trayvan martin

Looked like a welt, cut, or at very least a road-rash type of injury to me.

In any case, testimony of the medical experts who personally examined him will trump any of this photographic evidence. Both the defense and the prosecution have that, and are (wisely) not broadcasting it to the public. What's with this police department anyway? They don't even have the discipline required to prevent leaks of information germane to an ongoing homicide investigation. That knowledge doesn't help Zimmerman. Careers are in danger over this, which is the only reason there's a process now anyway.
I won't elevate it by calling it "evidence." But it is painfully obvious that it's the reflection of the overhead lights. They are pretty obvious on the cop's bald head as well, and even the non-bald cop's hair. Look at the police cruiser's back window to see how intense they are, and in the motorcycle windscreens to get an idea of the ceiling height.

No Avatar=Not taken seriously. And not one of those stupid default avatars either.
Look closer. What you see is not a red "x", you're seeing the reflection of four overhead light reflectors. The exact sort of institutional metal-halide lighting you'd expect to find in the sallyport of a police parking structure. Round reflectors in groups of 4. The red "X" is the space between the lights, reflected in Zimmerman's big, wet, bald head. Look at the picture again, and you'll understand what you're seeing.

ya i never thougth it made much sense . . . . .these kill any i can losers for life crowd will gravitate toward anything to prove that zimmerman ex wife beater, ex employee, ex man, who lives in his families basement is a hero

if anything it looked like diaper rash on his head
Not enough evidence for a conviction.

Perhaps, but it's going to a Grand Jury for that determination. The only real difference between this case and the way it "normally" would go, is that Zimmerman would have been arraigned and if released, he would be released on bond. As it stands, he is released on recognizance. Nobody has showed that he's a flight risk or likely to hurt anyone else, and he'd probably not suicidal, so I'm not sure there's a case to be made for arresting him again before he faces April 10. That's one hell of a date for the guy. He has to face a GJ that can accuse him of capital murder, a lesser homicide, grant a No Bill, or do nothing and let this loom over his head forever.

I'm sure he'd be safer in jail, considering the infamy he now has. But in order to make space for him in jail, they might have to release a marijuana user or something. Can't have that, can we?
In any case, testimony of the medical experts who personally examined him will trump any of this photographic evidence. Both the defense and the prosecution have that, and are (wisely) not broadcasting it to the public. What's with this police department anyway? They don't even have the discipline required to prevent leaks of information germane to an ongoing homicide investigation. That knowledge doesn't help Zimmerman. Careers are in danger over this, which is the only reason there's a process now anyway.

No doubt. Careers are in danger whenever an officer makes a statement in a report as falsifying a report is usually a career-ending action if discovered.
ya i never thougth it made much sense . . . . .these kill any i can losers for life crowd will gravitate toward anything to prove that zimmerman ex wife beater, ex employee, ex man, who lives in his families basement is a hero

i, personally, am not taking a side on this issue until all evidence is out there for all to see. Wish more would do the same.
i, personally, am not taking a side on this issue until all evidence is out there for all to see. Wish more would do the same.

here is a opinion for you . . . you suck . . . .someone is dead

so i have a opinion

obviously the issue of legality of the case is more important than that a life has been extinguished to some but not to me

someones brother, friend, son grandson is dead , for no good reason

and ya this thread and all its stand behind a piece of paper law post or responses are BS,

im not religous but there are laws much higher then the ones florida makes

and all people want to do is quibble over evidence that doesnt matter

this man killed a kid . . . . .for no good reason he was not in imminent danger its a bunch of cry wolf BS
You mean Zimmerman's daddy should get the A for effort. He's the one pulling all the strings and keeping his son out of jail.

No, I mean zimmerman was trying to do a good thing and it's nice to know that some people are taking inititave trying to clean up their neighborhoods and the world to make it a better safer place for everyone
no dramma should chang his name to No content

silly sniper tricks are for prostitutes

When you write a sentence like that, it kind of shows your lack of 8th grade and beyond education, yet you want us to think your opinion has any kind of veracity to it.

I love how you insinuate that Zimmerman lives in his family's basement, yet they live in Florida. I assume you have never been there or even to the south. They don't have basements in Florida.

I also abhor how you denigrate anyone who has lost a job by using the term "Ex Employee", any idea how many people have lost their job in this country in the last 4 years? Your comment is abrasive and void of compassion.
You mean Zimmerman's daddy should get the A for effort. He's the one pulling all the strings and keeping his son out of jail.

I suppose if you were in a bad situation you would expect your family to turn their backs on you. Some kind of family you have there.
When you write a sentence like that, it kind of shows your lack of 8th grade and beyond education, yet you want us to think your opinion has any kind of veracity to it.

I love how you insinuate that Zimmerman lives in his family's basement, yet they live in Florida. I assume you have never been there or even to the south. They don't have basements in Florida.

I also abhor how you denigrate anyone who has lost a job by using the term "Ex Employee", any idea how many people have lost their job in this country in the last 4 years? Your comment is abrasive and void of compassion.

using the use of ex employee gives weight to the sense that this man felt it was his duty to stalk and deal with this 16 kid, loser with no life playing cops and robbers

who the hell gave this loser the right to stalk anyone he didnt know who he thought was dangerous, he and you and I are nobody and except we are alive and the 16 kid is not

im sorry i have been homeless and a home owner in the last ten years so its no excuse there are lots of jobs to those who dont view labor or min wage as beneath them

this guy sounds like a sponge living off what others can give him, have you looked into the kind of man this zimmerman is . . . . .its not a model person or citizen more like a cockaroach
here is a opinion for you . . . you suck . . . .someone is dead

so i have a opinion

obviously the issue of legality of the case is more important than that a life has been extinguished to some but not to me

someones brother, friend, son grandson is dead , for no good reason

and ya this thread and all its stand behind a piece of paper law post or responses are BS,

im not religous but there are laws much higher then the ones florida makes

and all people want to do is quibble over evidence that doesnt matter

this man killed a kid . . . . .for no good reason he was not in imminent danger its a bunch of cry wolf BS

Just because Budlover does not want to take a side at the moment does not give you the right to tell him he sucks. You are too emotional and you owe the man an apology.
here is a opinion for you . . . you suck . . . .someone is dead

so i have a opinion

obviously the issue of legality of the case is more important than that a life has been extinguished to some but not to me

someones brother, friend, son grandson is dead , for no good reason

and ya this thread and all its stand behind a piece of paper law post or responses are BS,

im not religous but there are laws much higher then the ones florida makes

and all people want to do is quibble over evidence that doesnt matter

this man killed a kid . . . . .for no good reason he was not in imminent danger its a bunch of cry wolf BS

So you'd rather "take a side" without all the info because someone is dead?

As far as "killing a kid", kids (17 years old) can be dangerous too. Not saying this one was but he could've been. And nobody will know until ALL the facts come out. Both sides are pushing their own opinions and agendas. Why does everyone have to open their pie-holes before all the facts are known?
Just because Budlover does not want to take a side at the moment does not give you the right to tell him he sucks. You are too emotional and you owe the man an apology.

No apology required imo. i have learned that when one is willing to wait for facts before spouting opinions/emotions (i.e., being neutral), they tend to be attacked by both sides.
No apology required imo. i have learned that when one is willing to wait for facts before spouting opinions/emotions (i.e., being neutral), they tend to be attacked by both sides.

i've been calling people pussies to try to goad them into stating their feeling based on available evidence, of which there is plenty.

