Over 13,000 Veterans to March on the GOP Convention in Support of Dr Paul


New Member
In Flordia there is a march planned on the GOP convention where over 13,000 veterans and active duty military will be a holding a march in support of Dr Paul. See you there maybe?



Well-Known Member
Obama and Romney the best bought and paid for shills that special interests have to offer.


Active Member
I hope they like pepper spray, sound cannons, tear gas and all the other goodies the boys in blue like to use on peaceful protesters.


Well-Known Member
Says the "Libertarian" that supports Obama. LOL. Come join us we would love to have you.
First off, Libertarian is not Right Wing, this new incarnation of it is a perversion.

Secondly, I still like RP because of the individual liberty promises. I implore you to look at his "Free-Market" ideas more critically. You have to be able to criticize your candidate, otherwise you are sheeple. Don't buy into any of the candidates with such tunnel vision. Ron Paul is better than other candidates, he is not the messiah.


Well-Known Member
First off, Libertarian is not Right Wing, this new incarnation of it is a perversion.

Secondly, I still like RP because of the individual liberty promises. I implore you to look at his "Free-Market" ideas more critically. You have to be able to criticize your candidate, otherwise you are sheeple. Don't buy into any of the candidates with such tunnel vision. Ron Paul is better than other candidates, he is not the messiah.
Oh I have, Econ major here. Have read Von Mises, Keynes, Hayek etc... The free market breeds minimum corruption compared to whatever the fuck we have today. Regulations are a weapon for corporations, lets disarm them. How can you expect regulators to regulate themselves?


Well-Known Member
Oh I have, Econ major here. Have read Von Mises, Keynes, Hayek etc... The free market breeds minimum corruption compared to whatever the fuck we have today. Regulations are a weapon for corporations, lets disarm them. How can you expect regulators to regulate themselves?
Have you read Marx?


Well-Known Member
Have you read Marx?
Yah it was interesting and I think regulations make his conclusion possible. One of the problems that he doesn't mention with his theory on all sectors becoming monopolies is that new firms can enter markets. However with regulations, corporations can create barriers to entry into markets and achieve their sector takeover. Without government intervention, it would be difficult for them to do so.


New Member
Ofcourse he read marx, hes going to state college for econ, every time I see him he is reading some commy book that they are shoving down his throat lol


Well-Known Member
Regulations make Laissez fair possible also. Particularly patents. So many patents are being awarded for genetic traits. This is my main beef with capitalism. That and the planned obsolescence and inefficiency. I'm not going to get into criticizing Paul. I prefer him and plan to vote for him. I just want people to be critical.

You know more about economics than I do so I'm losing this debate, but from what I can see, the super power with the socialist economy is doing much better than the other super power. Furthermore, I'm not an all the way socialist. I only oppose the private ownership of natural resources and I happen to be very good at investing. We certainly have a Bourgeois 1% and a Proletariat 99% in this country. It seems to me unjust that the aristocracy can relax since they own, while the rest toil just to get by with debt to income ratio. I think we agree that corruption is the problem though, so I'll focus on that and concede your authority in the debate. Maybe you could even convince me that private ownership of natural resources and means of production is a good thing.

Your signature is cultish though.


Well-Known Member
Monsanto is certainly a problem, patenting GMO's is frightening to say the least and their lawsuits should not be holding up in court. Natural resources are certainly a tricky issue. For example, the bottled water companies making massive profits through privatization while sucking resources dry with no financial repercussions is sickening. However, these problems can be stopped by consumers. Water is now both a public good and a private good, therefore we have a say in whether or not these companies prosper. We as consumers make the choice to support these bottled water companies or genetically modified foods. I believe the reason we continue to support goods produced by companies like Nestle and Monsanto is lack of information. In a free society transparency and participatory citizens is absolutely necessary. A lot of problems in my view lead back to the media. The lack of information is what is hurting us. If the media were to shed light on these issues I think these companies would lose a majority of their customers. With huge drops in television ratings and increases in use of the internet, I believe outlook is good as these issues come to light more and more through freedom of information. In a free society relevant and truthful information is crucial, which is why media is the only sector protected by the bill of rights.

Marx was undoubtedly a very intelligent person, but like most scholars was taken out of context. Marx was never opposed to Capitalism, he saw it as a necessary step towards a Utopian Marxist society and he has yet to be proved wrong.

You should never assume that people with degrees are more knowledgeable than you. Most people could give a shit less about their areas of study, its all about the money and expectations of attaining higher education for a lot of people. Passion is what drives true knowledge and understanding, especially with social sciences such as economics. Wisdom comes from passion to learn. I still have a lot to learn but I have the passion to do so and it seems you do as well.

My signature makes people very angry and I actually changed it before RIU was hacked. After the site was restored it returned to this sig, which noticeably makes people very hostile towards me. I like to see people jump to conclusions so I have not changed it. Believe me I do question Ron Paul's ideas frequently. With the staunch opposition that I receive on my 'extremist' Capitalistic views I question my political and economic beliefs daily. But I always come to the same conclusion, freedom has its flaws, but is the best solution from my view and I will continue to fight for it. :bigjoint: