trayvan martin

Martin's girlfriend had said in a recording obtained exclusively by ABC News that she heard Martin ask Zimmerman "why are your following me, and then the man asked, what are you doing around here." She then heard a scuffle break out and the line went dead.

Again No ID from Zimmerman just a stalking meathead with a gun.

ABC News has also learned that Martin was staying in Sanford at the time because he'd been suspended from Krop High School in Miami after school officials found him with a baggy that they suspected contained marijuana. He was staying at his father's fiance's house in Sanford.
Family spokesperson Ryan Julison confirmed to ABC News that Martin was suspended for an "empty baggy that had contained pot."

Could have been any of us.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.
Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.

How was Trayvon twice his size? Again these are the kids I see walking home everyday. I dont suspect them of anything. I dont follow them in the dark in an unmarked car and come out with a gun to ask them "What are you doing here?" because I dont assume they dont have the right to be wherever they are just because of the way they look. Even in his CURRENT facebook page Trayvon is a stringbean.

oh, yes. i forgot. zimmerman said so, so that's how it had to have happened.

if i were facing murder charges, i wouldn't say anything different.

maybe we can ask trayvon what happened? no? oh, that's right.

i'm sure the police noted zimmerman's blood on trayvon's hands in the police report with pictures and everything.

what's that? no noting of any blood on trayvon's hands?

holy fluoride, batman!

The report just hasn't been publicly released. Why do you think he is free right now?
Cant wait till the ball drops and you're left standing their with your dick in your hand, hopeless.
Quit conveniently ignoring the eye witness accounts lining up with zimm on all angles.
a black person in a hoodie just passed by my house!

hold on guys, i'm gonna follow him. he looks suspicious.

gonna get my gun first.
Well then as a part owner of said private property would Zimmerman not have had the right to approach Martin and ask him what he was doing? It is basic property rights.

Yes, I would agree that Zimmer had a right to approach and ask questions, even for that matter if it were public property. I don't think it was a very smart thing to do given the circumstances, but it does not constitute assault to ask somebody a question.
The report just hasn't been publicly released. Why do you think he is free right now?
Cant wait till the ball drops and you're left standing their with your dick in your hand, hopeless.
Quit conveniently ignoring the eye witness accounts lining up with zimm on all angles.

you mean the one single, incomplete account from an anonymous guy who didn't see what was happening immediately before the gunshot?

Zimm is free because the Sandford police did not do their job...One of the reason the Chief stepped down..If the job was done correctly there is no need for anyone to step down.

he stepped down to appease liberal racists like you.

what happened that night was a necessary right, i mean, do you really want this kid getting high and eating skittles?

the police did everything right, including making sure to take take photos of trayvon's blood stained hands after he administered the guy who was bigger than him the beating of his lifetime!

i mean, broken nose and bashed skull! the guy is probably still in a hospital bed recovering!
Yes, I would agree that Zimmer had a right to approach and ask questions, even for that matter if it were public property. I don't think it was a very smart thing to do given the circumstances, but it does not constitute assault to ask somebody a question.
Infact does it not stand to reason (like or dislike it) that technically speaking, considering it was private property, that Zimmerman was following his property rights by using a firearm to defend himself from attack on his property?
Zimm is free because the Sandford police did not do their job...One of the reason the Chief stepped down..If the job was done correctly there is no need for anyone to step down.

Maybe he stepped down cause all the crazy racist blacks. He is simply doing his job by not having charges on zimm, then an angry black whitey hating mob established by media propaganda comes storming, yea i think id step sown too.
That couldnt at all be related though could it?
There is more than one witness.

correct, like the lady who saw zimmerman straddling martin seconds after the gunshot and right after zimmerman was curb stomped, his skull bashed, and his nose broken.

that fat ass zimmerman moves quick!

i mean, if i was just administered a life threatening beating from someone much smaller than me, i bet i'd be able to straddle him just mere seconds after.

and i'm even more sure that the police would not try to "correct" my version of the events.
Infact does it not stand to reason (like or dislike it) that technically speaking, considering it was private property, that Zimmerman was following his property rights by using a firearm to defend himself from attack on his property?

According to the law Zimmer was within his rights whether the property was private or public.
Maybe he stepped down cause all the crazy racist blacks. He is simply doing his job by not having charges on zimm, then an angry black whitey hating mob established by media propaganda comes storming, yea i think id step sown too.
That couldnt at all be related though could it?
I'm starting to see you for what you really are.