• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are there ANY Christians on RIU?


Well-Known Member
I was a Christian in my early days and I beleived what they told me and what I read. When I turned about 7-8 I realized that there wasn't a Santa and this Christ thing was also a story. I'm an athiest but understand other peoples need for religion and a belief system. We all need to realize no matter what we believe is that we treat people as they would want to be treated and stay the fuck out of other people's business even if you don't like it.


Well-Known Member
I was a Christian in my early days and I beleived what they told me and what I read. When I turned about 7-8 I realized that there wasn't a Santa and this Christ thing was also a story. I'm an athiest but understand other peoples need for religion and a belief system. We all need to realize no matter what we believe is that we treat people as they would want to be treated and stay the fuck out of other people's business even if you don't like it.
I was headed down that path myself then started reading for myself instead of just listing to others. Opened up a whole new world.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I was a Christian in my early days and I beleived what they told me and what I read. When I turned about 7-8 I realized that there wasn't a Santa and this Christ thing was also a story. I'm an athiest but understand other peoples need for religion and a belief system. We all need to realize no matter what we believe is that we treat people as they would want to be treated and stay the fuck out of other people's business even if you don't like it.
I don't care if people make me think about and question my own thoughts and ideas... the thing is, that when you attempt to help others think about and question "beliefs/faith" they get angry, and it is because they claim certainty where none can be found, which results in fallacious and contradictory thinking, which results in denial, anger, and resentment... these emotions are merely a reflection of themselves, but because they are in denial they choose to take it out on others, rather than think about wtf they are thinking about.

Talk shit about my ideas and thoughts all day long, im not going to get offended, because i claim no truth value to any of it. I'm sorry others get offended, but its their own damn fault.


Well-Known Member
We all need to realize no matter what we believe is that we treat people as they would want to be treated and stay the fuck out of other people's business even if you don't like it.
When Religion infiltrates the system like it has, it becomes a problem. It becomes my business. I really don't want members of congress to believe in Noah's ark and that the earth is 6000 years old. That makes me question their intelligence and decision making skills...

Now when it comes to everyday people, I really don't care. Believe in whatever you want to believe in. If it doesn't negatively effect my everyday life, I wont care.

jessy koons

New Member
When Religion infiltrates the system like it has, it becomes a problem. It becomes my business. I really don't want members of congress to believe in Noah's ark and that the earth is 6000 years old. That makes me question their intelligence and decision making skills...

Amen, brother.

I get very nervous when I hear of elected officials basing their decisions on some sort of faith-based nonsense. There was a time, not too long ago, when most politicians would be profoundly embarrassed to hear one of their colleagues speaking about religious concepts and their relevance to the needs of our country. Today our glorious leaders are goading each other into making more and more outlandish pronouncements with the more wacko ones receiving broader media coverage. WTF

It makes me very sad for the future of our counrty when politicians base their decisions on personal religious beliefs rather than the best interest of the citizens. This is the course of action taken in other countries and we usually label them as developing nations or 2nd or 3rd world countries. Are we devolving?



Well-Known Member
Great, another experienced post breaker upper :)

I am by far no scholar. I've said that many times. My posts have been labels many times as simply my opinion. I suggested that people look it up for themselves. I didn't say take my word for it.

Kinda harsh to be jumping in accusingly & what not. "Really? You can't find the quote but you're so sure? Sorry but Isaiah 40:22 was written in Hebrew, not Greek. They used the Hebrew word for circle (chug), i.e a flat disc, not ball or sphere (dur) The author could have easily used the Hebrew word dur, if they intended to depict the earth as a sphere. " Review the quote & I said to look it up yourself. Don't take my word for it.

You also in your post mention "This appears to be a case of the religionist trying to apply current knowledge to retroactively fit the bible. If the bible was so damn clear that the earth was a sphere, whey did religious people ignore the ancient Greeks for so long (they figured out the earth was a sphere by the scientific process, not by revelation in a book) and insist we lived on a flat plane? "

Your jumping in to a conversation that is pointing out that religious people are for the most part incorrect as to what they do in regards to God's word (the Bible). But that's ok. Glad to have another person to enjoy a good debate over these things.

