You think the Engles can beat the Swedes?


Well-Known Member
I do indeed. 2-1 I say. Should be interesting for my mate, his girlfriend is swedish and apparently quite proud.

I know it's easy to look good against ireland, but spain sure did look in form.

Just cut one little branch of the winner pheno, trimmed it up and held it next to the plant I trimmed earlier. It's hard to beleive the difference. I never really understood how different phenos could be. I always just thought one was a tiny bit frostier, or bigger, etc. But wow... it's like they are two different plants (which becuase of labeling could be possible i guess). But I think they are the same plant just different phenos.

One thing I'm a little sad about is my transition to soil. I realized that when the waterfall in my room gets turned off in a few days when everything is down, it won't be getting turned back on. I'm gonna miss my waterfall.

Just looked at a calendar. I will be in London for the final match. Just to clarify... if england do win, I will run through trafalgers square, but I'm wearing at least a speedo. Hahaha. FFS, not sure what I'm getting myself into, but it'd be worth it to bring the championship home.


Well-Known Member
Not long till you are in the UK then lad!!! If ever I wanted England to win it would be just to see that. Remember to trim the hair before putting those speedos on (and I don't mean the stuff on yer heid!) lol.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
When my plants were in the dark recently, I noticed their leaves were if for the light.....please embrace me.

late nite calls are usually a "butt" dial, if they aren't an emergency.

rambling observations



Well-Known Member
Hello all :-)
Just a quickie update on the housing scene:

Waiting for final numbers to be crunched today before hiring a home inspector and making an offer.
Will keep you updated as soon as we know what's going on.
I really hope we get this place!
It's out on the edge of the city near where it turns into nothing but farmland, and in one of the nicer middle-to-upper-middle-class neighborhoods.
Going to be nice turning back into a stoner "Hank Hill", I tell you what.
Anyways, more news later as we receive it.
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening out there!


Well-Known Member

* piece of shit computer.<<<<<<<<hahaha:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
RIU on the frazzle again today. It's not the easiest to navigate,

piece of shit forum, haha.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the forum is going back in time, with certain parts stuck in alternate tomorrows that were pre-ordained 5-minutes before the dawn of pre-history!!!

Off to get the wife some breakfast!