Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?


Basically I've had problems with depression and stuff for years now, and I've been smoking weed for around 5 years.

I have a massive problem. Buds are my favourite thing in the world. The way they make me feel, the way they smell, the way they look, the way the burn in my bong.. I just love everything about them!

Here is the iussue, if I smoke weed on one little night session I will basically sleep all day for a week. After about 2 weeks I can get my sleep pattern back but it's been a long time since I've gone 2 weeks without a smoke..

Because of sleeping all the time I get really depressed, I can't work because I can't get up, I can't go to college, I can't even hold down a girlfriend! So I'm constantly piss poor, and depressed.

I've been on and off of fluoextine (better known as Prozac). I took myself off the meds because I really wasn't feeling any difference other than that it completely killed my sex drive like a stone :|

What can I do!?!? I just really can't take it anymore! Why does the one thing I love so dearly in life have to fuck me up so majorly?? :sad:

Give me your opinions guys, could really use them..
Well you could stop smoking, or you could will yourself to get up. Not the answer you want to hear, but apparently you cant have it both ways. I find it a bit strange that you are affected for a whole week from just smoking for a night...but hey I'm no expert. Pretty simple man, force yourself to get up or stop smoking until you know you can handle it. Honestly, is it really that hard to just wake up?
its not the bud u should be blaming its the reasons ur smoking the bud that you should look at more closely
smoking pot is not the problem - you just think it is.

I've smoked pot a long time - never had a problems getting up for work. I've even went to school and worked at the same time.

I agree that you're just lazy.
Your symptoms of sleeping for days are Symptoms of depression.....not smoking dope. Try another doctor or a different anti-depressant
Laziness doesn't even come into it! I'll admit I am lazy, but I simply can't wake up. Don't bother telling me to set alarms because I do, in 5 minute intervals from 6am to 6pm. I went to sleep last night at 7:30am, woke up a 8:30pm - That's not normal.

No doctor will help me because I smoke weed. They just want to send me to drug conselling with fucking crack addicts and dope junkies!

And to all those flaming me - Go fuck yourselves :) you are not true smokers if you can't even give me some fucking compassion, I've pushed myself to the edge of suicide because of this and I just want help
Totally agree! This is sound advice.

This is what I thought, but I stopped smoking weed for 3 weeks - Felt great, was waking up every morning at 6:30 and was genuinely enjoying life! Then my brother went out and came back with his grinder full of crystals.. We smoked those, got high as a kite and then things went back to what they were like before.

Doctors won't help me. Last time I went to the doctor she just told me the same old shit, telling me i've gotta quit the weed, set alarms ect. ect. - But I don't want to quit!
Ideas to help: get a dog, grow a garden, grow MJ, get another hobby that would can get you outside in daytime. Once your body gets used to waking up, you can do it automatically without alarms.
Sometimes what we like/love is not good for us. If it feels great when you don't smoke for weeks and you sleep for days when you do.

Isn't the answer clearly in front of your face?
Just get up and do something. Think of how fun it would be to get up in the morning high as fuck and take on the world. Start by going for a walk or listening to music- dance a little bit or jump around the house. Then do things that are more active. Outside is a great place to be stoned. Get a hobby! START A GARDEN! its the perfect time of year to grow anything you like.

Fuck sleeping all day. Ill be 69 years old this year and still get stoned and go for a bicycle ride around town at least once a week.

Weed should not make you sleep that much. If it does you need to either stop smoking or try a new strain. Make sure you get a sativa with no amber trichomes or something.

Just get out of bed, man. Life is short. Trust an old man.

Be kind.
If you're going to ignore your doctors advice, then why take our advice? If you are suicidal, stop smoking weed and seek professional help, listen to them and get your life under control. Maybe smoking weed isn't for you right now. Listen to your doctor or get a second opinion.
People - Could it be the way I smoke my weed? Because I'm 18 and don't work I always mix my weed with tobacco - I always have and genuinely prefer the taste.

I don't really smoke cigarettes though, I normally just use my old bong and shoot a bowl full of rolling tobacco, I do that at least 40 times in a full day..

I know smoking 'bacci bongs' as I call them can't be good for me, but could combining the two possibly have some kind of adverse affect on my body?

Just curious.. I never have enough weed to smoke blunts and puree's so I mix, and like I said I prefer the taste (somehow)
just wake the fuck up and handle your buisness for the day in other words man up

Go away. Your piss poor advice isn't fucking needed here. You think I'd be whining about this on the forum just because I want to?? This is a serious issue and effects my day-to-day life! So if you've got nothing constructive to say please leave.

I'm not an agressive or nasty person, I'm only 18 for christs sake - I just get annoyed with snide comments like that, because I wouldn't have lived the last 5 years of my life sleeping all the time and when I'm not sleeping being a depressed wreck. This is no way to live a life, I want to be doing things but I just can't! Although it seems everyone just thinks I'm lazy which I was expecting.
No, smoking tobacco and weed is not the problem. You're only 18. You're young. Lay off the pipe and get things together. If you're suicidal, get help.
it seem like ppl use depression now a days to be bums and not do shit with there lifes your 18 life cant be that bad like i said just man up and make shit happen instead of bitching about it you dont like what i have to say keep it moving lol