BadKat's CannaPharm: Canna Caps, UV Reactive Glowing Hash Candy, Canna 'Bombs' & More

Very cool thread! I just made your pie tonight minus the hash! :) got the kids eating it too. My daughter who's 11 asked me in the store where the hash oil is and I was like uhhh we're skipping that one! Thanks for the recipe!

I just realized I wrote that all excited and shit yet I'm kinda high laying on the couch lol
Badkat, your hash capsule recipe which I made was un-fucking-believable. I ate 2 of them (about 5g's hash) and was incapacitated for about 6 hours. Kudos to you and I aspire to learn as much as I can from you so as to pass the message along to many more who can benefit from your obvious great wisdom.
Ever worked with tapioca maltodextrin or alginate powders. Im working a formula to create a flavored popcorn topper made from powdered canna oil.
Badkat, your hash capsule recipe which I made was un-fucking-believable. I ate 2 of them (about 5g's hash) and was incapacitated for about 6 hours. Kudos to you and I aspire to learn as much as I can from you so as to pass the message along to many more who can benefit from your obvious great wisdom.

perhaps it's capsules I just took... but HOW in the world did you Cram 5g of hash into 2 00 capsules? I hope you are saying you used 5gs of hash Like Badkitty did and took 2 of the 15 you made outta the 5g hash.. So perhaps you meant you took 2 pills which had aprox .40 g per caps? or about 1 g of hash?

(btw I have tried this recipe about 20 times each time I always did 4-5x the batch, I think something happened like needing a longer cook-decarb time or something but the larger batches always seem to be less powerful I am in the process of finishing a batch now where as I used the exact ammounts as listed hoping for a better effects)
Hey thers a place online I think you can buy these exact things (almost) my buddy had some and they were, well DELIGHTFUL lol made for an amazing trip to the beach, check it out if this thread interested you but want to ensure you get something delicious that works lol. thy dont say the dosage (im assuming for legal reasons) but they were strong, not tooo strong, but strong. :):blsmoke:
perhaps it's capsules I just took... but HOW in the world did you Cram 5g of hash into 2 00 capsules? I hope you are saying you used 5gs of hash Like Badkitty did and took 2 of the 15 you made outta the 5g hash.. So perhaps you meant you took 2 pills which had aprox .40 g per caps? or about 1 g of hash?

(btw I have tried this recipe about 20 times each time I always did 4-5x the batch, I think something happened like needing a longer cook-decarb time or something but the larger batches always seem to be less powerful I am in the process of finishing a batch now where as I used the exact ammounts as listed hoping for a better effects)

I didn't actually cap the oil up at the end of the process because I didn't have any on hand. What I did was smear the mixture on a piece of wheat bread which I then folded in half and chewed down piece by piece with a shit ton of diet pepsi to wash it down. Nearly puked once or twice due to the horrendous taste but I got 'er done and the high was worth the work. Next time though, I will definitely use the caps as I don't want to ever taste that hashy oil again.
Really, really enjoy the info here. Thanks to Kitty I'm really impressed with your work.
I'm particularly interested in how the citric acid as worked for anyone. I've seen a couple of references to people making it but none to anyone with results of how theirs turned out. It would be an interesting twist.
Someone was also questioning about using liquid lecithin. I was wondering if you've used it. I would think it would it would work great since the biggest problem with LET is breaking down the lecithin molecules. On sites where people make LET Vitamin C its used but many people and seem to get good results there.

Which brings me to question concerning LET with Marijuana. Several weeks ago I began using LET Vitamin C. Then I found DIY LET Vitamin C, (thats a lot of acronyms). Heres a good link describing how its make Just scroll down don't worry about signing up if you don't want to. I can't speak as to the results since I've only been using it a few weeks and I have a lot of health problems so things don't change over night. But I do seem to have a little more energy. I'm sure Kitty is familiar with this process from here first references to LET. LET Vitamins use an ultra-sonic cleaner to break down the lecithin and Vitamin. The high speed motion breaks down the elements so that 70% or greater bonding takes place. Vitamin C like many substances are largely destroyed my stomach acids and only about 16% make to the blood stream. Being bond with the lipid they pass through the stomach on to the blood stream, its easily 5 times greater absorption.
I'm wondering if Kitty has tried to bond the hash to the lecithin using this method? It appears Badkat has worked hard to calculated heating time to maximize THC conversion and LET bonding. So does anyone think adding the process after this might be helpful? Wonder if Kitty or anyone has experimented with this? The heat may complete this process well enough that it is not needed especially when used in further cooking. I'm wondering if adding the ultrasonic clean to the process in the has caps particularly might be useful?
So what do you all think?
We call "meat pies" "pot pies" in the USA, at least most people that I know do.

I don't know if anyone else already pointed this out but I thought it was funny.