It should be legal to kill Democrats


Well-Known Member
This two-party paradigm is killing our country. Arguing Dems vs. Reps is like arguing tomAto/tomato.
Every time someone one asks me about my political opinion in real life I always tell them we have a 2 party dictatorship . They both work together to do what they want but convince people to take sides so they go unnoticed. Not necessarily to harm the country but they mess up a lot.


Undercover Mod
Got paid today. Lost 30% of my paycheck to taxes for entitlement programs that I don't use and never will; this includes Social Security. I'm sick of you asshats telling me how to spend the money I earn. I worked my ass off but some lazy Democrat gets 30% of my god damn paycheck and then has the nerve to complain.
If you don't like it, move to Pakistan.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing about Opra is go gooogle the fact that today her network board of directors wants a new person to run it as she is losing millions upon millions. What Obama bail her out. lol


Well-Known Member
Every time someone one asks me about my political opinion in real life I always tell them we have a 2 party dictatorship . They both work together to do what they want but convince people to take sides so they go unnoticed. Not necessarily to harm the country but they mess up a lot.
And to keep the streets from running rivers of blood , to preserve posse comitatus, and defend other aspects of the constitution. I see politics played these days as a zero sum gamble, like the stock market. A win on one side is a loss for the other.

And like the stock market, money is made in the stampede in any direction, if you can just get it started. Global Warming, Welfare State. Cold War. Terror.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The initiation of force is part of the business model of government so I'll echo what other have alluded to... Democrats do not hold a monopoly on douche baggery. The only moral justification I can come up with to kill somebody is in self defense. Making something "legal" or "illegal" often has nothing to do with a rational or moral reasoning process.


Well-Known Member
Every paycheck I get they steal hundreds from me so they can sit on the couch and watch Oprah all day.
....God loves the poor that's why he made so many of them...Republicans love them until they're born..U can pay the Gov. to keep the poor, docile and watching Oprah, or U can pay,probably much more to, guards,wall builders,security companies, private prisons,etc to keep a larger,not so docile, (abjectly) poor population away from your door...
Just look at how the middle class and the poor live in Mexico,Central America and many Carib. countries....Do U think that can't/won't happen here...Political division seems to be pushing the that direction....Save money by ending our pursuit of a police state world empire...


Well-Known Member
we all get taxed, this has been happening for hundreds + years...

You must have just found out eh? Idiot.


Well-Known Member
Every time someone one asks me about my political opinion in real life I always tell them we have a 2 party dictatorship . They both work together to do what they want but convince people to take sides so they go unnoticed. Not necessarily to harm the country but they mess up a lot.
There is plenty difference.
