The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh i know its rwd..

your talking to a drift nut.... had a load of twincams and skylines, had an sr86 for long time also...


Well-Known Member
mechanic 4 last 16 years and hav been drivin a van for last 12 like 2 turn a few quid but would not be a drifter type more a dirty cun; lol
interested only in profit. worked wit a lads who had silvas some machine to ring lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nothing compares to a 4age screaming its little heads off, full tilt on a few corners.....

fuck this turbo shite,,,,,,,,,hee hee hee...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
also... i am in week 5 flower (i think), just started upping nutes, so far have gave them one upped feed from 50% to 60/70% flower, 10% veg nutes and about a litre each of water, next feed is today but thats just a watering, so next i plan to feed with nutes i plan on same mixture but feed after to up flower nutes too 100% with no veg nutes and up water to 2 litres each by them too.......

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
what you think of feeding with the fish stuff har? its ground up fish or something, stinks but supposed to be great for them...

was it lu that mentioned it the other eve?

and yes pictures please, i likes pic`s........


Well-Known Member
Heres the pic for you jingle, think I'm getting close now, starting to see a few cloudy trichs. It's still not packing on any weight though. I think it is because it is supposed to be grown in 18 hour light periods and it's been on 12/12 for the last 6 weeks. I hope I can pull a decent harvest out of this, last time I am going to grow with coco though, watering twice a day is a pain in the ass.



Well-Known Member
Also I am now a big fan of supercropping, the buds I supercropped all turned out to be quite a bit bigger than the ones I didn't. Going to use some supercropping in a scrog for the next grow and I predict the results will be a mind boggling yield.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Also I am now a big fan of supercropping, the buds I supercropped all turned out to be quite a bit bigger than the ones I didn't. Going to use some supercropping in a scrog for the next grow and I predict the results will be a mind boggling yield.



Well-Known Member
morning lads, waiting on my ph meter that should be here today if theres any god, very board at the min watching old tv shows all day and smoking joints cause i have nothing at all to do

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning lads, waiting on my ph meter that should be here today if theres any god, very board at the min watching old tv shows all day and smoking joints cause i have nothing at all to do

same here mate... house cleaned, kids room done, they have even had a bath...

nothing to do now for the day, thankfully tho theres snooker at 2 so that`ll kill a few hours...


Well-Known Member
Oh and the top buds which have been exposed to the most light are turning purple, some of them are already purple all the way through, so pretty sexy looking. I've planned out my new grow which is critical jack, dwc with ionic nutes, fill up that scrog screen and pull at least 10 oz from it. No less will be acceptable.


Well-Known Member
may get myself a jewelers loupe or something now that you mention it iam, whats the ideal magnification?
I have a 30x and a 60x, 30x is pretty useless for seeing the heads of the trichs. I would get a 100x for some really nice clear trich vision, but 60x will do as well.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

sound, i`ll have to get my hands on one, soon too, i`d say i have only 3 or 4 weeks left on my girls....

anyone else heard of cutting out another 30 mins of light in the last 3 weeks to improve the weight of the flowers? read it somewhere on here i think.......