tragic, he's thinking the exact opposite. just watch fox around election time, they usually say the opposite of what truly is happening. everything on fox is gonna be anti-Obama, purely for the sake of the lesser minded's amusement, and those that are hardcore right winged, they should rename it "more bullshit for the bullshitters".
some of us want facts, others prefer to be lied to. if your the person that likes to be lied to, i suggest watching fox and going to church.
not to mention, they try to defend Murdoc for all the fucked up shit he does, he was caught tapping into phone lines but fox will find a way to avoid it, or twist it. i feel like i dont even need to say anything about fox, we all know its bullshit. besides your husband unfortunately. if i were you id tell him "you and your ignorance can sleep on the couch tonight".