Psychild's 4x4 Grow Tent (Black Sour Bubble, TWxES, SSHx, DPx, BRxBR & MORE!!)

How do you think you got busted?
What? Jeez, that blows man. Louisiana is not a state I would want to be caught with pot, and definitely not growing it - damn near as bad as Florida. That's rough. How do you think you got caught?

Yeah man it sucks. Definitely should have thought it through a little more before I did it Lol but it's over with now. &#8730; I got snitched on >< I had pretty much one friend who knew I was growing, because I used his house to burn all of my leaves and trash. He got busted with 5 individually bagged grams, with a scale and sent to jail. It just so happens that I had the same Dorm as he did, and I found out from a few friends I had inside that he was called to the "Nurses station" about 4-5 times shortly before his release. Hopefully soon I'll be able to make it to a medi state so I can continue my most loved hobby. &#8730;&#8730;

wow, that really bites man, good luck in the future bro!!
Thanks man! I'll let you know when I start back!

I'll be rolling around here checking everyone's grows out. &#8730; I might not be able to practice right now, but I can still learn &#8730;
im sure karma will get his punk ass...[/QUOTE

Either way I'm not bitter about it...It was his first time getting caught, and there were things both of us could have done better. I definitely don't ever want to hang out with him again, but I also don't want to go kick his ass :P

How you doing brother? Keeping your head up : ?)

Doing good man Thanks! You guys really are like family, and have reacted way better than some of my family. I really am blessed to have a group of people like all of you to fall back on! I'm pretty sure tomorrow is the day we need to be moved out, so we've been doing our best to pack everything up and sent back home. We still havn't found a place to stay, but we have several friends in the area, so I assure you we will not be out on streets. I'm not gonna lie, it's a pretty rough time in my life right now, but I'm almost excited about it. It's crazy. I know that I'm not going to die, and no matter how hard things are gonna get, life moves on. I Almost feel privileged to learn the important lessons that I'm about to learn. Not just legally, but morally and responsibility. Really what I guess I'm saying is, I can't wait to see what my life will be like, and what kind of person I end up being, once all of this is over with. I've pretty much decided that I'm going to propose to my girlfriend soon, as she has shown me several times she's worth keeping. Pretty much all I lack is a ring, and Daddy's approval :P But this past weekend me and him stayed up drinking moon shine and shooting pool until 5:15 in the morning, so I'm working on that &#8730;

Either way, I can't wait to grow weed again, and grow your amazing crosses &#8730;&#8730;&#8730;

Karma will prevail overall!!!
No doubt!!! Nice to see you BKB!
well thats good. =) im glad your not bitter about it! cant say id feel the same way... lmao. but thats good. keep ya head up man. keep us up 2 date on everything too
Waddup everybody? Not a whole lot going on right now, just looking for a place to live. Still havn't been able to find a job, but hopefully I'll have the job at the car dealership within the next week or 2. Still havn't heard much about my case, and plan on talking to a couple of attorneys this week. I've pretty much quit smoking in the past few weeks, which is WAY MORE than Hard! I can't wait until all this blows over and I can get about my business again. Still trying to keep my head up, and hoping for the best! Hope everyone's doing well, and if I missed your thread on my rounds this time, I'm sorry :/ It was nothing personal, just running out of time. &#8730;

Do America a favor......(If you have some old bag seeds laying around, take 5-10 a day, or even a week and throw them out somewhere. If your not willing to join in the fight for legalizing marijuana, this is an easy way to contribute!)
I'm definitely with you on overgrowing. Texas is rather severe punishment so I'm not sticking my head out there.

Love your attitude, better than I'd be doing. The only positive if I got arrested would be the gov gets to foot my medical bill like they should be from military injuries
Nooo... You're just giving schwaggy unwanted males the chance to knock up people's outdoor harems!
Funny Idea though,just kill all the males while you're at it!

Or better yet, plant clones!
Nooo... You're just giving schwaggy unwanted males the chance to knock up people's outdoor harems!
Funny Idea though,just kill all the males while you're at it!

Or better yet, plant clones!
That's the thing.....Nobody else is growing over here. Everyone's too scared :/
I know a lot of people don't like the ruderalis genes, but if you chunk them early in the year, they'll be done before indicas or sativas are even in flower. Especially considering we got so much warmth down here in the south.
I know a lot of people don't like the ruderalis genes, but if you chunk them early in the year, they'll be done before indicas or sativas are even in flower. Especially considering we got so much warmth down here in the south.
hell yeah, almost get 2 cycles in Lol...I've got a great little area by my new place that I think will work well. Lots of water from the rain, since it's near a ditch, and it's a part of the grass that doesn't get cut often &#8730;

I went to court This past Thursday, and lucked out....I wasn't on the docket, so it bought me a little extra time! Still havn't started working at the car dealership yet, but I'm patiently waiting, in hopes for the best. Hopefully in the next week or 2 I should be getting a call for orientation, wish me luck!

New Court Date: April 13th