my fiancee cheated on me.


New Member
I'm really sorry this happened to you. I know it probably still hurts a lot and people calling her a hoe doesn't help much. I wish you the best no matter what you decide to do.

(Why are there thirteen pages bashing this woman for cheating on her fiance and the most disgusting stories of men fucking women over in the sluttiest things thread and hardly a word??)


Well-Known Member
the best part is.. im a Marine, i got out in 08 and she got "semper fi" tattooed on her rib cage for us.. (semper fi means always faithful) always faithful my ass.


New Member
A marine? Like...with a uniform and washboard abs marine? ....How you doin?:hug: You need a hug? Just meet me in my inbox, love, anytime you need to talk.


New Member
You are being too nice bro, they why they are looking elsewhere. Change your approach and treat the lady like a whore in the bedroom, really smash her hard and give it to her and i promise you she wont be go anywhere. Your the boss bro not her.

Also did she fuck you over for much money, rings etc?
Oh look. A response from someone who appears to have a family tree that is nothing but a straight fucking line. You're not any womans boss. Stop flattering yourself, it's unbecoming.


Active Member
Few things:
I feel your pain brother, but remember this like most things in life will pass.
Be glad you found out now. It is a hell of a lot easier to recover from this now, rather than after you're married.
Keep calm and don't do anything brash (to her, the prick she banged or yourself)
If you want to get back at her, I mean really eat her alive inside; just disappear from her life. Don't respond to her calls, texts, anything, period, just vanish. It will driver her ef'n mad.
Lastly it's "ho" not "hoe". (I'm not the grammar police, this is just a pet peeve of mine).


Well-Known Member
Sad. The site thinks i'm a spammer. Guy got out of prison, makes my life harder, long story.
Maybe they liked your other account better?

To the OP: Thanks for making this thread. A few of us were talking about making a thread called "I fucked Desr's gf". Now I can spend those three minutes doing something else.


New Member
Johnny please don't. Someone is watching the site for my activity and using it in court. He's grasping at straws but...just don't say anything. I know you know. Just shh.