
well this is the thread to ask anything about hydroponics so heres my question(s)...

Why grow hydroponically? what advantages are you getting that make it worth the extra expense and effort?
I will assume you get a typically bigger yeild over growing with dirt. How should one grow setup done with dirt compare to an identical setup that uses hydroponics in respect to yeild, plant vigour, quality of smoke and so on.

I hope this isnt the thousandth time youve heard this question :)
well this is the thread to ask anything about hydroponics so heres my question(s)...

Why grow hydroponically? what advantages are you getting that make it worth the extra expense and effort?
I will assume you get a typically bigger yeild over growing with dirt. How should one grow setup done with dirt compare to an identical setup that uses hydroponics in respect to yeild, plant vigour, quality of smoke and so on.

I hope this isnt the thousandth time youve heard this question :)
honestly, I'm sure they have heard it, but with that said, they probably won't hear it this time, this thread has been stickied and I don't think anyone really keeps up with it anymore, If your looking for an answer, you might start a thread on it perhaps?

I'm completely new to this but I wanted to start my first grow wit the flood and drain system and very exited but there are a few questions I still have:

1. Is it possible to start a normal grow from seed with this system?
2. How often and for how long should I flood?
3. For a closet grow is it usually enough with the water that circulates in this system to get enough humidity? (medium size closet 130x80x60 = 4'2'' x 2'6" x 1'9")

Thank you in advance!
U have a five gallon bucket, a pump and a bubbler for oxygen, and some of those rounds rocks,as well as a mesh pot, but I am considering coconut fibre.
Have no clue on what to do from here. Help anyone?
I'm grateful your satisfied with your buy barberberryfarm. But when it comes to retail developed hydroponic techniques there are two concerns, price, and customizability. If your willing to bargain on both number, excellent. The produce created cash. I still don't know why you would invest so much cash for something you could have quickly developed yourself. I can only believe it was because time is cash, and you must create more investing your some time to effort doing other elements.
I'm not sure what occurred in those three decades that you weren't able comprehend how to develop the program you compensated someone else to produce for you. But if you were able too, you would have stored countless numbers. It's my comprehension their techniques begin at about $2,700. For the price of the dimension their beginning techniques, you could have developed the same (COMPLETE SYSTEM) yourself for about $600 if you desired to take plenty of period in doing so. Even for huge professional functions, selecting short-term help that can fallow guidelines is still cheaper (regardless of the program being built).

Of rough not everybody's goals are the same, but individuals with cash to get rid of have the capability to to not be worried with the cash they invest. I think the best way I can put it is if you have cash to get rid of, then going to a eating place 7 night time per weeks time for dinner, or having a individual create is excellent and well value it. But for most of us, comprehension how to create our own food has come in very useful, as well as stored us a lot of money (a lot of money other individuals have to spend). I don't mean any crime, just trying to demonstrate there are different tips on how to think of elements based on your scenario. And that climate you have the cash to get rid of or not, comprehension how to do elements for yourself "IS" always valuable.

For a guy like me, even if I had $3,000 to invest on a retail produced program, I would still want to create the most of the cash. I would take those same resources and develop my own system/s and be able to develop 5 periods or more vegetation with the same cash, rather hips it on a produce. Making the effort to do it yourself is ALWAYS valuable, NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE TO SPEND.

If you would have used your some time to effort developing techniques rather than examining brochures/product statements etc., you would have obtained much more comprehension in how to put the them together in the first position (how they work). That's common, some individuals invest a lot of cash purchasing retail developed techniques. They get them house and put them together, then recognize after a few several weeks how to strengthen them, and/or their restrictions. Then after they see how they function, they develop their own techniques. Why not begin there in the first place?

I'm grateful your satisfied with the fulfillment in comprehension you obtained in placing together something someone else created. But there's a big change in comprehension what your doing, and just being able to put something together. In addition to the design. There's a change between getting some wooden, and making a house or display cases from the begining. When compared to just fallowing guidelines on how to set up ones you purchased from IKEA. The comprehension you obtain from developing them yourself greatly ought weighs what you obtain from developing placing together something someone else made/designed (my unique point).

