help on advanced nutrients

i am going to be starting a new grow soon and want to use advanced nutrients could someone who has used before give me a list of all the products i will be needing start to finish


Well-Known Member
Havnt used it yet but I was looking into just getting sensi a and b with some big bud, voodoo juice and overdrive if you go to their website and go to calculator they have from hobbist lvl to experienced hobbiest has like 3 additives with the exoerienced has the whole line up


Well-Known Member
Sensi A+B is great for a beginner. It's easy to use and gives good results. Only supplements I suggest are big bud and overdrive.
That is all you need for good looking plants.


Active Member
Yeah listen to SenorBrownWater man. Dont waste your money. I just got done tearing someone else up on here for Being an AN fanboy telling everyone how great they are. keep it simple. remember its a weed. treat it well and she will do you just fine. over do it and she will hate you.


Well-Known Member
i am going to be starting a new grow soon and want to use advanced nutrients could someone who has used before give me a list of all the products i will be needing start to finish
are you in hydro or soil? that will determine the additives you'll need. you can go with dyna like some of those guys suggested. if you are a new grower it will be a lot easier to get a grasp of dyna than sensi 2 part. then when you have a better hold on your plants and how they react to base and micro nutes you can switch to advanced.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
AN, 3 Part Ph Perfect, is good for a noob & hydro, and it's almost idiot proof, that's whyI use it. 12L cost me apx $100, and I use it at around 60% of the directed strength.

12L will make 5,000L of 60% nute solution.


Active Member
i am going to be starting a new grow soon and want to use advanced nutrients could someone who has used before give me a list of all the products i will be needing start to finish
I don't know where the other folks on this board are shopping because you REALLY don't need 25 bottles from AN.

I use the Hobbyist Level bundle - and that includes 5 nutrients (okay 6 if you count the grow and the bloom Sensi). That's it. Really easy, reasonably priced (for me), and works every time.

The bundle includes Sensi A&B Grow and Bloom, Voodoo Juice, Big Bud, B-52, and Overdrive.

And if you wanted to kick things up a notch, then you could go to the Expert Grower bundle, which only adds on three more nutrients - Piranha, Bud Candy (!), and Final Phase.


Well-Known Member
^^seriously ha!! but to the orginal poster using the sensi base, final flush(to clean at the end), big bud, some beneficials voodoo or piranaha tarantula, and you will be good dont add things that you dont understand how they work that helps alot too. let us know what youre actully going with so we can make sure youre not gonna have any problems..

Moon Dog

If you want to have predictable results with AN get the bigger yields system chart and run it. If you are in hydro, skip the Tarantula and Pirahna. If you are on limited funds and in dirt drop - rhino, sensizyme and tarantula. You can buy 250 ml sizes of the Tarantula, piranha, voodoo, bud ignitor, and overdrive. They make 50 gallons ea which is enough for a couple lights since they are a 2 week application. Sensi grow and bloom are good. Stay away form Connoisseur because it is strong and easy to over do it if you aren't being careful.

Advanced has made this chart easy to follow since the bases are 4ml per liter and all of the additives are 2 ml per liter so its easy to mix up. Hope that helps.


I use:
Sensi A+B
Big Bud
Bud Candy

I use a cheap silicate sold at my hydro store instead of using Rino. Works great.
You also don't need Final Phase... Just use water if you plan to flush your plants. Works just as well. There is still a lot of debate over weather flushing is necessary.


Well-Known Member
flushing on some sort of level is nesscessary in my experience anything harvested right after feeding always has a lesser taste.. but i never used flushing nutes untill lately water only works fine but if you want to feed to last week flushing will make sure smoke is still good


Well-Known Member
i used to think flushing was necessary too but then after doing some research and trying it out i think you are much better off not flushing and actually drying and curing the buds correctly. you shouldn't be feeding a heavy solution anyway the last 2 weeks of flower and then you should have 2-3 days with no water before you put your plants into 48-72 hours of darkness. this is obviously for soil. in hydro i just reduce the ppm of my solution to aroun half of what it maxed out at right up until harvest.
My bad, 12L makes 1,666L not 5,000L, sorry.
My House & Garden coco nutes makes 4000L at 3ml/L, but I usually run at 2- 2.5ml. So for about the same price i get about 4 times the mixed nutes. If they amke roots excelurator their base nutes have gotta be good to. If any i save a tonne of money.


