Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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^that is what i am doing.

im so glad ppl keep saying the same shit over and over and over and over again. you can clearly see who never finished high school and who has poor reading skills.
bro! your the one who started this thread! dont look at it or delete it if you cant handle others opinions!
i dont think you undertand what i mean. so dont worry about it. its staying. people just keep repeating them selfs, kinda annoying people cant read all 14 pages before posting there opinion. know what i mean now?? no worries if not. dont take offence if you didnt finish high school... dont get me wrong im glad people have opinions, but if you are going to post at least see who has said what you have possibly already said. people don't need to read the same thing over and over. new info is informative. but at this point this topic is just a debate. not much more info can be provided. as UB said, this info is all over the place. i just like to stay updated and hate digging for old info. well, not old. just old posts. people usually change their opinions once they gain more skill.
i dont think you undertand what i mean. so dont worry about it. its staying. people just keep repeating them selfs, kinda annoying people cant read all 14 pages before posting there opinion. know what i mean now?? no worries if not. dont take offence if you didnt finish high school... dont get me wrong im glad people have opinions, but if you are going to post at least see who has said what you have possibly already said. people don't need to read the same thing over and over. new info is informative. but at this point this topic is just a debate. not much more info can be provided. as UB said, this info is all over the place. i just like to stay updated and hate digging for old info. well, not old. just old posts. people usually change their opinions once they gain more skill.

True, I used to think Miracle Grow was just fine for cannabis. After a lil more experience, I prefer to stay away from the stuff...
I have found some ripe nugs beneath leaves before, maybe not the fattest. when it's ripe enough, I start to try a few lower nugs , I only cut off leaves if they have insect pests or snail or slug damage outdoors. This idea is worth experimenting with but ripeness is more important for potency to prevent headaches for me.
cutting leaves off the idea is light will make the lower buds bigger or maybe up top also
People repeat themselves because there is only one answer, and you don't seem satisfied with it. Degrading others will get your thread nowhere. You could always do an experiment yourself to ease your mind. You talk much of the lack of education found in others; yet, you create more than a dozen pages for a question your youthful science teacher likely explained. Marijuana is not unique in its usage of leaves. Do some research yourself for the answers you seek. If you are looking for definitive fact, you are in the wrong place.

Consider, you belittle others for a lack of knowledge; but, it is you asking all the questions from your ignorance. I know exactly the answer you'd like to hear, but why should I share my years of research and experience with an asshole?

so it has been almost 2 weeks since I violated my plant,of coarse, it has a lot of new growth, My question for the people who do this is, Do you remove the new growth? or leave it.Pun intended.
pics coming.
Ill repost my first post, but this guy did the experiment and then tells you the yields he got from both methods. Read it!

This is a topic that the masses will never agree on, that's ok. IMO if you are "trying" to keep smaller plants and growig sog, you should definately trim the fan leaves. If you are growing larger plants, and you want multiple colas, well I still dont thinking pruning most of the fan leaves is a bad thing lol, check this thread out. It is a grow journal on another site, and the grower trims half of his crop and does not trim the other half, he basically tests the arguement for us. Well as you can see, actually ya I'll let you read it. Start from page one it's a solid journal, but on the page that I posted here he supplies pictures for you and even states himself that the plants that had their fan leaves removed are clearly not showing any signs of less bud production. At the end he compares the final harvests and you can see the results for yourself...

*I understand that this does not prove anything. I mean this is one test on one strain in one environment by one man, or woman. Who knows maybe this strain they used grows bigger without fan leaves and others do not, or maybe rmoving fan leaves does not reduce the overall size and or quality of the plant, tough question.
I think that people should grow the way that works best for them. If pulling leaves works better - pull them, if soil works better - use it, if organic is better for your growing style - so be it. Get my meaning? Lots of ways to grow - do what works best for you cause only u gotta be happy with ur results :P
leaves are basically the plants solar panels, if they're not in direct light they're not efficient but if they do get some exposure they benefit the plant. cutting off leaves isnt beneficial in most situations unless they're infected by mites, or they arent serving their purpose and getting light. removing branches towards the lower nodes redirects the energy the plant was gonna use on them, so less bud spots means less popcorn nugs and more main colas. i train for this reason, trimmin popcorn nugs just isnt worth the time. the highest point always gets more energy and nutrients, keep that in mind when training.
Jorge's whole book is a copy and paste from the now defunk OG's faq section.. they guy is ok, even better than ok.. but he is know guru...

don't believe me? check it's credits they are all handles...

