The UK Growers Thread!

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • how is he a mug for paying the going rate? the risk that dealer take they should make a tidy profit. my mates looking at 2 to 5 years for dealing and he wasnt rich from it. if people got a problem with the price either grow it themself or give up, simple as that​

because the going rate is shockingly stupidly priced, im not trying to be nasty or nothing and sorry for calling you a mug but the prices need to come down, 10 years ago you could get double the weight for the price you pay these days


Active Member
And this is my reward for suffering the humiliation of walking into o2 and demanding access to Over 18 sites :D :P

Awesome. Ankle tags. Who needs TV when you've got RIU?


Well-Known Member

  • how is he a mug for paying the going rate? the risk that dealer take they should make a tidy profit. my mates looking at 2 to 5 years for dealing and he wasnt rich from it. if people got a problem with the price either grow it themself or give up, simple as that​

because the going rate is shockingly stupidly priced, im not trying to be nasty or nothing and sorry for calling you a mug but the prices need to come down, 10 years ago you could get double the weight for the price you pay these days
im not saying any different but the price of everything has doubled in the last 10 years. i was paying £170 an oz 8 years ago and it gone up to around £200-£220 now so it hasnt gone up as much as petrol or food. i cant afford it myself so i got a mate to fund me and got my own grow on the go. instead of moaning about prices now i moan about having to give half away lol


Active Member
Hey hey what happened to the ankle tags?!

Prices: from the perspective of a buyer/ smoker rather than a grower, I'd happily give up chocolate for a week or two to pay a little extra for stuff grown by somebody I know is passionate about growing good stuff. Once I'm happy with grower/ seller/ arrangements, a few quid either way isn't going to make any difference to me, and I bulk buy so I reckon I save that way =)


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt pay them prices, never hav n never will im not a mug
because im sick of robbing pricks charging stupid prices

If your not paying the prices what are you complaining about?

The price of an O around here is £200 doesn't matter if it's shite or banging the only reason i let mine go for as much as it does is if their not paying me then their paying someone else for shite i would happily let mine go for less but why should i sell a Ferrari for old Skoda money?
I am NOT a charity!!!


Active Member
Not really if you think about it.

Most dealers dont gow there own , so they have to buy it.

Usually stuff will pass threw a couple of people , and each person has to add there wee bit on top.

Say the grower sells to someone at £150 a oz, someguy decideds ill take 10 for £1500. HE then sells on single ounces to others for £200, and they guy inturn deals at £10 a gram and maybe a few quid off for a Q, just how it is.

Not wise to be directly selling if your a grower mate.

Everyone gotta eat.

Prices up here vary from £150-£280, this is primo im talking about tho usually the medium price would usually be around £200 , the £150 ounces of primo are very rare and usually require getting it from a mate, or taking a wee bit bulk off a grower . All depends on who you know and what you know.

Worst I know of is a dial a service that charge £20 a gram, now that's robbing cunts esp as I know for a fact he pays £200 give or take an oz.


Well-Known Member
Not really if you think about it.

Most dealers dont gow there own , so they have to buy it.

Usually stuff will pass threw a couple of people , and each person has to add there wee bit on top.

Say the grower sells to someone at £150 a oz, someguy decideds ill take 10 for £1500. HE then sells on single ounces to others for £200, and they guy inturn deals at £10 a gram and maybe a few quid off for a Q, just how it is.

Not wise to be directly selling if your a grower mate.

Everyone gotta eat.

I have been in this game a long time and fully understand how things work and most growers are sellers in 1 way or another unless they smoke it all themselves, if they want it the price is...... and if they don't then fine crack on things really are as simple as that, consumers dictate price buy buying at inflated prices if i ever get stuck with it then the prices will fall but until then ......


Well-Known Member
I have been in this game a long time and fully understand how things work and most growers are sellers in 1 way or another unless they smoke it all themselves, if they want it the price is...... and if they don't then fine crack on things really are as simple as that, consumers dictate price buy buying at inflated prices if i ever get stuck with it then the prices will fall but until then ......
i will 2nd this post.................. ;-)


Well-Known Member
it can go from 140 for comershal to 240 for decent stuff its shocking, daylight robbery for a bit of plant
how is it daylight robbery u plank? lol we take the risk so we should get a lil more than 10 yr ago prices of 100 a oz lol,,if u think about it ciggarrtettes have gone up more in pirce(percentage) than bud


Well-Known Member
Prices up here vary from £150-£280, this is primo im talking about tho usually the medium price would usually be around £200 , the £150 ounces of primo are very rare and usually require getting it from a mate, or taking a wee bit bulk off a grower . All depends on who you know and what you know.

Worst I know of is a dial a service that charge £20 a gram, now that's robbing cunts esp as I know for a fact he pays £200 give or take an oz.[/QUOTE]

As i said it's the consumer that drives the prices if peeps are willing to pay £20 a G then fairplay to them i personally would go without and £280 an O ask that around here and you'd get laughed at or stabbed lol them's London prices aint they lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i understand y weed more expensive as weed has got stronger over time.
10-15 year back 90 per cent cannabis in this country was imported. nowadays think 80 per cent is home grown on streets uk. so should off in a way got cheaper as no import costs n smuggling charges, but grow lights n equipment ent cheap nor r nutes etc etc. weed nowadays stronger and not smuggled in diesil tanks or grown with less smell to help chances making uk without being found. so in short u paying for a better quality and stronger thc levels in the newer fandangle strains
plus if u growing then each crop u have a good chance being raided if not careful, so months of being careful each grow is needed and i feel the grower should b able make a just reward for the risks etc

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • how is it daylight robbery u plank? lol we take the risk so we should get a lil more than 10 yr ago prices of 100 a oz lol,,if u think about it ciggarrtettes have gone up more in pirce(percentage) than bud​

blah blah blah and ummmm blah its daylight robbery end of convo and yeah tobacco is too fukin dear aswell just let us fuck up our brains n blacken our lungs for cheap ffs there only little amounts of plants thats grow for free


Well-Known Member

  • how is it daylight robbery u plank? lol we take the risk so we should get a lil more than 10 yr ago prices of 100 a oz lol,,if u think about it ciggarrtettes have gone up more in pirce(percentage) than bud​

blah blah blah and ummmm blah its daylight robbery end of convo and yeah tobacco is too fukin dear aswell just let us fuck up our brains n blacken our lungs for cheap ffs there only little amounts of plants thats grow for free
lol u talk the big game but i bet u pay about 300 a ounce :)

cutting me shit tomorrow thank fook taken agggess 170's thank u very no greedy cunt