the flaws in religion


Well-Known Member
that means god made evil right? so, god must be just as evil as evil itself... which seems pretty fuckin hypocritical considering god is supposed to be some emanation of all that is good or what not... so it seems to me that all you put in this reply is BS.
Yes, God made everything in her/his domain. Evil too. A balance to good and a lesson to the dummies that see there is a choice between good and evil.

In essense, there is only one choice and that is to choose good. Or Go(o)d. Choosing evil is a choice that man/woman makes. Hence the concept of free will.


Well-Known Member
Read the first Book of the Bible, and read the story of Adam and Eve and you will see the jealousy of us defying God. and yes you are right, we can only solve our problems, but we must do so through the Bible and through what God has given us. Do you think that if everyone had sex at least 1 time a day for ages 13 and up, we would have a lot of peace and happiness? Do you think that if everyone just got to kill each other when they were mad, we would live in a world of peace and happiness? Do you think that if we could steal whenever we wanted, there would be peace and happiness? No. we would look much like the Middle East. (Do you want to be like the Middle East, no, nobody does). Sure, if we could do all this is would be amazing for a day and it would be pleasurable(unless you got a fat chick maybe not), but it's affects on other and everyone else affects on you would add up and it would not mean happiness?

I don't honestly like where this conversation is heading, but can someone point out an actual flaw, not just saying that religion as a whole is evil. and please for my sake point out a flaw in the Catholic religion has.

And the problem of Evil is too non specific...
I own a bible and have read it cover to cover a dozen times and have certainly read all of Genesis,it is a story,a fairy tale.Not reality .I grew up indoctrinated with "faith".So I will pose this question,Do you believe that humankind has no morals without God?If so then would you explain it.Because of the human species need to survive as a lifeform,there is and has been an actual inherent morality of behavior to that survival before religion and the idea of God ever saw the light of day.Paternal/Maternal instincts, the need to protect the young and to guide them in life is a part of the survival behavior this is what we were,but this age is different and not to sound bleak it will have its fall sooner or later because of the abandonment from the simplicity of nature and survival instinct.It is clear that you do think that morality strictly comes from simply dose not,otherwise our species would have seen its last day years ago.Stealing and killing never brought peace to anyone at anytime Rebel u know that im sure.Catholic religion has many some historical research,and look at how lavish the Vatican sits with its opulance,anything but a symbol of humility and meek measure of the faith that is handed over at sacrement,while so many starve and die from disease amongst a plethura of other problems,that great mass of wealth that is under the popes control,maybe a fraction of it actualy goes to help if it is a Good day for them to do so,but certainly not at there inconvenience.Sanctomony of objects is another flaw i find disturbing,putting so much faith in the relics of Saints as though they were blessed by Christ himself through the power of the holy spirit.,,,,,,Sigh sadly enough Rebel there are flaws in every religion because it is man who has created religion and wrote its doctrines to control masses....not God,but i do not expect my dialogue to sway your faith,it takes more than the words of atheists to do just that,youll have to question to find this truth for yourself.


Well-Known Member
why anyone would want to submit to and worship a god is beyond me
unless god has big titties and a nice ass ?
Funny all the points made about "not believing in god" are invalid and have no back up...then talking about the bible and the different versions and what it states is false about the "one time"...but no one in here as probably ever read more than 3 pages...Why argue about something you don't believe in unless there's something inside you you telling you that its real. 90%+ of scholars that try to disprove the bible in their Career turn christian. Awesome. When you die, you will finally see what you've been denying the whole time...Not on valid point has been made because no one in here as done any research or even opened up a bible to see what its about...its not only about Jesus dying for all of us to be able to be sinful without punishment, but the history of what has happened in the past with several different authors. Cut Opinions guys trying to get all technical about something they have no idea about or researched...NOAH'S ARCH?? I mean comon there's plenty of history that shows mass floods and how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split, think thats tought in the 3rd-4th grade? No elementary diploma at that? Shows the class of an atheist.


