Well-Known Member
even though im gonna post some pics because i said i would im not happy how this crop turned out. like i said before im still dialing in this strain after i recently started growing again. the plants were getting too much nutes plus i dont wanna be judged on a crop that i used dyna gro on at any point cause im noticing a big difference even at this point in the grow. i started a new crop on the 17th using the 2 part from day 1 and im confident ive finally dialed in this strain i just gotta make sure i never go above 300 ppm, not even for 1 day. i wasnt exaggerating at all before when saying this strain can barely handle any nutes. everything is going perfect with my new crop and there will be alot more pics of that when its finally done and that will be a much better representation of what i can do
don't trip bro,i would love to see some porn!i'll show ya mine if ya show me yours!