Have been lurking when I can.
Loved the gear porn from Afrafraw! (I know, late, but I missed a bunch of posts as the 600 picked up speed after The "Great" Hack of 2012).
Loved the dirt pR0n, too!
At the end of the month I'm going to need to get some soil to mix back into the previous grow's soil.
Figure I might as well take advantage of the humus from nine 2.7-gallon pots of used soil and see what happens.
If Herr DST can grow his lovely ladies by planting straight back into pots of used soil, I should be fine by mixing my used soil with an equal amount of composted potting soil, no?
Time will tell...
The 5 BMF sprouts are doing fine, though one of them lost one of it's cotyledon leaves when an over-anxious gardener got a little rough while removing the husk from the newly sprouted plant.
Not going to point any fingers.
Two thumbs, however, I will point.
Working on my song for the video, and it's sounding just like I'm hearing it in my head.
I have 1min17secs of the sympho part done (SymphoTechProgDub), and will be working on the rest of it today.
Just need 3min3secs of additional music and I'll be finished.
Should move faster now, as the Intro has the basis for the melody, the hook, and the drop in it, so I don't have to futz with that aspect of it now.
And am enjoying the Romulan.
I didn't push it to being a couchy high, so have been able to get a lot done around the apartment, and in the man cave, to make it all more livable.
I still have two BMF plants and a White Widow that will be coming down soon.
The White Widow got a bit too close to the light and got a little crisped, but could have been worse.
Okay, back to working on the song, after I puff some Romulan and watch an episode of something-or-other on Netflix.