#1 Dj Short- True Blueberry most $ i ever laid down for beans and the single largest disappointment ever in my growing career. Most Variation I have ever seen in a pack of seeds.
#2 DJ Short-Flo was given these in person by DJ following my detailed report of True Blueberry. Fluffiest hay I have come across to date

#3 GReenhouse Seeds- Kings Kush ; Only pack of seeds I have ever purchased and had every fem seed be male. No replacements, totally disrespected by franco and sent away being labeled a "troll". Typical Answer I have come to find.
#4 Brown Dirt Warrior--This guy had some fame come to him via his documentary that went viral on youtube. It's entitled "Prohibition" and depicts a perspective of an outdoor cash cropper in the mtns of bc. He picked up fame by Remo of urban grower and advanced nutrients. Sent him $70 bucks for his "self-developed genetics" that were supposed to be Brazilian Sativa/Afghani.......Im sure they were but he NEVER SENT ANYTHING. A True Story of Taking ones money and Running.
#5 Ken's Grand Daddy Purple---Bought a pack for $100 from attitude. Was the worst example I have ever seen of gdp. Very fluffy budz, that turned completely purple and had horrible potency. Still hold my record for worst yield from a ten pack. During spannabis my better half thought to have it tested for some giggles. 7.5%THC, .9%THCV, .02CBD, .021 CBN ALL FOR $100

I've had some TGA, Karma, and Gage Genetics that are TRIPLE that amount, and are way less expensive genetics!
**No Disrespect or Pun Intended ; I do not, nor will not, ever smoke Vortex from Sub again. IDK the cannabinoid profile of that strain, but that strain made me loose a lid. Extreme Paranoia and it ultimately induced a major panic attack. Never ever had any exp like that of vortex, and felt at that point it was obviously not something good for my health.