The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
its not until you hand over 100 euro for 4 grams of weed that you start to see how much cash my plant is worth each time and how much better quality it is, ill never stop growing even if i was to be caught or threatened with jail


Well-Known Member
its not until you hand over 100 euro for 4 grams of weed that you start to see how much cash my plant is worth each time and how much better quality it is, ill never stop growing even if i was to be caught or threatened with jail
I don't even think of my plants as being worth anything cash wise tho, sometimes when you'd give a bit to someone they're like "are you sure, that's like €100 worth?!" and I'm like "yeah whatever".

Other people treat it like gold, I treat it like tea bags...and in that case I love a good cuppa ;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
supping on one fresh this minute, and about to roll a spliff for the last few frames, sending her in for few bags of plaster and i`ll do the two walls in the sitting room later....

(got the good sex last night, have to pay in kind)..hahahahaha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i look at my plants like..."wonder how long i`ll be stoned on this lot"....

cash never comes into it, unless i`m thinking of the money i`m saveing....


Well-Known Member
i look at my plants like..."wonder how long i`ll be stoned on this lot"....

cash never comes into it, unless i`m thinking of the money i`m saveing....
Wait till its in jars, I sat on the edge of the couch with like 6 of them around me one day and just cherry picked what I wanted and smoked out (no family commitments for 1 whole day made it so).

When you do have loads and you're smoking with people it's hard to bite the tongue and not say you grew it. That pride is a hard lump to learn to swallow.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wouldn`t have anyone here to see it to be honest har, i live in the country, family live half hour drive away and same with friends, so very rare we get visitors, as there too lazy to drive out and home.....

i like it like that tho, kinda a loner, always worked in hustle and bustle, i like the quiet...

but i can`t wait to have a few jars to choose from, think thats what were all after really, the knowing that you always have a few spliffs for the evening, when all the chores of the day are done we can chill with a spliff..

not alot to ask for in this world...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its not until you hand over 100 euro for 4 grams of weed that you start to see how much cash my plant is worth each time and how much better quality it is, ill never stop growing even if i was to be caught or threatened with jail
after the hardships of it so far, with the kid and all..... no i`ll keep at it too, the financial benefits of the cash i`ll save will benefit my family to no end, not that i`m a greedy sod that spent my cash on smoke but it still takes a chunk out of the little we do have just for a relaxer for the wife and i.........


Well-Known Member
Evening ror, and lads. Hows things tonight. Kids in bed match on joint smoked first cuppa of the night down haha lifes good at the moment haha

here lads do u think i would have to repot tonight i would i be able to leave it till tomorrow, would tjere ne much root growth over night out of the root plug.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah, i`d still say you`ll get away with it....

the two i had in pots for summer are gone, thrown away i mean, never got over the hail the other day....

going to pop the seeds i got off rory tomorrow... by the way are they fem`d or reg seeds dude????
Hi all, new to this site. Started my first home grow with 4 easy ryders 56 days ago. They are under 250 lamp in plagron soil, royalty mix and i am feeding them green sensation and alga bloom with every watering. Have you guys any advice on when to harvest them? As you can see two of them are much smaller than the other two. Should I harvest all at the same time or leave the smaller two to grow for longer. Would be grateful for any help:weed:Rob1.jpgRob2.jpgRob4.jpgRob5.jpgRob7.jpg



Well-Known Member
tHey, welcome. I'd say you are probably looking at least 4 more weeks on the more developed one, Probably longer for the others


Well-Known Member
I just got up off my lazy ass and it only took me 10 mins and job done.

On another note am getting worried about my flowering girl. The buds seem to be comeing along very slow. Forgot to bring my camera up to take a pic.ror you started flowering same time as me, have u any recent pics