Well-Known Member
Funny all the points made about "not believing in god" are invalid and have no back up...then talking about the bible and the different versions and what it states is false about the "one time"...but no one in here as probably ever read more than 3 pages...Why argue about something you don't believe in unless there's something inside you you telling you that its real. 90%+ of scholars that try to disprove the bible in their Career turn christian. Awesome. When you die, you will finally see what you've been denying the whole time...Not on valid point has been made because no one in here as done any research or even opened up a bible to see what its about...its not only about Jesus dying for all of us to be able to be sinful without punishment, but the history of what has happened in the past with several different authors. Cut Opinions guys trying to get all technical about something they have no idea about or researched...NOAH'S ARCH?? I mean comon there's plenty of history that shows mass floods and how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split, think thats tought in the 3rd-4th grade? No elementary diploma at that? Shows the class of an atheist.
Where on earth did you come up with those stats? Oh, someone told you...

Or you heard it somewhere...

Or you read it...

Proof, dude, proof.
which stats...? i said it generalized bout the scholars...look it up if you'd like didn't have an exact number...everything else is built of common sense and writ-in biggy just shooting out my quick thoughts. God Bless. B)


Well-Known Member
which stats...? i said it generalized bout the scholars...look it up if you'd like didn't have an exact number...everything else is built of common sense and writ-in biggy just shooting out my quick thoughts. God Bless. B)
Well, let's start with your own quote "90%+ of scholars that try to disprove the bible in their Career turn christian." Where on earth did you get that from?


Well-Known Member
And the problem of Evil is too non specific...
How so? What exactly is not specific about one of the most common theological problems in all of philosophy? I just googled "problem of evil" and got almost 13 million hits with the first page full of the very specific logical problem that this is named for, with the wikipedia being the first link that summarizes the issue and the many attempts by theologians throughout history to come up with an answer. It almost appears as if you have never heard of it. If that's the case, then I propose that you haven't really thought much about your beliefs to begin with.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...look inside. Proof is not outside. Things, stuff...that is what is outside. All that stuff was thought of first, correct? It didn't just 'happen', correct?

creatio ex dio, imo.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that if everyone just got to kill each other when they were mad, we would live in a world of peace and happiness? Do you think that if we could steal whenever we wanted, there would be peace and happiness?
Do you honestly think that these things would occur without a bible or god? Do you know how to think for yourself? Have you ever questioned your religious teachers or do you just accept what they tell you?
For example, if you were told that it is only because of god and his laws that keep people from killing and stealing, how do you explain the lack of killing and stealing from other cultures that don't believe in your god, or civilizations that existed prior to his revelation? How did those idol-worshiping Egyptians build such a massive empire thousands of years before Moses liberated his people without the help of god's laws? Why didn't their society plunge into chaos with all of that rampant theft and murder?
so you looked that up on google with what had nothing to say about my last post...who tried to disprove the bible..couldnt..has nothing to do with what you "searched" on hard feelings.


Well-Known Member
so you looked that up on google with what had nothing to say about my last post...who tried to disprove the bible..couldnt..has nothing to do with what you "searched" on hard feelings.
First of all, who are you replying to and second what on earth are you trying to say?


Ursus marijanus
so you looked that up on google with what had nothing to say about my last post...who tried to disprove the bible..couldn't..has nothing to do with what you "searched" on hard feelings.
It all depends on what you mean by "disprove".
Is the Bible internally consistent? No.
Is it consistent with what we know of physical reality? No.
So if "Biblical inerrancy" is your thing, that'll do as far as disproof is concerned, imo.
But if you like to treat the Bible as a metaphoric andor moral tale, the question becomes: Is there a boundary beyond which invoking metaphor no longer works, and literality is once again served? If there is not ... then it becomes circular, without foundation. "Turtles all the way down". All jmo. cn
AND that would all depend on your "physical belief" with the mind as weak as it is and can never be used to its fullest potential you might just be missing a realm that you cant ever imagine and are brainwashed already by both society and governmental beliefs and cant ever think "outside" the box of this world.
And look where that "massive empire" got them lol no where...cant do anything in long term success without our lord jesus. He will help get you through what you need and will always be there no matter how much you dont understand him...One Love..