Moderatrix of Journals
outstanding, as usual.
*standing ovation*
*standing ovation*
sticky sticky sticky in the edibles dept
Badkat, your hash capsule recipe which I made was un-fucking-believable. I ate 2 of them (about 5g's hash) and was incapacitated for about 6 hours. Kudos to you and I aspire to learn as much as I can from you so as to pass the message along to many more who can benefit from your obvious great wisdom.
perhaps it's capsules I just took... but HOW in the world did you Cram 5g of hash into 2 00 capsules? I hope you are saying you used 5gs of hash Like Badkitty did and took 2 of the 15 you made outta the 5g hash.. So perhaps you meant you took 2 pills which had aprox .40 g per caps? or about 1 g of hash?
(btw I have tried this recipe about 20 times each time I always did 4-5x the batch, I think something happened like needing a longer cook-decarb time or something but the larger batches always seem to be less powerful I am in the process of finishing a batch now where as I used the exact ammounts as listed hoping for a better effects)