Hello new girl here! :)

I realized I spelled Tangerine wrong. If anyone could, could you edit it too
TangerineDream420? Hope it won't be a hassle.

Anyways I was browsing online and this one seems like the most friendliest forum for Weed Forums! :) Very happy I joined cause I only have one friend who smokes with me and hoping to meet new friends on here! My name is Samantha and been smoking since I was 19. Very spiritual and hopefully one day I'll grow my own! Look forward to meeting everyone on here. :leaf:
hey there! florida here too! welcome and you shouldnt have too much of an issue finding what you need here
Welcome Florida Girl. I just Left Florida from a small Trip. Look forward to seeing you around. :?:
Does every newcomer get this kind of welcoming or just her? I came here and wasn't expecting some of the cool RIU people to be here lol.
wassup girl. florida boy here, panama city beach to be exact. i think youll find what your lookin for here. the more you read the more you learn theres a ton of knowlege here and alot to gain from spending a little time on this site. but sadly i spend like 8 hours a night on here =x and i dont even have a facebook cuz i hate being on the computer so bad but this site is just so magnetic...
lol +1

same with me .. dont have facebook .. but check this site a few times a day .. kool place with kool Ppl. and kool nubs ;)

have funn ...
You gotta grow..... I joined this forum to get advice on my plants, GET GROWIN :D! I'm sure these friendly people will help you out.