starting the babies for summer crop


Well-Known Member
002.JPG004.JPG005.JPGhowdy ,
well its that time again to start the crop for summer , here are some of my new crosses we have been working on . they are all very stable ,mold resistant early strains. these are 2 weeks old . some are indica dom. some are sativa's . will seperate and put in appropiate sized containers as we go. good luck to all this season!!
Nice! Im doing my first outdoor grow this summer.I do indoor hydro,but I have been itching for an outdoor crop for the summer.Im thinkin of putting my freebee John Sinclair skunk seed from the tude outdoors for odor reasons.Maybe a few aurora indica too.Im hoping for 1 male indica to do some pollinating for seed.Should be interesting this summer.Good luck.
aurora grows wild outdoor makes it very hard to trim. its big and bushy and the plant grows hundreds of pop corn nugs.
all our strains are very high bud to leave ratio and very easy to trim,. not labor intensive.038.jpg017.jpgthese where some from last season of some test strains . indica / sativa hybrids. DSCF2266.jpg hey where done mid sept on the coast. got alot of shitty weather last fall here but all survived it .
thanks , most of the strains we got are done between sept 1 and 30 .nice to get them in before the bad weather north and get a break before the winter florida grow .
hey man nice grow! here are my babies, i started them on march 1st and i know tis a bit too early but the weather has bin nice this past month and i thought why the hell not? well here they are... I'm sure you seen me on some other post but check out my grow journal also, Lil florida grow
ok now im wondering after looking at your thread is it going to be wise for me to let mine take root into the soil or just only root in the grow bags. b/c i would want to lay them down if i had too but i dont think that possible to one in the ground. I'm wondering though if im growing in heavy growth area in the middle of a palmetto do i still have to worry about laying them down?
those are 10 gallon bags and they where just starting to bud for a couple weeks and these are them back standing with no damage to any of them all 90 in that spot 025.jpg024.jpg022.jpg
ok now im wondering after looking at your thread is it going to be wise for me to let mine take root into the soil or just only root in the grow bags. b/c i would want to lay them down if i had too but i dont think that possible to one in the ground. I'm wondering though if im growing in heavy growth area in the middle of a palmetto do i still have to worry about laying them down?

autos should be fine in palmettos but anything bigger than palmattos will get all stove to shit !! if taller, next big wind just look a how the palmettos move and you will get a good idea .
Hey Getaway, about how wide would you say those 10 gallon grow bags are filled up? those seedlings and plants are looking great by the way. :clap: