Illegal Smile
Well-Known Member
It's redonkulous to think he said it on purpose.
We can remember it, doesn't mean it has to be mentioned everytime someone mentions Poland or Germany tho."Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,"
George Santayana
Concentration camp is just a "nicer" way of saying death camp.I didn't read the entire thread so I don't know if anyone already pointed it out, but, most (if not all) DEATH camps were in Poland. There is a distinction between "death camp" and "concentration camp".
So, to have a slip of the tongue and say "Polish death camps", well, isn't really that bad of a slip at all, although I could see how it may annoy the Poles a bit.
I wonder what Carne thinks of those it right, nodrama.
The most reliable numbers, historically is 5.2 million people killed directly by the deathcamp system and the other extermination programs.How is 6 million Jews a small percentage?
why you make me see al gore's dick???????do it right, nodrama.
yeah, that smear campaign worked so well in 2008, right?funny. with a telepromter, even. ever think he may have had this "accident" on purpose? the guy is anti-america. why does he block jobs? pipeline, naterual gase. and now allows our largest battery manufacture, to be bought by russia!!! holy shit! if he is re-elected, he will rampage as much as he can. he will bring down the pillars of this country, as fast as he can. and it will be scary. cause all his buddies will be rioting, and causeing all the disruption they can. what? no more free shit!? no way! america was founded on hard working the hard working people who came here. (legally, of course!) this nanny state mentalty, that our presedent encourages, must stop. heck. i was watching tv the night her told the youth to do the OCCUPIER THING!! he started it! and the liberal media is a bunch of crooks.
The Trial Attorneys Assc. is the single largest contributor to campaigns. Labor unions are also up there to, along with many other special interest groups. So it's not ALL big business.yeah the president doesnt have much power over the US. its all big business that pays and bribes congress to do whatever they want done.
Have to agree with you on this one. Who among us hasn't tasted his own foot?Meanwhile in Syria.... Really? This, is front page news? Seriously? He has a brain fart and you all are convinced it somehow invalidates his entire term in office. I thought gay guys were the drama queens.
In this case, "the Man" is a brother.No one is innocent. Leaders re-write history. In this case, Nazi is a very charged word for Germans. He won't ever refer to Nazi, Terrorist, War on Terror, on and on. This pres. has a playbook and is writing the history that will be taught to the next gen of kids in the world. It's all a big plot by the Man to keep the brothers down.
Or it could be that Obama has surrounded himself with persons chosen for their ideology rather than competence.My opinion, since his speeches are vetted completely, he did it purposely. It's about Russia and Germany. Bush gave the Poles a big standing. Obama is taking that back. These Chicago Machine types don't make mistakes like this.