trayvan martin

WAAAH get over it man.Your reacting exactly the way the race baiters want you too.

nope Im reacting from experience again something you admittedly dont have. Close the curtains and call the neighborhood watch cliffey, or maybe Charles Bronson's moustache would tickle your fancy?
Go to jail for murdering a kid that almost everyone in that jail views as a hate crime. Yeah, that will work out great for the dude.
The sad part is that we are all still racist, and no one even sees it. And i'm not just talking about white and latino ppl, as long as we are referring to ppl as black, white, asian, or latino we are mentally separating everyone into groups that we have expectations of, and thats the definition of racism. How am I as a white male supposed to be able to forget racism and move on to peaceful existence with the rest of my friends, family, and society when every time i expose my self to any type of social or media interaction all anyone talks about is racism, how bad it is here or there, what happened here or there, why im a bad person for being white, and how i have to be careful of everything i say because there might be someone around who will think im racist. (even something as simple as the clique "you people" directed at a group not containing yourself and containing at least one person of African decent)

This is one of the few situations where bringing more attention to it, and keeping it in the social spotlight, pointing fingers at causes, and constantly reminding us is only going to worsen the problem. It will continue to heighten the any remaining conflict and will spur a wave of resentment of all involved directed at there accusers/persecutors.

In my paraphrase and interpretation of the words of Smokey the Bear - "Only you can prevent racism!" by not continuing it. and every single one of us who said well if they would do this or stop that (things like BET, and the NAACP (had a purpose at one time, now its just the new Klan) do incite anger in me) (over half of my black friends feel the need to tell me regularly how hard it is to be black, and how unfairly they get treated at every thing, even when its perfectly clear that a large number of there problems are caused but personal decisions)....... we are still being racist, lets let it go and move on.

You're not supposed to forget about racism, you're just not supposed to do it anymore and correct people who still practice it. That's the problem it doesn't just go away because people misuse it or you're tired of hearing about it. Half the thread is full of comments like he deserved it for wearing a hoodie or for punching a bus driver or for smoking weed. How else but racism would you judge someone you've never scene and determine they did those things by looking at them? Fuck my grammar you get the point.

It may not be you but do you nervously chuckle when someone says something racist instead of saying "WTF is your problem"?
If the government wanted to eliminate racism they wouldnt categorize and quantify people as minorities, etc. They wouldnt include race on about every government form there is. The government teaches us class warfare so we fight amongst each other while not realizing who the true enemy is.
I apologize if I seemed arrogant. I did not understand your original question, and it was not exactly phrased in a polite manner, but, hey this is the internet and arrogance is what makes it all so fun. Next time, if you ask me a question, make it clear what your question is.

To your point about Z being "self appointed" etc. It makes no difference, legally. Go read UB's link to the Florida law (776.041, exception 2a). That section shields Z's actions. The only question is whether Z "reasonably" feared great bodily harm or death. UB continually cites the "duty to retreat" portion of that exception but given the evidence (Z was on his back taking a beating) it seems pretty clear that Z could not retreat.

As to the reasonableness of Z's fear of great bodily harm or death, it does seem reasonable to me. If somebody had punched me in the face and knocked me to the ground and then proceeded to climb on top of me to continue the beating, I would fear great bodily harm or death. I think I am a reasonable person. Please note that there is no requirement in the law that says you "must be severely injured or else your fears are unreasonable". In my opinion, that is why Z was not charged and why he will never be convicted if he is charged... UNLESS some new evidence emerges that puts the lie to Z's claims.
All is forgiven and I can be abit, abrasive.. So anyway

Pretty clear ZimmZimm could not retreat? He made the Advance! At why point does he forfeit SYG? If I go looking for trouble and start getting folded, Can I shoot someone?
If the government wanted to eliminate racism they wouldnt categorize and quantify people as minorities, etc. They wouldnt include race on about every government form there is. The government teaches us class warfare so we fight amongst each other while not realizing who the true enemy is.
Ron Paul Award
Watch out guys, I can tell that RoninAmok is flaming the shit out of this thread like he owns it. He did the same to us yesterday on a thread in Toke n' Talk. Once he doesn't agree with you he just goes bananas and starts making shit up and accusing you of all kinds of BS. Seriously, just ignore him cause it's impossible to reason with this...

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I'm outta here. Good luck guys. Watch the 15 posts of flaming wrath that are about to follow or go check out the "Spike Lee" thread in T&T.
So True.

All is forgiven and I can be abit, abrasive.. So anyway

Pretty clear ZimmZimm could not retreat? He made the Advance! At why point does he forfeit SYG? If I go looking for trouble and start getting folded, Can I shoot someone?

No problem.

All I can say is, read the law. Google 776.041. It looks like the only way you completely lose SYG protections is if you are committing a felony.
My statement was to show that the media has made this into a race issue. Why the term "White Hispanic" coined by the NY times? Why did Sharpton and Jackson get into the picture and the Black Panther crap; not to mention Spike Lee (WTF?)? Why did NBC fail to mention that the dispatcher asked Zimmerman what his perceived race of the perp was, instead they report him stating only "he's black" as if he stated it on his own.

To me, The hardcore evidence is Zimmerman was told NOT to pursue, to wait for LE. All neighborhood watch groups are told to follow LE instructions at all times. If Zman would have done what he was told, none of this would have happened. By him continuing to pursue, he has crossed into vigilantism.
We don't need you to do that.