Jorge's whole book is a copy and paste from the now defunk OG's faq section.. they guy is ok, even better than ok.. but he is know guru...

don't believe me? check it's credits they are all handles...


how original can you really be when it comes to grow knowledge? i mean theres a good set of facts that everyone will present, some people put it differently but it all kind of means the same shit usually. i learn good shit from cervantes' videos, easy to learn and pretty interesting(i learned about compost tea through him, at least more about it, really glad i learned about it now but theres plenty of things all of them wont tell you, such as you can add roots of any plant to add microbes to your tea, or poke holes in your soil to help your plants wick out and induce new root growth by breaking endings, etc etc.).
and i'm not saying the OG faq thread was not great, it was. but all jorge did was compile a list of facts, he did not fact check them, other than getting the "it's true" from the forum guy he took it from (I'm sure UB will jump in he has that kind of credit in the book)..

for example, he (jorge) says photo period for veg is 18-24 hours of light, but is this fact? or science as some have asked? are there any plants in "nature" (as so many people seem to like to point out) that veg at 24hrs light? what about 18? still a shit ton.. while 'real' horticolture books say nothing of the sort.. look up gas lantern tech

point isn't the info is bad, it's just that his info is regurgitate forum gossip.. take it for the same value you take anything someone says on here..
and i'm not saying the OG faq thread was not great, it was. but all jorge did was compile a list of facts, he did not fact check them, other than getting the "it's true" from the forum guy he took it from (I'm sure UB will jump in he has that kind of credit in the book)..

for example, he (jorge) says photo period for veg is 18-24 hours of light, but is this fact? or science as some have asked? are there any plants in "nature" (as so many people seem to like to point out) that veg at 24hrs light? what about 18? still a shit ton.. while 'real' horticolture books say nothing of the sort.. look up gas lantern tech

point isn't the info is bad, it's just that his info is regurgitate forum gossip.. take it for the same value you take anything someone says on here..

well all of us gotta get our info from somewhere, although i did take cervante's word i later found out plants veg just fine under 14/10. he should fix that but growth is more vigorous during 18/6 or 24/0, but these light cycles dont occur in nature so that "fact" wasn't completely true. forums are useful, although a botany major would probably help sift out the biased facts. or just experience in the field of growing, i think any grower should also grow marigolds, mint, peppers, and other plants that like the more acidic soil, they are much like mj and help deter mites as well, the more practice the better. we treat mj like someone from mars came down and planted it, it does turn out better when well taken care of but some people end up overloving them due to all of the suggestions people put on here. its not worth losing genetics over dumb mistakes, thats why i tried growing so much other shit before i really moved up to better genetics, id suggest other peoples should give it a try before they run themselves broke trying to do hydro for their first grow or something along those lines, keep it simple. im gonna try hydro soon, but i guarantee i wont be growing weed with it for my first two tries.

and shit ub had part in that? im sure he's aware veg is anywhere from 14 to 24 hours of light for mj.
well all of us gotta get our info from somewhere, although i did take cervante's word i later found out plants veg just fine under 14/10. he should fix that but growth is more vigorous during 18/6 or 24/0..

24/0 is not god for vigor. plants cadence cycles NEED a rest period. the suggestion to run 24/0 is not only wrong its detrimental to plant health. will it kill them? of course not, but you get better node spacing, healthy plant life, stronger roots, with a dark period.. I use the gas lantern tech for my veg and they blow up.. (12on-5off-2on-5off)..
24/0 is not god for vigor. plants cadence cycles NEED a rest period. the suggestion to run 24/0 is not only wrong its detrimental to plant health. will it kill them? of course not, but you get better node spacing, healthy plant life, stronger roots, with a dark period.. I use the gas lantern tech for my veg and they blow up.. (12on-5off-2on-5off)..

interesting, that sounds like itd herm them but i may look into this. in my experience it wont stress them, ive vegged plants under 24/0 for years and found growth to be faster than 18/6, 14/10, etc. mj is a c3 plant isnt it? i thought they dont need sleep.
interesting, that sounds like itd herm them but i may look into this. in my experience it wont stress them, ive vegged plants under 24/0 for years and found growth to be faster than 18/6, 14/10, etc. mj is a c3 plant isnt it? i thought they dont need sleep.

he's proving his own point, don't believe everything you read online, if it works better for you, go for it.
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