Skunk #11 First Grow - Journal


Well-Known Member
Until they are a couple of weeks old I would water them when the soil is dry on the surface (about every day). After that I would wait until the soil is dry to the bottom. This should take two to three days.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bulldog, Everything is going well. My growroom stays too hot, but I'm trying to find tempered or ceramic glass to fix that.

Day 8: Here are some new pictures of my babies. Two of them are my fastest growers and the other is a group shot.



Well-Known Member
Nice looking pics sky! Good luck with the temp issue. Solving the problems is half the fun though.


Well-Known Member
Temperature Problem has been resolved for the short time, until I get tempered glass to put between my plants and light! Also, I put up plywood in front of my windows to keep light from leaking and for exhaust when I get the chance to do ventilation.

Anyone notice the hole at the bottom ;)?


Well-Known Member
Just quit smoking cigarettes! Not that anyone cares >.>. Anyways, I'm also out of bud..will get some soon though ^_^. This is gonna be hard! GROW BABIES GROW!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good, Im growing a skunk x haze and we are at about the same point, Mine are on day 10 as of today, we should compare. My skunk seem to be more sativa dominant though.


Well-Known Member
looking good bro, good work quiting cigs!
Thanks man! Been keeping myself super stoned so it hasn't been hard yet.

Looks good, Im growing a skunk x haze and we are at about the same point, Mine are on day 10 as of today, we should compare. My skunk seem to be more sativa dominant though.
Cool, I'll check out your grow. I'd def like to see someone else growing a Skunk strain, and this plant is 75% Sativa 25% Ind, just the way I like it.


Well-Known Member
Day 9: Looked at my plants, which were drooping a little last night, and was in shock..they grew so much ^_^!!

The pH is at 7.0 and I can't find Liquid pH down or up in town. I'll try PetCo tommorow, if they don't have it I'm ordering some online. Also, will be going down to a local glass company to find tempered glass for my reflector. Will update with pictures!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I went to Home Depot and they didn't have it, called Lowes and they said they only had solid pH down. Sucks >.<


Well-Known Member
I worked on my temperature problem a little more. Got the ducting in place for when I get the tempered glass.

And here's pictures of one of my babies.



Well-Known Member
The plants are lovely bull!! Watered them today and they are looking so healthy..Except my biggest one has like a white line on's its paint or something..Anyways update soon w/ pictures :D!


Well-Known Member
Day 11: HUGE amount of growth in all of the plants. I watered them after letting them fully dry, went to school (college :P) and came back and my god what happened!!

Also, I've read that white lines form on some strains when in flowering, this plant isn't flowering is it? Anyone know?

And here is the White Line
