World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i hate paying full price for anything. always have done.
before this week only seeds i brought was a 5 pack budha bublelious which i killed in green house and a ten pack dodgy seeds of bublegum which 2 out 2 ent lived so far haha and i was brought them by mrs at dam market dirt cheap.
everything else ive grown has been a gift
scotia i rented adjustment bureau. will see if any good soon

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u chilling on the heavy nights? on something lil less strong now?
next tues alright fella, u visitin family/friends out there or just lil traveling?


Well-Known Member
u chilling on the heavy nights? on something lil less strong now?
next tues alright fella, u visitin family/friends out there or just lil traveling?
i got some VERY rich friends over there m8 i aint paying for the ticket lool and wont be paying for fuck all lololol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u out weed and hash?
ent drinking with it dangerous? heath ledging style??
haha sis doing it works well. u gotta sort her out bit for the trouble no doubt


Well-Known Member
nice, she no wot she doing?
th kush turn up? u been on th hash last week?
shes a clever girl and imo u gotta be a fucking div if u carnt grow weed it too easy, coming 2mora morning for some training.

nar the kush aint shown up but it was being sent to the ex address so fuck nos if shes had it?

nar mate no smoke 2night m8 let me down well he aint got a car 2night so carnt really say let down, i dont pay its all free hes still a let down cunt tho lolol