Your comment of "This sounds like a made up statistic. It goes against every survey that I have ever seen. Do you have any support for this claim?" I am using knowledge based on conversations I've had with people over the years. I have no page or book I can reference.

I think your missing the point of this conversation/thread. This is not an argument or a harsh conversation. Just a couple guys discussing how they look at the universe differently. Nones trying to convert anyone. Hell, read the previous posts. I've mentioned many times that I disagree with most of what is done in God's name. My father was a pastor & I have been involved with churches, as an insider for years.

I would love to enjoy a continued debate, but please, lose the harsh tones. That's not what its about. We can agree to disagree as much as you want. I can believe that the clouds are angels & they wipe my ass for me daily & that's my right to believe that. I;m not & have not once told anyone I was correct, or "forced" my opinions on anyone. I have beliefs & I enjoy discussing them with others but in a non-insulting manner. My beliefs are not what most Christians would say are theirs,as you can read in my previous posts.

I totally agree that there is no hard & fast proof of a designer. Neither is there hard fast proof that there isn't. BOth arguments hold the same validity. I choose to believe that there was & you choose to believe there wasn't. I'm not calling you a heathen ignorant monkey lover & you're not going to call me a brainwashed, religious zealot.

If you want to join in please, feel free but under those conditions of respect & tolerance. If your going to spout militant ant-God positions please go to another thread, were having fun in the kids sandbox. Hope you stay though. HOpe you actually go back & read some of the posts. BOth myself & Heisenburg have been having some good conversation. He's made some excellent points & I've enjoyed it immensely that it hasn't gone down the path where most of these type of conversation end up. Name calling & immature posts. Its been great so far so please, & if Im wrong please tell me as I may be jumping the gun here, don't take it down that path.

Actually, I just realized that we sort of took over the poor O.P's thread.. Sorry about that. Dear OP. If you want I will certainly move to another thread. PLease let me know.

Hey... that's what Christopher Columbus did to the new world in the name of the Church!

oh shit...

Please do not take bluntness and harshness of my tone as disrespect but I am intolerant of claims made without support. Regardless of the forum or friendliness of discussion, I will be especially critical when anyone throws out a statement as if it is fact without any support. You claimed there was a quote in the bible that mentions the earth is a sphere. The most common one that Xians point to is Isaiah 40:22. I stand by what I said. I am unaware of any passage in the bible that uses a word for sphere to describe the earth. You claim to know of one but still can't seem to give me reference and tell me to look it up myself. You tell me not to take your word for it yet you can't tell me where to look it up. Come one. You want respect, than either admit that maybe you made a mistake or offer up the evidence you say is there but please don't tell me to go do your research.

Yes, I'm jumping in on the conversation. That's what happens in a public forum. When science discovers something and you go back to your religious text to look for passages that might somehow relate to the discovery and use that as evidence of hidden knowledge revealed by god, this to me is extremely disingenuous. Even other Xians on this forum have said as much. If 2000 years of reading the bible did not reveal these 'truths' then this post hoc interpretation is nothing more than trying to cover up flaws in the supposed word of god. It gets worse when the passages are read in the original language.

I have no problem with you admitting that you have no actual support for your belief that astronomers have a tendency toward theism. I did ask you for support because like I said it goes against everything I know and I know a quite a few cosmologists and astrophysicists and know of many more from their own books and comments. I also know of the studies that show a much lower level of theistic beliefs the more science education a person has with doctorates being the least theistic http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/news/file002.html
I'm curious, was these discussions with people over the years been with astronomers or other Xians making that claim? I hope you can realize that when someone makes a claim that flies in the face of everything I know, it's reasonable I make a comment. I don't have to have to adhere to any point of this conversation except to be reasonable and not make things personal. I hope you can realize I was not attacking you, only your statements. I would expect no less from you if I made an absurd claim about what Jesus said or did.

