trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
HOW the FUCK can it be an invitation to confrontation? Its CONCEALED, check the dictionary, concealed means NOT VISIBLE!!!!! IF I can't see your gun, how would that make me confrontational?

When was the last time you saw someone with a gun and decided that would be the guy to fuck with? Has this EVER happened as far as you are concerned?

You have no logical thought beyond the first guess do you?

Why do cops wear guns? Most never shoot them except in practice. I mean why should they carry a gun into a donut shop? Got any answers?

When you were mugged you had several hours of forewarning that it was going to happen right? I mean it wasn't like you were caught off guard or anything and happened to be the victim of random violence right?

Guns are only used to hunt and defend your home, but not your life? Or are you saying that your life is only put into danger when you are at home?

Excellent points NoDrama! I'm by no means a "gun nut", but am a firm believer in the constitution, particularly the 2nd amendment. Some folks shouldn't be carrying guns, there is no doubt about this, but there are even MORE individuals out there who have NO BUSINESS behind the wheel of a 2,000 lb. weapon! The alarmists and anti-gun folks will seize any opportunity to argue that "guns are bad and should be outlawed" or some such b.s. We can pass laws all day long and people are STILL gonna kill other people.

Maybe Zimmerman is a racist (I've never met the man), maybe he's not. There is always more to the story than anybody realizes and there are probably only 2 people who know the entire story; one of them isn't talking and the other one can't talk.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Good for you. Stand up for your beliefs and refuse to carry a firearm. That is an entirely legal and ethical choice.

Please stop with the finger pointing and moralizing about people who make the opposite choice, which is also entirely legal and ethical. Zimmerman very much needed a gun to go shopping that fateful night; his brains would have probably been smeared over the sidewalk and grass in that gated community otherwise.
you have got to be kidding . . . .lmfao^^^^

fallacy alert . . . .

and im incompetent , you have been reading to many john grisham/dean kontz novels


Well-Known Member
you have got to be kidding . . . .

fallacy alert . . . .
no, desert douche is that much of a tool that he actually believes a story that is so thoroughly full of holes.

hell, the guy who sniffs out bullshit stories for a living called it bullshit the night of, only to be overridden by the now resigned prosecutor who left his house late on a sunday night to meet with the corrupt police force in person.

desert douche really just can't put one and one together, hence why he is a conservitard.


Well-Known Member
Charges will be filed against Zimmerman.... It was just announced. And its a good damn thing too... Shooting an unarmed kid with a drink and skittles.... Stupid.


Well-Known Member
Charges will be filed against Zimmerman.... It was just announced. And its a good damn thing too... Shooting an unarmed kid with a drink and skittles.... Stupid.
careful now, some people in this thread would take issue with that. they are ready to crown zimmerman as a saint for showing that guns are great tools for getting you out of any situation that your own dumbass may have gotten yourself into (not you personally, but in general).

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
back in the day they called people like that yellow bellied cowards . . . .cant take a punch and needs a weapon to defend themselves because they are pathetic


Well-Known Member
murder 2 would be a stretch, although i think it is proper and provable. give him manslaughter and send him away for 15 years, the max under florida law.

he'll likely go to ad seg or protective custody, maybe there are some bad seeds and incompetent guards there, if you catch my drift.


Well-Known Member
HOW the FUCK can it be an invitation to confrontation? Its CONCEALED, check the dictionary, concealed means NOT VISIBLE!!!!! IF I can't see your gun, how would that make me confrontational?

When was the last time you saw someone with a gun and decided that would be the guy to fuck with? Has this EVER happened as far as you are concerned?

You have no logical thought beyond the first guess do you?

Why do cops wear guns? Most never shoot them except in practice. I mean why should they carry a gun into a donut shop? Got any answers?

When you were mugged you had several hours of forewarning that it was going to happen right? I mean it wasn't like you were caught off guard or anything and happened to be the victim of random violence right?

Guns are only used to hunt and defend your home, but not your life? Or are you saying that your life is only put into danger when you are at home?
Its an invitation to confrontation because people with guns think they have bigger balls than they usually do. If Zimmerman didnt have a gun that night I bet he would have stayed in the car.

Im not against guns but they have to be used correctly and in the right place.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
Sanford police department and Seminole county sheriffs department are some shady folks. I have had encounters with them in the past that was not pleasant and I wasnt arrested . They need to be investigated.