Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
I've been inspired by your grows LJ. I have a DWC based on yours that is kicking butt. I'm not yet ready to start a journal but here's a couple of pics of some God's Gift that I'm growing in Fox Farm soil with their nutes. I'll try and get some pics of the DWC tomorrow.

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Excellent work! Wow! I love God's Gift!

Thank you for reading! Please do post pix of your hydro project.


Active Member
Man, ive noticed traffic is wayyyyyyy down since the retarded crash everyone is pissed about. Hell ive cut back big time too, they really fucked themselves there.... Feels to me like a waste if it can just be stupidly & randomly erased, my post # went from almost 300 to like 100 lol, not that it really matters, quite dumb tho.

I can only imagine how people like you & Flo feel having detailed threads with daily updates.... all gone :cuss:


Well-Known Member
We're all Flower Children at heart... so it's okay.

Enjoy the show...

This, Tahoe's true main head, had to be tilt-tied to relieve a little of that harsh light exposure.

And the now famous lower nug on a Tahoe rear branch.

This is going right into Clarence Clemons, into my lungs, and into my brain.
I was so lucky. My friend found 5 seeds in the God's Gift he got from the Wellness Clinic. I popped 3 of them and they all turned out to be ladies. So now I have the 3 ladies flowering under 1,000 HPS. Previous pics.

My system isn't as sophisticated as yours LJ but I keep an eye on everything daily. I gots lots of time on my hands. Can't believe how these plants are taking off. I'm going to get some cuttings in the next couple of days. Yeah, I like growing peppers too.

I have a great idea for a SCROG too. I will start my own journal then.



Well-Known Member
Man, ive noticed traffic is wayyyyyyy down since the retarded crash everyone is pissed about. Hell ive cut back big time too, they really fucked themselves there.... Feels to me like a waste if it can just be stupidly & randomly erased, my post # went from almost 300 to like 100 lol, not that it really matters, quite dumb tho.

I can only imagine how people like you & Flo feel having detailed threads with daily updates.... all gone :cuss:
I don't know, there's something to be said for this new, quieter RIU. I just want the like button back.


Well-Known Member
I was so lucky. My friend found 5 seeds in the God's Gift he got from the Wellness Clinic. I popped 3 of them and they all turned out to be ladies. So now I have the 3 ladies flowering under 1,000 HPS. Previous pics.

My system isn't as sophisticated as yours LJ but I keep an eye on everything daily. I gots lots of time on my hands. Can't believe how these plants are taking off. I'm going to get some cuttings in the next couple of days. Yeah, I like growing peppers too.

I have a great idea for a SCROG too. I will start my own journal then.

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Stellar! Looks like a clean setup. Where to begin? I love that you're growing peppers with them, but let's get to the two plants. Excellent vigor. Those powerful erect (yikes) leaves indicate vigorous feeding. Nicely done.

Looks like a heavy indica.

I would appreciate it if you kept my journal updated now and then with your progress even if you start your own thread.

Thank you.


Active Member
Hey Jin, do you think i could scrog using 2 rooms? Meaning veg in 1 room w/out a screen & move into a bloom room with one...
I'll definitely keep you updated LJ. I grew years ago in tomato buckets and have had veggie gardens for years. I love the scientific part of growing and your system rocks. The only thing I'm worried about now is my roots clogging up my submerged pump. Yeah, the ladies in the DWC are amazing.

Green eggs and Pam

Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking great, Lordjin. Mine are not. I am so pissed at myself.

My OG girls have spider mites again. Or maybe I should say "still"? I am currently in a state of defeat and am mentally re-grouping. I am going to kill those little sobs, but right now I am wallowing in my own misery. I am at day 41 of flowering, and am soooo close to my first harvest. I am not giving up, just worked up. Can somebody please tell me it's going to be okay? LOL

Not long ago, I posted that I got rid of my spider mites with neem oil. IDIOT!!!

My current plan - which will happen AFTER I hit some kush - will be to haul all those sticky, sticky plants out of the tent and spray them down again. Why? Because that's all I know to do right now, and it should halt their progress somewhat. I swear, whenever I stop spraying these plants down, the mites come back. It is sooo much work to do this, and then wait til they dry so I don't burn the leaves.

a very pale green


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely keep you updated LJ. I grew years ago in tomato buckets and have had veggie gardens for years. I love the scientific part of growing and your system rocks. The only thing I'm worried about now is my roots clogging up my submerged pump. Yeah, the ladies in the DWC are amazing.
Much thanks. Sounds like you have a real passion for cultivating. Welcome to the journal! Glad you jumped out into the light with your plants.

