desert dude
Well-Known Member
lol, no.
he was still in his vehicle at that point, he followed him a little more in his vehicle than on foot for several hundred yards.
but you know all the "facts", right?
Why was Zimmerman not charged?
lol, no.
he was still in his vehicle at that point, he followed him a little more in his vehicle than on foot for several hundred yards.
but you know all the "facts", right?
lol, no.
he was still in his vehicle at that point, he followed him a little more in his vehicle than on foot for several hundred yards.
but you know all the "facts", right?
Seems like you think you know all the facts though !!!!!!!
i know when some people try to spout off bullshit and i correct it, like i did above.
do black people even belong in gated communities?
Listen to the 911 tape.
It was a multi-racial gated community. Keep up the racist bullshit, though, it is amusing.
Why was Zimmerman not charged?
And i did not say do black people asswipe!!!
I said does he(trayvon) Typical asswipe saying people said shit when they did not...
not sure. the lead investigator wanted to go ahead and charge him. for some odd reason, the prosecutor left his house late on a sunday evening to meet with the police chief in person (normally the fax or phone it in) and refused to follow through with the advice of the guy whose job it is to sniff out bullshit stories.
oh, sorry about that.
does a black kid even belong in a gated community?
The prosecutor decided not to charge Zimmer because he was shielded under Florida's SYG law. It was (and is) a losing case for the state.
Interesting that you bring that up. One of the two eye witnesses, young Austin Brown, was out walking his dog when he witnessed part of the scuffle. Young Mr. Brown is African-American.
not according to the guy whose job it is to sniff out bullshit stories.
he said zimmerman's tale "did not add up" and was "unconvincing". turns out he was pretty dead on. eyewitnesses all saying this happened in the grass and zimmerman appearing uninjured and all.
the person most intimately familiar with the case said to go ahead with manslaughter charges, but for some odd reason, the prosecutor cuts him loose in the oddest of ways.
i mean, wolfinger has a million people in his jurisdiction, this thing is usually done by phone or fax. but he left his house late on a sunday evening. methinks papa zimmerman was calling in a favor again for angry, violent little baby zimmerman.
You just can't let that go, can you? It's like an open sore on your infected dick, you just have to keep scratching it open. Whether it happened all in the grass, partly in the grass, or all on the sidewalk is irrelevant. Zimmer's appearance on a grainy security video is not enough to diagnose his injuries. If the police report made no mention of injuries, you might actually have something instead of your usual blather.
Why do you keep posting pictures of a buck toothed lady? You got something against orthodontia also?
it's pretty relevant that it happened in the grass because zimmerman said it didn't. he said he was trying to inch his way to the grass.
yet another hole in zimmerman's tall tale.
I wish to hell this would go to trial already. This thread is getting as bad as the paulbot threads and their insistence that Holy Ron the Paul was going to win the GOP nomination, may his blessed vaginal speculum illuminate the darkest of caverns. That black kid just HAS to be guilty. He just HAS to!!! Otherwise, all our of well worn stereotypes will fall by the wayside.