Thanks for all the great info and yes I had the high dollar lights and would again if I lived in a medical state so I could sell the hell out of the bud to pay the damn light bill been there and done that I can do almost the same with cfl and sun hell if I grow enough this summer dont need to gtow this winter and thats the plan I smoke some but not a tton,,we live in the mountains so its pretty stealth here guy I am tucking them in a bunch of honey suckle and blackberry bush noone likes thorns hahahah or chiggers..just me hahah lmao oh well take a look I been growing bout 30 yrs and my topping has always done good it just takes time to get them out of the little stress but oh well then I will do the LST and some supper cropping and when this season ends hopefully blow some peoples minds what a old school dude can pull off hahaa hey I will try that charcoal..damn 600 percent is that like fish tank charcoal or bbcue charcoal/// take care and stay HIGH hell with them locusts that sucks man,,,put some soap water on them