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indy, tives, or brid

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@ hs Congrats on your male, Haha normally nobody wants a male but there is a breeding vibe going around, is this ur first male?

@ Robert she's looking good, nicely done.

@ indy the first Flo cut is poking out roots and I'll have to drive up to Denver in a week or so, I'll let you know when exactly when I find out if you wanna meet me somewhere she's yours

Yup these are my first males i moved them out to my smoke room so they can finish up and pop i cant wait
and thanks Bad Andy this Durban Heri is looking very good im starting to like her more then the afgooey
@ hs Congrats on your male, Haha normally nobody wants a male but there is a breeding vibe going around, is this ur first male?

@ Robert she's looking good, nicely done.

@ indy the first Flo cut is poking out roots and I'll have to drive up to Denver in a week or so, I'll let you know when exactly when I find out if you wanna meet me somewhere she's yours

Keep me posted bro! I will meet you anytime you can get out to Denver!
Excited to see how your breeding project goes Hotsause. The Mrs and I smoked the last of your Italian Chocolate last night and it was awesome! Robert and Sticki Fingers, your plants are looking awesome. I love the color of the Purple Widow. So frosty, so little time...
I GOT BALLS lol these little guys are showing quick i had no idea how fast males develop
i just snapped a few pics didnt pay attention to which is which


Congrats Poppa Sauce! It's a Boy!!
Germd some biodiesel and g6 last night after the hail storm! After they are through the coco I'll start posting em! Bp is da man!
Germd some biodiesel and g6 last night after the hail storm! After they are through the coco I'll start posting em! Bp is da man!

Nice! I'm stoked to see the biodiesel in action.

Speaking of hail storms, I'm glad I didn't jump the gun and do my outdoor garden yet. I think we'll see more of those hail storms in the next few weeks.
team: update on the 'other' project. i'm working on a solution with a friend, where I'll host. but it will take me a few to set it up. thanks for your patience
Fuck hail. It ruins my outdoor girls all the fucking time.... Smoking on my Korean before I go to see my Neurosurgeon, sad face...

Looking forward to the next meet up guys! Hopefully I will not be stuck on the couch from being cut open. May swing down to Denver this evening EC, call ya later today after my appts are finished around two or three.
bueno! I was gonna say, stop in afterwards. I'll be here. already pulled the CS generator out for you too. the only thing you'll need is distilled water (not de-I or super filtered. must be distilled with Zero PPM to avoid spoiling the batch and get max shelf life)
Fuck hail. It ruins my outdoor girls all the fucking time.... Smoking on my Korean before I go to see my Neurosurgeon, sad face...

Looking forward to the next meet up guys! Hopefully I will not be stuck on the couch from being cut open. May swing down to Denver this evening EC, call ya later today after my appts are finished around two or three.
Indi holla at me b4 you go so i can send some Danko 4 ec to try..
Stoner moment........ I dont know where i put my phone fyi or i would just call lol
LMAO Sause! I will try to get over there if I can manage today, gonna be busy running all over today!

Lmao yea i heard that bro im gonna try to get to sleep early so i can possibly get you some of this b4 you go if not theres always thursday :D

and on another note EC WTF this bubba like literally sucke the life out of me lmao it turns me into a lazy ass...... At first im fine but after 2-3 hours i dont want to do anything but sit and watch tv lol its perfect for my weekends and before bed but if i have to get up and do something i dont wanna i get grumpy LMAO THIS SHIT Potent creeps up on you VERY SLOW