There just isn't any evaluation in the two when it comes to fulfillment for me. Both will allow you to sit down to dinner at the desk climate you really developed it yourself, or just fallowed set up guidelines. But only one gives me fulfillment, and that isn't placing together something someone else made/designed.
I think I understand what kevinanderson is saying. Even if English is not his first language and it was long. He is talking about getting more for your money by doing it yourself. Learning about it by doing and building systems yourself thus getting understand what your working with and on a very intimate basis. He obviously loves to learn by doing things himself, and is very driven to so. Takes pride in doing it while saving money. In his mind if you can do it yourself, but instead pay for a prefab retail item your wasting your hard earned money furiously. Even if you have a lot of money to spend he still feels it is very wasteful. I understand and partially agree. However..

I've been in a place in life where I had very little free time and plenty of extra money. Where free time is very limited and precious or other projects consume what free time you do have. Spending what seems like a ridiculous amount of money on something that JUST FREAKING WORKS and doesn't require a lot of planning, learning, and/or screwing around is very much a valid and non wasteful thing to do. They say Time is money. If you don't have money, but have time. It only makes sense to do it yourself. If you don't have time, but have money. It makes perfect sense to buy something that you can just plug in a go. So you can accomplish your goals with out spending much of your precious free time you could be spending with family or doing other projects that are closer to your heart.

Many people just want to DO IT and not fuss around or have a desire to know the intimate details of it.I'm not one of those people generally, but I understand those that do.

Example: Most people use a computer. If your reading this no doubt you do. You can save a bunch of money if you order all the parts, plug it all together, install the operating system yourself, load all the drivers so your stuff works right. Even as plug and play as it is now days. It still requires a decent amount of understanding to do this however if you want a reliable end result. However the vast majority of people(not me, I build my own) just want to buy something, hit the power button, and have the computer do what they want it to with out knowing exactly how it works. You can't fault them for it. They just don't have the time, energy, or desire to learn all that just so they can use finally get the end result. Which is a computer they might just be surfing the web with, keeping in touch with social sites, or doing business on.

Yeah my post got long too. I don't even know why I read the above post..and then felt the need to attempt to interpret it and perhaps wrongly. Just don't ask..I don't have that answer for you.
Hey all im a former dirtbagger turned ebb n flower. I have noticied that my ph constabtly rises from 5.8 to like 7.1 after a few cycles of flooding and draining. So on the last res cleaning i phed it to 5.4. to try and stabilize it a lil more. Opinions on this move? What do u other ebb nflowwers ph to? Im using hydron with no rockwool. Straight from cloner to ebb n flow. Foxfarm nutes. the plants look ok but when i ee 7.1 ph after i set it to 5.8 i must try hard not to freak out
could be many things, maybe too small a reservoir, I recommend dyna gro nutrients with protekt, ph is rock solid all the time. check out homebrewers thread on dyna gro for some good info
i have five six site hydro sorce systems i have one 300 watt led dual light . i need to know if i need anothe light and if so what size? first grow
the trays i run are 3x2 feet and 12 plants straight from cloner. I found i need at least 18 gallons, but i use 20 gallons and don't have to top off but every few days. ph is rock solid but i attribute that to dyna gro notes. 5 gallons seems really low, unless you're only running a few plants. what's up with the tubing into the rez, is that ebb and flow? hope that helps
Hey guys new to hydro as well. I have a 2x2 ebb and flow setup with 150w hps in a dr60. I have a few seedlings that i just germinated and wanted to know when to start flooding them and when to add nutes. They are all autoflowering strains also. Im using using rockwool cubes and hydroton. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
yes ebb n flow thats overflow retun line u see there. i m putting max 6 plants in each planter 3 seperate planters though. how much roots b4 planting i just lost 2 to not letting em root enough. how tall r u plants when they r done?This is my first ebb n flow so i have quite a few questions for ya thanx 4 the info tho. I also am getting some salt buildup on the top of the hydroton during ry times. But the plants seem to be doing fine tho
the trays i run are 3x2 feet and 12 plants straight from cloner. I found i need at least 18 gallons, but i use 20 gallons and don't have to top off but every few days. ph is rock solid but i attribute that to dyna gro notes. 5 gallons seems really low, unless you're only running a few plants. what's up with the tubing into the rez, is that ebb and flow? hope that helps
hi guys.

i have recently bought a drip irrigation system (wilma system). I have always previously grown in soil so i wasnt expecting tyhe best of results for my first attempt using hydroponics and i always messed up by using seeds and they grew way faster than i was expecting eventually there was no more room and i had to bin them :-( I think my ec was too high though as there has been a huge salt build up around the clay pebbles. my question is this;

what is the best way to clean and also flush clay pebbles out when they are suffering from salt build up???
any advice would be much appreciated chaps, thanks.