I'm not sure why you think I'm spouting militant anti-god positions by requesting that you support your claims. This is one of the tactics I see from theists frequently, complaining about the tone of the discussion when they are the ones that tend to make unsupportable claims. I am always willing to have what-if conversations. However, I am just as blunt when discussing other unsupportable claims such as alien visitation, faked moon landings, global warming conspiracy, or bigfoot and nessie. Even discussions directly with other scientists in my field, our discussions sometimes take on a tone of bitter conflict. However, we all respect and often admire one another. We never make things personal. You should watch a video of scientific proceedings one day. You might be scared a fistfight will break out. Debate can be vigorous and respectful simultaneously, that's merely the nature of argumentation. Do not take directness and brusque tone for being discourteous or impolite. I can be a puppy dog if the discussion warrants. All I ask is that you support claims when asked and acknowledge criticism to your position, either by direct rebuttal or acknowledgement that maybe you should retract your position.

As for the question of designer. You say the arguments are equally valid. I say no they are not. I think Heisenberg did a good job in post#332 to demonstrate the fallacy of that position. There is a default position that any critical thinker should take, that given anything we are investigating. You seem to want to put a designer in place in spite of not having evidence of a designer because you already believe in a god. This is not an unbiased approach to examining a specific phenomena, and therefore is not as valid as one where no extra complexities are assumed. We have come up with ways to explain how something can appear designed without a designer. Adding a stipulation that there was indeed a designer requires support as it is adding an unnecessary component. Again. Just because I am critical of your thought process does not mean I am implying you are in any way foolish or stupid. I merely want to point out possible errors in your position and hopefully you will reflect on them and either acknowledge them or give a reason why I am wrong. This is the nature of debate. I hope you can understand my position, and I am more than happy to expand on anything that I said that doesn't make sense or you think is in error. In fact, I prefer to be shown why I'm wrong. I am always looking to improve my knowledge and I have found debate to be a good way to expose my own inadequacies in thinking.


Active Member
wow you guys,... wow. im christian btw. but im not going to make any statements to cause a ridiculous argument. just try to be open minded guys. really.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
wow you guys,... wow. im christian btw. but im not going to make any statements to cause a ridiculous argument. just try to be open minded guys. really.
Your ancestors werent christian... They knew what was up, free of disease and everything... Then some dirty fuckn white christians came and gave us diseases and raped our culture and took our land in exchange for fire water!... Just a little history lesson for ya xD


Well-Known Member
Your ancestors werent christian... They knew what was up, free of disease and everything... Then some dirty fuckn white christians came and gave us diseases and raped our culture and took our land in exchange for fire water!... Just a little history lesson for ya xD
Wow, the Chief actually articulated a point. Praise Jesus!

Even in the initial stages of contact the
attitude towards the Indians was that of Christian superiority.

The Indians were read a proclamation in Spanish which they had no hope of

"We ask and require you to acknowledge the church as the ruler and
superior of the whole world and the high priest called pope and in his
name the king of Spain as lords of this land. If you submit we shall
receive you in all love and charity and shall leave you, your wives and
children and your lands free without servitude, but if you do not submit
we shall powerfully enter into your country and shall make war against
you, we shall take you and your wives and your children and shall make
slaves of them and we shall take away your goods and shall do you all
the harm and damage we can."


Well-Known Member
Your ancestors werent christian... They knew what was up, free of disease and everything... Then some dirty fuckn white christians came and gave us diseases and raped our culture and took our land in exchange for fire water!... Just a little history lesson for ya xD
Holy shit. +rep Chief!


Well-Known Member
We r sitting here letting non-Christians shit all over our faith, in their lack thereof... So, if the thought of eternal damnation for their unrepented sins and life of Godlessness upsets them THIS much- to have 350+ posts on here, then there MUST be something to it... Why else would it bother them so much? Just sayin'...
??? I don't understand your point. Why would you judge my beliefs? Am I not staunch enough? You want strict? I don't get your point.

OH well. ITs ok.. I wont lose any sleep over it. I wasn't trying to start an argument. Just stating my opinion. If you disagree that's ok. I have no issues at all.

Enjoy the buds of the day & I hope you find what your looking for in life & I hope you will experience what I have. If not, that's ok too.

Grumble grumble. Bitching about someone's beliefs is like complaining that they like chocolate ice-cream, because you don't like it. You don't have to eat it. Everyone can have whatever type of ice cream they want. We'll all find out at the end what the best kind was. :)

Good luck


Well-Known Member
You assume religion bothers us. The cults get bothered. Bound in their un-questioning damnation for us. We all seem pretty free thinking. We are questioning your faith. This is my duty as a thinking human with compassion. The fallback for religion, is to take offense. Seems a rather fragile faith.


Well-Known Member
U know nothing of faith, or of God... Dont talk to me about what u believe it should be... God, nor His followers wants damnation for anyone... If He wouldn't have given His only Son to be slain, and become the perfect sacrifice for us all, then we would ALL be headed for hell, or eternal separation from God... I dont wish damnation on anyone... U should check your own ignorant beliefs before u come bashing mine... Or as a wise man once said, "You better chiggety check yourself, before you wreggety wreck yourself..."


Well-Known Member
U know nothing of faith, or of God... Dont talk to me about what u believe it should be... God, nor His followers wants damnation for anyone... If He wouldn't have given His only Son to be slain, and become the perfect sacrifice for us all, then we would ALL be headed for hell, or eternal separation from God... I dont wish damnation on anyone... U should check your own ignorant beliefs before u come bashing mine... Or as a wise man once said, "You better chiggety check yourself, before you wreggety wreck yourself..."
Well, there you have it. Total conDAMMnation for a person you don't even know. I know nothing of your cult because I don't beleve in the cult. If I believe in the cult then I have fear of your damnation. And then the implied threat of damnation at the end. In the middle is the butt sandwich. We don't really want to damn you, buttttttttt....

BTW, "he gave his son to be slain" is not a fact and was not postulated by Jesus. More Cult logic.

I fear no evil, as I am quite comfortable with my growing Knowledge of Self.


Well-Known Member
We r sitting here letting non-Christians shit all over our faith, in their lack thereof... So, if the thought of eternal damnation for their unrepented sins and life of Godlessness upsets them THIS much- to have 350+ posts on here, then there MUST be something to it... Why else would it bother them so much? Just sayin'...

not this bullshit reasoning again??? come on seriously???

attention atheists dont waste your time arguing with superstitious people... it'll save you alot of grief... its like a geographer trying to have a conversation and explain that the earth is a sphere with a "flat earther"...

its just fucking stupid...

enjoy this vid... btw ;)



Well-Known Member
We r sitting here letting non-Christians shit all over our faith, in their lack thereof... So, if the thought of eternal damnation for their unrepented sins and life of Godlessness upsets them THIS much- to have 350+ posts on here, then there MUST be something to it... Why else would it bother them so much? Just sayin'...
Proof of God #129

(1) If God really doesn’t exist than atheists wouldn’t spend so much time talking about him.
(2) [Atheist says anything]
(3) Therefore, God exists.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...you know what's kind of funny? I've been a 'believer' my whole life and not once did I look at an atheist sideways. The whole debate is comical when you really think about it. Lots of assumptions - on both sides. (assumptions - :lol: )

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Your ancestors werent christian... They knew what was up, free of disease and everything... Then some dirty fuckn white christians came and gave us diseases and raped our culture and took our land in exchange for fire water!... Just a little history lesson for ya xD
fuck yeah!

i come from celtic and pagan blood .... im with you on this one my kneegrow!


Well-Known Member
attention atheists dont waste your time arguing with superstitious people... it'll save you alot of grief... its like a geographer trying to have a conversation and explain that the earth is a sphere with a "flat earther"...

I don't see it a waste of time or gathering any grief. I'm not an atheist, so I don't take the position of no god, I take the position of know now. It requires a big effort to be NOW.

If one can be now then one will know. Those that don't know, argue theology and the interpretations of seers. Where has gone the basic "know thyself?"