Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just figured I would share. Just switched to flower yesterday. Qrazy train from subcool.STAY HIGH!!!010.jpg011.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not lazy, greedy
My mistake.... A character flaw in my book nonetheless. I try and do the right thing no matter what the situation, but anything MJ related I try and be above pious, if that even makes sense. I feel like there is such a bad stigma against stoners as it is, I like to try and break that. They call us lazy and unproductive. If they only knew. Seems some are, tho.

You hung that painting yet, Bill?

edit: Looks like you're going to have a couple monsters on your hands, Penyajo.


Well-Known Member

"Hermit" got me to thinking of "Herman and the Hermits" and the fun I had as a child in the sixties, which led me to a youtube search for them.
Youtube provided many splendid examples of various oldies but goodies from said Herman and his cloistered friends.
Then "Hermit Crab" popped into my head which brought me to THIS little gem:

*this guy should see if he can get Roors or someone to blow him up some illin' digs for his crusty decapodian bru...


Too cool. I use to have a hermit crab that would somehow scale 12" glass aquarium walls in order to wander around my apartment. Endearing but boring pet. But in a glass shell... well that's just bad ass. I want one with a small oil dish on top.


Well-Known Member
On a happier note!

In my running around today, I picked up a dual TRS-to-RCA patch cable to go from my mixer into the soundcard separately from the music being played from the computer and a decent instrument cable, and it sounds ultra sweet!
And I got two 4-lb bags of something very similar to Tomato-tone.
It's (Tomato-tone) harder to find over here on the west coast, unless using on an agricultural scale or willing to wait on a special order, but I found an equivalent:

Jobe's Organics Granular Fertilizer & Soil Amendment Vegetable & Tomato (2-7-4).

Has some exclusive "Biozome": microbes, fungi, and archae.
About the same application methods & amounts as Tomato-tone, too.
Will be nice to just water during flowering with maybe one or so booster feeding with this stuff every 6-weeks, or as needed, for container plants.
Will it be sufficient by itself for vegging, too?
Or should I be ready to add some N during veg?

*from their website:

"Jobe’s Organics Granular Fertilizer for Vegetables & Tomatoes (2-7-4) gives gardeners a fuss-free environmentally friendly option for healthy and beautiful plants. The first fast-acting organic fertilizer for results you can really see. Jobe’s Organics Granular Fertilizers with Jobe's Biozome® is a new and unique family of 100% organic fertilizer formulas. The secret is in Jobe's Biozome®, a consortium of three microorganisms - bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi plus a unique species of Archaea - an extremely aggressive microorganism that quickly breaks down even complex materials and minerals into basic nutrients and trace elements that plants can readily absorb. With Jobe’s Organics you will see results faster. For best results, use Jobe’s Organics Granular Fertilizer at time of planting and every eight weeks throughout growing season."


Well-Known Member
Morning to you, D :-)
Been a quiet Saturday night in the 600 on this side of the world.
About to cook up something to eat for dinner.
Smoke some BMF, and watch a movie, and then work on my song.
Will be popping back in a few times before racking the sack.
Hope you have a great Sunday morning!


Well-Known Member
Just trimming more herb over here. Spent the day at a fellow sixers kids birthday party. Wife and I hung out with still another sixer and his wife at the party. Was a good day indeed. Met both of them through our lovely thread D was so kind to create. And now we are all homies. Long live this thread my brus.


Well-Known Member
Just trimming more herb over here. Spent the day at a fellow sixers kids birthday party. Wife and I hung out with still another sixer and his wife at the party. Was a good day indeed. Met both of them through our lovely thread D was so kind to create. And now we are all homies. Long live this thread my brus.
How cool is that.

How are you all doing tonight or morning? I didn't win the Mega Millions so I can't buy the Club 600 Beach Mansion and fleet of Ferrari's. This will have to do for now. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Someone needs a bit more sunshine in their must be hard being a ganstA.

Little reg DOG's.

17day 12/12. DOG.




Well-Known Member
Hey Doobie!!! I found you a drummer.


donut shop opens up in 5 minutes. damn i want a apple fritter bad.