New Member
i am going to be starting a new grow soon and want to use advanced nutrients could someone who has used before give me a list of all the products i will be needing start to finish
Hey jonny first off welcome to RIU.

AN has proven themselves without a doubt. The basic 2 or 3 part systems have everything needed for a complete grow. If you are new to growing then I would recommend either.

The 3 part, micro,grow,bloom is what I use and I have never looked at any others since. I would not recommend the jungle juice due to the fact it is basically half strength. AN has done this to compete with lower end products like Dyna-grow, Miricle grow and so on. If your on a budget then look at jungle juice it will still give you superior results when compared to other companies.

As for their additives, they all have their uses but knowing what,where,when and why. I use sensizym and cal/max in any volume and voodoo juice for my little girls. They can be rather costly but if used correctly can be very effective. My $125 bottle of voodoo has lasted for 200 girls starting off. That works out to about 6 cents a plant. Well invested money IMO.

Start slow with the basics and do some research. You will soon grow into someone with the knowledge to actually benifet from their line of goodies.

There are 2 types of people that do not like AN products, the first is just too cheap and lazy to do the work required to learn the curve and the other are just plain stupid and don't deserve the benifets of this product.

Can anyone else here show you a 1 pound plant using any other products?

I don't see any of these haters posting their pics!


Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Hey jonny first off welcome to RIU.

AN has proven themselves without a doubt. The basic 2 or 3 part systems have everything needed for a complete grow. If you are new to growing then I would recommend either.

The 3 part, micro,grow,bloom is what I use and I have never looked at any others since. I would not recommend the jungle juice due to the fact it is basically half strength. AN has done this to compete with lower end products like Dyna-grow, Miricle grow and so on. If your on a budget then look at jungle juice it will still give you superior results when compared to other companies.

As for their additives, they all have their uses but knowing what,where,when and why. I use sensizym and cal/max in any volume and voodoo juice for my little girls. They can be rather costly but if used correctly can be very effective. My $125 bottle of voodoo has lasted for 200 girls starting off. That works out to about 6 cents a plant. Well invested money IMO.

Start slow with the basics and do some research. You will soon grow into someone with the knowledge to actually benifet from their line of goodies.

There are 2 types of people that do not like AN products, the first is just too cheap and lazy to do the work required to learn the curve and the other are just plain stupid and don't deserve the benifets of this product.

Can anyone else here show you a 1 pound plant using any other products?

I don't see any of these haters posting their pics!


Good Luck
great looking plants man. gonna get a hole slew of haters in here after mentioning dyna is a cheap nute. that's my opinion but there are some shills on this site. lol.


Well-Known Member
AN is not expensive if you know what to use. The Jungle Juice micro/grow/bloom can be purchased for less than $30 for quart containers of all 3. Botanicare cal/mag $15...big bud for down the line $24...and for some carbs during mid veg-end of grow...bud candy $25 for a quart container. I have all of this and it lasts me through about 3 grows but I only grow a few plants at a time. If you do it right....nutes can cost very little. There is no need to buy the more expensive lines as this lineup will grow you big dense sticky buds every time. Don't believe me? Check out my journal ;) You can also hit up atami and request samples of bloombastic and rootbastic...and Hydroponics research will send u out a free sample of Veg+Bloom one part system...enough to last you an entire grow for 1-2 plants and you will have free nutes to grow your bud with :)


New Member
Well Ive tried pretty much every nute including said mentioned in the last 20 years and like I said proof is in the pudding!;-)


Well-Known Member
From what I gather you need apparently 4000 additives with the AN line...which kinda makes me feel like it is a rip off...I use High Nitrogen bat guano in veg, and a mish mash of samples in bloom...if it isn't hurting the plant I assume it is helping in bloom...My buds look the best when I grow them in coco with Canna nutes...
My buds look pretty much the same if I use a higher P guano, Botanicare pure blend pro soil bloom, General Organics Bio-Bloom, Veg+Bloom from hydroponic research, or any of the other things I have tried..haven't used AN since I first started...Someone on here made the AN line sound so easy and efficient...but it was not...not when you compare it with other lines...
The General Hydroponics General Organics GO Box is a great kit to start out with...unless you wanna switch to coco of course...because like I said my buds always come out the same with all the above mentioned things added...but the Coco with Canna nutes is the shit yo...for real...I feel like the Canna nutes are a little pricey, at least locally to me...I don't mind though, because I see what I am paying for...where as a lot of nutes I take continued life as having been a