Ways to improve patients?


Well-Known Member
I myself have absolutely no patients. I don't know why... Everytime I am doing something, I dream about the other things I could be doing, if this thing I'm doing gets over with. I start to play a videogame, such as skyrim, and quit because the simple need of the smithing skill will just take too long xD

I cram meals down my throat to get onto whatever is next, even though when I get onto what is next, I'm just looking for the next thing.. WHY does my brain think this way? WHY cant I have the patients to study the stars, to think deeply about things anymore, to meditate...

What are ways you improve your patients? Meditation I am thinking would be good, I need to get back into that more.. I just need to appreciate things more really. I don't know, I'm sure a lot of you have the same problem lol


Well-Known Member
No lol my avatars cool so shut up Ive been off the coke for years

And I dont do heroin

Its just like theres gotta be a way to be relaxed all the time.. Do you guys have the same problem? I mean life isnt that intense is it? That I gotta worry so much? Lol I dont know its just like any other thing its gonna take time and.. well.. patients.. lol

I just wanted some advice jeez people take my avatar too seriously


Well-Known Member
I myself have absolutely no patients. I don't know why... Everytime I am doing something, I dream about the other things I could be doing, if this thing I'm doing gets over with. I start to play a videogame, such as skyrim, and quit because the simple need of the smithing skill will just take too long xD

I cram meals down my throat to get onto whatever is next, even though when I get onto what is next, I'm just looking for the next thing.. WHY does my brain think this way? WHY cant I have the patients to study the stars, to think deeply about things anymore, to meditate...

What are ways you improve your patients? Meditation I am thinking would be good, I need to get back into that more.. I just need to appreciate things more really. I don't know, I'm sure a lot of you have the same problem lol
im having the exact same issue. the more i think about it the more i keep thinking its med problems and think back to times when i had the passion and drive and figure out what i believe killed it. the source that helps is the natural meds of Gods world, fungi herbs teas. thats all i can say small doses. i hate it but once kick right back into being able to stare at a maple longer then 5 seconds while thinking i need more more plant more . i can focus on the smallest good god helped me get done. theres the guilt but theres the peace also.


Well-Known Member
Right! Like I trip fairly often probably about once ever two weeks, maybe less maybe more but it doesnt vary much. Whenever I do I feel it resaturates my brain in a way. Where I have patients again. I am relaxed, know exactly who I am. Now when it gets into the week I lose contact and become a normal person in a way(not really at all but its unsettling..)

I think I am going to start meditating again Id honestly recommend it to everyone here it cant do anything but help you! Plus that is exercising patients itself. Your stretching your patients, until you get a worthwhile outcome. Which always happens givin you go long enough.