I went on the worst date ever

and it was terrible.

The list goes:
1. Picked me up in a car that had no ac, and the passenger seatbelt didnt work.
2. Looked nothing like he was supposed to
3. Awkward
4. He didnt talk to me really except for a few attempts that ended badly.
5. Made me pay for my ticket even though he was the one who asked me out.
6. Picked me up hella early so I had to sit with him in an empty theater for 40 mins before the movie started, which was broken up by him looking up awkward jokes that were derogatroy towards both men and women
7. when he took me home, he gave me a dirty ass pillow pet, saying it was the nicest he could find. which was a nice gesture, but its really fucking dirty.
8. Then as soon as I got in the house he asked me if i thought we had a chance together.

The only saving grace was he was kind, just misguided, intense, and ugly.
Like seriously, I didnt think he was attractive before, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but when you show up and you cant even close your mouth thats how crooked your teeth are, and you got what looks like an underbite that transfixes your face into a snarl, i cant do it.

Hopefully next time I go on a date with a guy it will go better. I was so happy he didnt make a move on me

My Analysis:

1. Okay sketchy but overlookable, sometimes people have shit cars and can't help it.
2. I hate that but you can't win em all, so I'd have to let this one slide too, as it's not his fault he was misrepresented.
3. As an extremely awkward person I know about this, I usually try to stay social though and poke fun at my awkwardness which usually helps me be less awkward. I'm guessing he didn't do that.
4. Communication is key on a date, silent = creepy in my book unless it's clearly a shy cute thing going on.
5. This is a big no-no for me, I always pay for my date, ALWAYS. I have a girlfriend and I still fight with her to pay. I dunno why I just feel as the guy this is my deal unless I'm hurtin bad.
6. Not cool
7. A present on the first date when you've never met seems a bit odd, the fact it's dirty seems even worse. Most girls that I know of would rather get nothing than something gross, or would give a polite thanks but refuse it.
8. Wow. Not on a first date and kinda weird anyway.

Sounds like a net loss to me. When approaching these situations I try to remind myself there's someone out there that doesn't mind the things that bother me, and that the date would be better suited with someone who won't be bothered by it so badly, rather than try to overlook things that I know deep down I can't.
He probally hadn't been on many dates and was nervous as hell. "Looking up jokes on his phone" wow. Set up dates never go well for me. I like guys who don't fuck around with me and are incredibaly direct and aggresive, but can be nice and smooth at the same time. Probally why I'm single lol :D
I've bee that guy, without the bad jokes and pathetic do we have a chance moment.. Drunk at a party and decided to take this girl out on a date, she was fine as could be but just personality wise so plastic and barbie.. I couldn't take it hah. I rolled a wood that shut her the fuck up and just got it over with..
and it was terrible.

The list goes:
1. Picked me up in a car that had no ac, and the passenger seatbelt didnt work.
2. Looked nothing like he was supposed to
3. Awkward
4. He didnt talk to me really except for a few attempts that ended badly.
5. Made me pay for my ticket even though he was the one who asked me out.
6. Picked me up hella early so I had to sit with him in an empty theater for 40 mins before the movie started, which was broken up by him looking up awkward jokes that were derogatroy towards both men and women
7. when he took me home, he gave me a dirty ass pillow pet, saying it was the nicest he could find. which was a nice gesture, but its really fucking dirty.
8. Then as soon as I got in the house he asked me if i thought we had a chance together.

The only saving grace was he was kind, just misguided, intense, and ugly.
Like seriously, I didnt think he was attractive before, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but when you show up and you cant even close your mouth thats how crooked your teeth are, and you got what looks like an underbite that transfixes your face into a snarl, i cant do it.

Hopefully next time I go on a date with a guy it will go better. I was so happy he didnt make a move on me

Welcome to life... you can get this guy who is nice and shy or you can go back to the guy with the polished unit.
You should be glad ... He could have been dashingly handsome, confident, intellectual, socially adept, and well versed in talking to women... Then the list would have been something like:
"He picked me up early, and had a flower -- how creepy! Dude brings flowers on a first date?
Talked about himself, and kept asking personal questions about me! He was creepy!
Thought he knew everything, and the way he wore his hair, so arrogant.
I think the guy was a player and just trying to get in my pants, he kept saying things to me..."

Preconceived misconceptions, or preconceived notions about how the date will go can (and do) taint how things really go...

So, did you suggest a bite to eat, since you were 40 minutes early? Did you ask him about his phone (to distract him from his social awkwardness) or did you just leave him flounder, and constantly think "what a loser?" We used to open doors for ladies, pay for their ticket, pay for their dinner, bring flowers, as about them and what they want out of life, what their hobbies are... (some of us still do, we just don't date women who expect that, and then call us, or treat us like we're, arrogant, chauvinistic, know-it-alls...) So, he wasn't your "Prince Charming" ... Did you at least try to have fun? Or, did you base your entire evening on first appearance, get guarded and answer his questions with short little snips that put him on edge? It sounds like he's socially awkward, and you are nervous and way too demanding. You don't have to 'date' someone just because you go on a date with someone... You can have fun, talk, and get to know each other, become "friends." It would help both of you practice dating situations, so maybe the next time either of you gets a date, you aren't so judgmental, and he's not so socially awkward...