Yes, when the roots start occupying the res, just periodically check down there to see if they're reaching into the pump's intake. Gently pull away with your hand if you do see it. It should be manageable.

Your plants are looking great, Lordjin. Mine are not. I am so pissed at myself.

My OG girls have spider mites again. Or maybe I should say "still"? I am currently in a state of defeat and am mentally re-grouping. I am going to kill those little sobs, but right now I am wallowing in my own misery. I am at day 41 of flowering, and am soooo close to my first harvest. I am not giving up, just worked up. Can somebody please tell me it's going to be okay? LOL

Not long ago, I posted that I got rid of my spider mites with neem oil. IDIOT!!!

My current plan - which will happen AFTER I hit some kush - will be to haul all those sticky, sticky plants out of the tent and spray them down again. Why? Because that's all I know to do right now, and it should halt their progress somewhat. I swear, whenever I stop spraying these plants down, the mites come back. It is sooo much work to do this, and then wait til they dry so I don't burn the leaves.

a very pale green
Oh boy... what is it with OG's and spider mites?

If it's any consolation, I logged many a stressful hour with Serenade bottle in hand last grow because of persistent PM. At the end of my hot, stressful Serenade soak sessions, the sweat was literally overflowing out of the latex gloves I had on. Fuckin' nasty. My hands would prune up in my own perspiration... And going in there without protection is not an option.

Keep fighting the good fight. I'm there with you in spirit.

Hey Jin, do you think i could scrog using 2 rooms? Meaning veg in 1 room w/out a screen & move into a bloom room with one...
I think it would be possible, but not easy. You would have to opt for a more modified scrog with a higher screen perhaps. Maybe you could build a screen that's not too difficult to height adjust and gradually bend down the transferred plants, lowering the screen as you do so?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm not sure it's quite appropriate to keep referring to this as the 'weak side.'

Though Larry is the smaller plant, she has clearly established a legit presence. Applied a few more key ties... Becoming a web slowly but surely.

This is just a small corner at the very front right side.

General sprawl shot... getting pretty thick in there.

There's a pretty flat 'lower canopy' happening just to the right of center mass.

General sprawl shot going the other way.

And a few macros.

I'm totally having flashbacks now. I do distinctly recall one of my friends saying back in the early 90's, "Dude, there's this thing called "Koosh" now that is supposed to be the most potent thing to date. And I remember saying, "Ah, more fairy tales."

I'm thinking about writing a song or a poem about the joys of no PM.


Well-Known Member
nice....beautiful work 'jin!! hey u know those flowers u got coverin those boobies n bits, did u know that's passion flower? ofcourse u did...

wow, i want those genetics!! mind u i'm still pretty happy!!

u wait till u harvest, i think larry is going to surprise u bigtime, she seems more dense, could i be wrong though!?

any hairs browning yet?


Well-Known Member
nice....beautiful work 'jin!! hey u know those flowers u got coverin those boobies n bits, did u know that's passion flower? ofcourse u did...

wow, i want those genetics!! mind u i'm still pretty happy!!

u wait till u harvest, i think larry is going to surprise u bigtime, she seems more dense, could i be wrong though!?

any hairs browning yet?
Yes, hairs started drying a few days ago. Larry's hairs are drying slower. I think Larry is a 'mighty mite.' Small plant structure, but produces. Ideal for limited space growers.

This is the variety of passion flowers I have growing outside my window.

Trippy looking flower.

Check out how those purple things look like bones.

Kinda' makes you wanna believe in God, doesn't it?

Do I believe in God? I believe in this:

Have a nice day!
G'day, mate!

Edit: Keeping away from the dispensary so I can afford my expensive photography habit. See how it balances out?


Well-Known Member
A limited time specialty item at my market's fresh produce section. Awesome munchies.

Watermelon and green apple are the best.

The dangers of the supermarket late at night when high.

I'm like a fucking bird attracted to bright, colorful things.


Well-Known Member
lol! like a bird hehe, cheers for those passion flower pics, had my woman drooling on the screen! they would be very impressive flowers, especially watching them time lapsed opening, incredible colours, they can get you slightly buzzed did you know that?

and yeah, i hear you with you photography habit! i myself have caught the bug, and take my camera everywhere, i have only ever charge it once aswell, had for a couple of weeks now, and everyday use, very impressive battery!

i want an all glass waterpipe like yours, glass bowl and all, cant beat that. damn it i gotta go buy one, may be very hard to find here South Aust.