the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
im gonna be in cali by april 20th... how about that.... my new life of growing for a living will start on 4/20... were gonna order my ticket later this week.. my partner out there is gonna fly me in with his freq. flier miles so it will only cost me 80 bux to get there... damn i feel weird about it... i hope it fucking works out... i already got 25 bubbas out there ima be growing and i havent even landed at john wayne a/p yet lol.... im only gonna commit like 4500-maybe 5k of money on this... dude got 4500 put up to... and he gets a 2700$ check every month for the next 3 months then he gonna get like 1600 a month unemployment... i think we got this... he got some credit card numbers and we gonna work some magic to get a couple grand of grow equp. i hope that goes threw.. im not really tryna pay a couple racks for grow shit if we can G some shit


if all goes well we'll be sharin a bowl of sk bubble one day soon.


Well-Known Member
I hear that shit man! Wish the best man.
thanx man just worried... big change... im scared of earth quakes too lol!!! hope its gonna be cool living with buddy.. he is tryna kick a tar habit.. tommorow he gonna go to the doc and get some suboxone or wtf ever... its gonna be my crazy ass.. his 35 year old crazy ass.. lol and his crazy ass also comming off dope 20 year old "girlfriend' he said he will know by the 13th if were gonna get that house in san bernardino..


Well-Known Member
im scared of the light bill to!!!! please dont rape me cali!!!!! gonna start out with like 6 100 watters... then upgrade to 8.. doubt the crib can support that kind of current... lol unless a grower lived there before!! but if not gonna have to upgrade all the breakers and wiring to do this.. yuck more money spent!!! im prolly only gonna put in at the most 5k to this over the next 4 months or so... i aint gonna waste too much untill i see a fucking return on that first 5k... then once the money rolls in all will be gravey.. i wont have any more problems any more worries from then on has long has the gravey trains keeps cho choooooin...


Well-Known Member
ima have to get on the link card too.. lol ill take that 200 bux in food.. ittl help.. not much doe ima beast i can eat...


Well-Known Member
Lmao gotta do what u have to...
i did a no call no show this sunday at work.. they cut my hours to 8 a week.. im wondering if i can get unemployment from them.. i mean they aint fire me i havent even talked to them in a while lol.. im suposed to work next sunday... but ima just prolly file anyway say they fired me... and see if i can get it
They will call your job so until they fire you do no file. I would say call out use sick or bac hours.. They can Denise you for tardiness so try to be legit


Well-Known Member
They will call your job so until they fire you do no file. I would say call out use sick or bac hours.. They can Denise you for tardiness so try to be legit
ok... its unbearable to work for this lady... she is the gm her husband the owner wont do shit about her being a bitch... like 3-4 other people before me quit becuase of here including my old assistent gm.... lol they cut my hours to shit.. only one day a week on some personal shit... they told me to quit i told them to fire... they purposely keeping me at one day a week so i dont get unemployment..


Active Member
That's fucking bullshit man. Idk what id do. Probably quit and find another job.. how long have you been working there? Btw I could use some help on my thread is seed/strain reviews(I posted pictures) please and thank you.