Not trying to be down on ya' ... Just saying, it's not only his "fault" that things went badly. Sounds like you both are inexperienced in the dating department, and it went badly because of expected societal situations. (Cars break, costs money to fix them, guys are afraid of being labeled "pigs" so they don't do things like open doors or pay for tickets, and, we're constantly told that we should give gifts to show affection, but, unless a guy has been in the situation before, he doesn't really know the whens and whats of giving those gifts.)
1. Picked me up in a car that had no ac, and the passenger seatbelt didnt work.
Uhh… this bitch didn’t even put any make up on. At least I can save some gas by turning off the ac.
2. Looked nothing like he was supposed to
Damn those drinks were strong and the club was dark as hell the other night.
3. Awkward
[FONT=&amp]Do I really want to do this?[/FONT]
4. He didnt talk to me really except for a few attempts that ended badly.
Not really…
5. Made me pay for my ticket even though he was the one who asked me out.
Wtf are you staring at? Get that pocket book out woman.
6. Picked me up hella early so I had to sit with him in an empty theater for 40 mins before the movie started, which was broken up by him looking up awkward jokes that were derogatroy towards both men and women
Thought it would be nice to have a chance to talk before the movie, but she has the intellectual capacity of a 2 year old.
7. when he took me home, he gave me a dirty ass pillow pet, saying it was the nicest he could find. which was a nice gesture, but its really fucking dirty.
Are those bags and crows feet under your eyes? You look like you could use a rest.
8. Then as soon as I got in the house he asked me if i thought we had a chance together.
So you didn’t like my jokes before??? How about this one?
I was so happy he didnt make a move on me
Wouldn't even take a blumpkin from you.
What a shitty date. Be thankful you didn't give your virginity to that loser, just for the sake of "getting your cherry popped." Or some infected man-whore. Seriously, my girl was a virgin until she met me, and it means a lot more to me knowing that. It wasn't fair to her that I already had experience, but she was getting advice from cousins and friends who weren't really experienced anyway, and she's learned so much that now she's giving them advice. Or rather, I'm giving them advice through her. Basic things like best lube to use (10:1 watered-down KY in a pump bottle) and best angles... I can go on but I'll save that. I have no idea what you look like Urca, but you're skinny and freckled so thats gotta be good. Definitely don't settle for just any guy, you will regret giving it away. Its most often the first that will completely suck and the second will be the guy you want, so just hold out for the guy you want. Don't take these manwhores advice. Figure out what you like, figure out how to pleasure yourself the best way you can and continually improve on that. As I say, nobody does Me like ME. ;)
The reason I say don't take these manwhores advice is because they're biased because they just want to get their little dicks wet in you, or boost their own ego, or both.
Oh, btw, what ever happened with that guy who really liked you and made you feel so happy as to make a thread about it? He wants to be your boyfriend, and you wanna take your time and do it right, yet your on a date with some stranger?
Oh, btw, what ever happened with that guy who really liked you and made you feel so happy as to make a thread about it? He wants to be your boyfriend, and you wanna take your time and do it right, yet your on a date with some stranger?

It sounds like it was the same guy... he REALLY let her down. Urca, just go to a mall and walk around, wait in a line or something, behind some cute guy, and say Hi! and take it from there. Try not to be too aggressive. If he writes you off as just an ego-stroke then forget that loser. Guys often act like that because they really believe they *have* to act like that to continue getting attention. They most often become abusive types, too. You really don't want to be in that situation some day.
Ah, so by he last thread when she said she'd met a guy she literally meant she was talking to someone online? Does sound like it might be the same person, she did say he wasn't attractive in the other thread as well, except in that thread she sais that that doesn't matter :/ :D
And the worst part is that your cousin thinks you two are a good match, he is saying you are equal to some dipshit with teeth so bad he could eat an apple thru a tennis racket. Why do people set you up with some one that are never your type? I hate that.
He probally hadn't been on many dates and was nervous as hell. "Looking up jokes on his phone" wow. Set up dates never go well for me. I like guys who don't fuck around with me and are incredibaly direct and aggresive, but can be nice and smooth at the same time. Probally why I'm single lol :D

If that's your pic, how the hell are you single??... :shock:...you ladies are dating the wrong guys!....and some of the overly defensive guys on here have me rolling....it seems as though a few people take this one very personally! ;-)
Sorry for your bad date Urca!
... some dipshit with teeth so bad he could eat an apple thru a tennis racket.

ROTFLMAO. Hey Buds whats with that other guy using your pic with less than 100 posts over in General? "Holding a gun to your head" pic.. just looked it up, account is wizzhead. Pretty sure thats your pic.