What if Jesus Had Not Been Crucified???


New Member
With Easter just around the corner, tens of millions of people turn their attention to a man called Jesus, his life and brutal death, and his place in history. At the very least, if Jesus had not been crucified, there would not be Easter as we know it.


Well-Known Member
Then he would not have become the figurehead chosen to spawn a religion, the powers that were of the time would have picked someone else...but it would have ended the same but with a different picture painted... What if Buddha had been skinny? Who cares...


Well-Known Member
.........................................................keep reading this kind of shit and thats what ur head will be full of ;)


Well-Known Member
With Easter just around the corner, tens of millions of people turn their attention to a man called Jesus, his life and brutal death, and his place in history. At the very least, if Jesus had not been crucified, there would not be Easter as we know it.

Read More: http://www.rosebudmag.com/serious-stuff/what-if-jesus-had-not-been-crucified-so-there-was-no-easter
If he wasn't crucified, I wouldn't get my annual chocolate bunny. I LOVE my chocolate bunny and colorful eggs, so I'm glad he made that sacrifice for us...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Then he would not have become the figurehead chosen to spawn a religion, the powers that were of the time would have picked someone else...but it would have ended the same but with a different picture painted... What if Buddha had been skinny? Who cares...
the buddah was skinny.... he was a begger....

baddog, i totally posted that on my facebook.


Well-Known Member
Easter was stolen from the Pagans. As were many christian religeous ceremonies. I think it was named after the goddess of Eastro. The trouble is, if you look it up on the net, which has been taken over by so many nutters, you will find more information denying it than accepting it.
However, if you look up 'Santa clause' on the net, you will find the true meaning of Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Easter is an adaptation of a pagan ceremony as someone already stated. "Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter" was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god. Christmas is a hoot as well. It is a pagan winter solstice ceremony. And for the crazies who say, "Keep the Christ in Christmas." Umm, X,XP, and XT are common abreviations for Christ, Even in old Christian art! So the X is for Christ. Sheesh. Actually, Islam and Christianity are off shoots of Judaism.


Well-Known Member
Before you start philosophizing about "What may haves", one question:

Do you even have proof that he existed? :roll:
Of course he existed fool. He left no writings of his own, but he's mentioned in this 2K year old book that's had 600 chapters taken out and edited twice, translated three times, and written by plainsman in a desert. :spew:


Well-Known Member
With Easter just around the corner, tens of millions of people turn their attention to a man called Jesus, his life and brutal death, and his place in history. At the very least, if Jesus had not been crucified, there would not be Easter as we know it.

Read More: http://www.rosebudmag.com/serious-stuff/what-if-jesus-had-not-been-crucified-so-there-was-no-easter
What if someone snuck up behind you, strangled you to death with a guitar string. Then two thousand some odd years later, you return to earth to lead your creations, and they run at you adorned with guitar strings! Always found that strange. Why someone would display the means of their saviors end. Icky. JMO.


Of course he existed fool. He left no writings of his own, but he's mentioned in this 2K year old book that's had 600 chapters taken out and edited twice, translated three times, and written by plainsman in a desert. :spew:

I really expect a more logical argument from a Portlandite . . .


Easter is an adaptation of a pagan ceremony as someone already stated. "Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter" was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god. Christmas is a hoot as well. It is a pagan winter solstice ceremony. And for the crazies who say, "Keep the Christ in Christmas." Umm, X,XP, and XT are common abreviations for Christ, Even in old Christian art! So the X is for Christ. Sheesh. Actually, Islam and Christianity are off shoots of Judaism.
^^^ Now this is good stuff.