The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
"Come on kids," I said, "It's time to give mummy her Mother's Day surprise."
"But mummy's gone to the gym," one of them replied.
"Doesn't matter... Let's all jump in the car. We'll go and see her."
They both seemed excited at the prospect, but a bit puzzled when I stopped the car a few minutes later.
"This isn't the gym daddy. Why are we at Uncle Dave's house?"
"You'll fucking see.."


Well-Known Member
Fuck. I forgot about Mothers Day. And I'm staying in her house while waiting for my new place to be renovated.

Goanna have to give her money out of my stash. Shit.


Well-Known Member
celtic just got fucked over. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha. ya fuckin kiddy fiddling taig bastards, get it right fuckin up ye.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah chedz, the rangers have had a bad few weeks but all those septic fuckers have been sniggering away like fuck, sublimely convinced that they were gonny walk away with all the scottish silverware, absolutely convinced that they were unbeatable, well a wee team fae ayrshire that runs its team onna fuckin shoestring budget have just brought them down tae earth with a bump. its fuckin lovely. no doubt they'll be whining about the 'penalty' they didny get, another chorus of 'masonic' refereeing, the constant waft of putrid paranioa that seeps from the green swamp, conspiracy theory overload . the reality is they never scored one single goal. end of story.


Well-Known Member
Well that's the last of the celebratory gear gone now do i still feel hungry enough for a chicken shish mmm not sure but i'm off for a shit to think it over


Well-Known Member
anyonebody watched that series gold rush alaska? blitz season 1 and 15 eps of season 2....real fucking good lol they all look like hard nutz but ther pansie ass fags lol

so hows everyone? dont come on much nowadays,ther more i do the more my post count goes down lmao bovvad?me? lol
haven been to chek on the plants for a few days mite pop up later if me fucking legs ok,
smoking this laos satuva smashes ya man nice shit,,,smells lovely too

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
seen season one been waiting for season two, thats where the other guy takes over there stake and they go further in to alaska?


Well-Known Member
to all the Celtic fans on the morning after, ahve listened tae you'se whine about all the Gers fans suddenly becoming Killie supporters, well heres a bit of info,myself and damn near every other Gers fan wid support ANY team playin against you, personally ah'd support a Taliban XI wae Osama as captain and fuckin Saddam Hussain as manager if ah thought they could shaft you fuckers. noo away and lie in yer pish.