RUI doesn't seem very welcoming


Well-Known Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.


Well-Known Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
hi dude , i had a few bad encounters when i first started actively posting , people tellin me how much of a dumb noob i am and i should just trash my plants and chit , but there are more cool people here than the breed jackarse if you hang around long enough. glad you're here bro.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the replies everyone, gives me a little more reinsurnace.

Its not more or less they call me a noob or that stuff, I can post pictures of plants I grew in 2 months goin by 12/12 from seed, under just 100w+ CFLs n T5s and get over an oz total. I understand the Cation ion Exchange in the soil for how well the particles can absorb the nutrients you use. The mixxer of soils to get the best balance of structure, drainage, and nutrient/water hold.

Its more or less when I try to socialize, and such. Idk, I'll just keep tryin on the site maybe things will change.

Thanks though to everyone who posted and will posted. Much appreciated. At least I know they're still real people out their and not full of this new generation ignorants.


Well-Known Member
Ever notice when the Immaturity levels are high its usually when schools out? Just have to look past the idiots to find what you're looking for.

So with that go F yourself. ;)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the replies everyone, gives me a little more reinsurnace.

Its not more or less they call me a noob or that stuff, I can post pictures of plants I grew in 2 months goin by 12/12 from seed, under just 100w+ CFLs n T5s and get over an oz total. I understand the Cation ion Exchange in the soil for how well the particles can absorb the nutrients you use. The mixxer of soils to get the best balance of structure, drainage, and nutrient/water hold.

Its more or less when I try to socialize, and such. Idk, I'll just keep tryin on the site maybe things will change.

Thanks though to everyone who posted and will posted. Much appreciated. At least I know they're still real people out their and not full of this new generation ignorants.
I've never seen your posts, but then, I've been MIA a bit here and there. If I had, I'd have picked yer brain. Good to see people here with feet grounded in science. I look forward to seeing and reading your posts!! You are most definitely welcome here :clap:


Well-Known Member
hmmm..sometimes people suck...and really I can't find too much in the way of social interaction on here...and I have been here for quite some time...I mainly just try to answer any questions that I can...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
Great area of study. As for the antics, well both the positive and negative of roll it up is that it's a huge forum. When you have so many people you naturally get a slice of every demographic just like you would if you stood on a street corner in any big city. That's what makes it great. When you post just wait. You will get both brilliant and not so brilliant answers and often times hilariously funny answers (even ones that don't apply). Take what you can use, enjoy the funny and just ignore what doesn't apply. But this place is a gold mine of information. That is why so many are here.

Anyway I see you've been here much longer than I. So I won't say welcome I'll say hello, good to meet you. I hope to see someone with your background much more active helping so many of us struggling newbies :)


You'd think where this is a marajuana based site...everyone would be CHILL and happy! I think everyone just needs to smoke more weed...


Well-Known Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
+ rep there is a lot of helpful people on here too! I quoted a few of them. Stick to it an you will make friends that know what they are talking about! friend request sent!

and who the fuck are you?!?!?!?.........jokin'.
maybe you hit a high troll day; eff'em.
welcome aboard, and happy gardening!
Ever notice when the Immaturity levels are high its usually when schools out? Just have to look past the idiots to find what you're looking for.

So with that go F yourself. ;)
Welcome Allday - we're not all trolls here.
But keep an eye on the pigmy - I think he ate a noob last week.


Active Member
To the op, I've been asking questions for a few months now and have had a lot of help from people here. RIU is a pretty good research tool, but most of the time you need to back track a lot of information closer to the source.