Best ways to increae yield. Tell us your secrets!!


Well-Known Member
Yes..that's as good a way as any to describe the concept. But if your medium isn't living soil...say just hydroton pellets, the theory won't work.

Glad, if you're growing organically in soil you have to add the beneficial microbes (Mycorrhizal). Subs method starts with a base soil (Roots organic) then he adds the blood meal and the rest of the goodies PLUS the beneficial microbes, which given time will multiply and break down the goodies in to nutrients that the plant can uptake.


Well-Known Member
Molasses, large roots, single colas and smaller plants, That's what I learned and seen. I spend a lot effort getting the roots to grow. I use 3 sized pots in grow to control size. I try for single colas for the indicas and I end up super cropping the sativa because they grow too tall. And don't harvest

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Glad, if you're growing organically in soil you have to add the beneficial microbes (Mycorrhizal). Subs method starts with a base soil (Roots organic) then he adds the blood meal and the rest of the goodies PLUS the beneficial microbes, which given time will multiply and break down the goodies in to nutrients that the plant can uptake.

Exactly...I started with subs recipe years ago..over time I have made my own recipe..mostly by sustituting things in subs recipe. I use High N guano instead of blood meal, for example. Better,worse? Don't me being organic, it seemed more likely that that would be more natural to the plant...How often does a cow bleed on the ground in a cannabis Field?

Over time, I have found a mix my strain seems to love. Subs soil mixed as directed is really really hot stuff..don't plant directly into it...just a little at the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
yes. Super soil is only for bottom half(ish-depending on strain). He has made adjustments recently. I just subscribed to skunk magazine and want to dig in on what the fuck they are talking about soil-wise.


Well-Known Member
You can grow "over" 1 lb. plants in a 3 gal. Coco Coir Hempy bucket.

Using 7 gal or bigger pots is a waste of medium, been there done that.


Well-Known Member
I have found the biggest improvement in yield has been regulating a consistent Temp and humidity in your room. Keep it 72-78 degrees w/o CO2 and 45-55% RH. The biggest difference in yield I noticed was when I started not letting my temps at night drop below 64 degrees. once you master the enviroment then start experimenting with other things.


Active Member
1...dont interact with yer plants every 5 minuts
2...dont fuck with to many fanleaves
3...keep it simple and vertical....seems to make better use of light...........but really are these secrets, or just common sence.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I think the bigger buckets are relative to how long you will veg the plant before 12/12. It stands to reason that the longer the plant veg's, the bigger it will get, thus having a larger root mass ..... which usually equates to a bigger yield.

Glad, I used to focus on how much I could yield from a plant. Now I understand that your yield is based upon lumens and space. Whether you stick one huge plant in a given area, or 6 smaller ones, your yield should be substantially similar. Aside from supplementing with Co2, and perhaps adding some additional lighting, most of the stuff you can/will do will make a negligible difference. Topping, training, transplanting, gimmicky nutrients *might* help a bit, but to me the juice isn't worth the squeeze most times.

Get to know your plants, give them plenty of sunshine, Co2, and a dialed in grow, and you'll reach close to the plants full potential each and every time.
YATZEE! lumens per square inch! I think too many people are measuring their skills the wrong way. a plant or a million plants under 1K HPS is only going to do so much with that amount of lumens, period.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I've never concentrated on yield...just healthy happy plants, and the yield comes with that. But root mass, mycrohaze, and micro bugs in the soil are in my opinion the best thing you can have. I grow in 7 gal harvest they are root full..the entire soil mass will pull right out of the pot by the cut off stem...
Oh bob.... you only concentrate on hatin on others....yes I do see the irony in that statement. LOL.


Active Member
Hydroponics, changing the nutes on the buckets every week and not being lazy or cheap doing it every 2-3 weeks, even a minor and invisible deficiency can REALLY slow growth, they'll sometimes grow 4 inches within 24-48 hours of a new bucket... keep the temperature and humidity consistent... they really don't like wildly swinging temperature... don't mess with them too much, try to stick with bending and "crushing the hurd" and avoiding topping... that's what I've learned, roughly in the order of apparent importance.


Well-Known Member
Top early->let it grow a bit->pinch the tall stalks over->Install trellis-> Start weaving->Move to flower and start co2.
If you don't know what your doing with nutes, then you need to learn the basics before worrying about yield.

I pull 4-6 oz per plant(so far).


Active Member
The heat issues were huge as I remember... when I had poor heat control and the buds got too close to the light, they actually ended up fatter below than near the light... that heat will stop the growth in its tracks. The next round when heat was never an issue, the tops got FAT... and cured they are like rocks. I could beat you unconscious with those colas.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Oh bob.... you only concentrate on hatin on others....yes I do see the irony in that statement. LOL.
No hate there at all..just my opinion. If yield were my primary concern I wouldn't grow in soil....I'd go statement is simply that if you concentrate on happy plants..your yield will follow.

Why you ALWAYS go to hate? You must be internally unhappy.


New Member

  • Originally Posted by st0wandgrow
    I think the bigger buckets are relative to how long you will veg the plant before 12/12. It stands to reason that the longer the plant veg's, the bigger it will get, thus having a larger root mass ..... which usually equates to a bigger yield.

    Glad, I used to focus on how much I could yield from a plant. Now I understand that your yield is based upon lumens and space. Whether you stick one huge plant in a given area, or 6 smaller ones, your yield should be substantially similar. Aside from supplementing with Co2, and perhaps adding some additional lighting, most of the stuff you can/will do will make a negligible difference. Topping, training, transplanting, gimmicky nutrients *might* help a bit, but to me the juice isn't worth the squeeze most times.

    Get to know your plants, give them plenty of sunshine, Co2, and a dialed in grow, and you'll reach close to the plants full potential each and every time.

this is true. keep your light as close as possible in vedge to stack leaf nodes and lst. also nixing the hoods and hanging the bulbs vertical and lowering them will light up the sides increasing the yield. if you go that route you might need ac. some people swear by lolipopping the cutting of lower smaller branches.dont get caught up in all the fancy nutrient smoke an mirror shit

bob harris

Well-Known Member
YATZEE! lumens per square inch! I think too many people are measuring their skills the wrong way. a plant or a million plants under 1K HPS is only going to do so much with that amount of lumens, period.

Not so much lumens..lumens is something people see..not plants. Usable light in the correct spectrum, primarily 430-460nm and 630 or so to 660 is all that matters some uvb too if you'd like.. It's why enough leds will work..not many lumens at all.

Not to pick on you...but there is a difference. What you need is PAR light..Photosynthetic Active Range. But the over all thought is much light only covers so muc area, and how many plants you cram into that area doesn't mean much. One plant can out yield 5 depending on lighting and area.

And what is the measurement of skill? Yield, or quality? Or somewhere in between...unfortunately, I know lots of guys that can grow heavy yield Indicas, but the quality is mid at best...Which Is why I NEVER CONCENTRATED ON YIELD..