Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people


Well-Known Member
Indeed very sad. And all the fighting amongst cliquey denominations. In the Uk, the Church of England is just a load of middle class white people who only turn up to church on special occasions, buy their popularity, basically run private schools only their clique can go to. It's all going through the motions, with ceremony and rituals and far too much gold. Pretentious shit. It's basically Catholicism's shiny things plastered onto Protestantism. I have personal issues with the catholic church admittedly, my grandmother was brought up in a convent and I believe the religion has far more dark and twisted origins than most think. Too much of it is devised by people and I think a lot of people have had negative experiences of church.. Real Christianity has no special name or clergymen who seem akin to mob bosses.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well, Christians believe God tells them to spread His word and message, its really annoying I know.
In high school there was this guy who would try to convert me all the time. I guess because of what I wore back then he thought I was "religiously unfulfilled." Finally I had enough and tore into him about his cult (yes he went to a Christian based cult) then proceeded to school him about the bible. He was quiet after that.

Ill talk to Christians of they are willing to listen to me and take an honest look at what i know to be true such as evolution and the BB. Many seem unwilling to do this.

...true. I'd like to say a bit about that. This is happening to people at a neurological level. It plays out on the world stage because it is happening on the tiny, inner stage. (jmo / current understanding)

...I think that it is normal, natural - but yep, a little bit annoying.

...I have no idea what happened to my way of thinking, but these days I just know that anyone I talk to brings value and experience to my life. I need to be listening. (for better or for worse)

Damn man, I think I might be a masochist.


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
well i guess i don't look dark enough for them so they don't bother me

PS: reincarnation sounds more plausible then the ultimate cruise ship in the sky
It's not heaven for eternity... Heaven is a stop over on the trip to the new perfect earth that the Christian God is making for all his favourites...


Well-Known Member
It's going to be a horribly long and painful process before that though and no one can make up their minds whether or not the rapture I supposed to happen before or after the serious shit goes down. Don't like thinking about it...

Nice to see you Shan Shan <3

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
It's nice to see you to Kuroi... I should visit more often...

I'm actually still in the process of upgrading my grow so we can go shopping sometime in the hopefully not too distant future...


Well-Known Member
i use to get angry when they would come up to me cause i had done already went to church for long enough and i didnt wanna hear any of that anymore, but ive changed it up now i let them go through all they shit they wanna say then i start throwin some facts their way and they usually wanna end the conversation after that. ironically since i took that route it seems i get stopped a whole hell of a lot less...i wonder if jesus was listenin to me poop on his followers and gave an all out bulletin to leave me alone lol

i get thats what they're su
ppose to do, but as many have said if you gonna do what is expected of you based on the bible do it across the board not none of this ima pick and choose which lessons to follow


Well-Known Member
hey i believe in christ as my savior but i can ask the same question like this. god if your real why am i bored and why dont i have motivation for anything. doesnt matter. shits going to happen or not happen regarless if someones watching or not. its free will people do what they do you want us to be robots like the rest of the world. dont answer please


Well-Known Member
my pops friend is like that every time i see him he starts preaching last time i seen him i snapped i told him im roman catholic and i aint coverting and he just keep going on fuck it i dont waste my breath on him no more


Well-Known Member
my pops friend is like that every time i see him he starts preaching last time i seen him i snapped i told him im roman catholic and i aint coverting and he just keep going on fuck it i dont waste my breath on him no more
What religion was he if you dont mind me asking?I believe in free religion,but the jahovas coming to my door pisses me off.Thats taking it a lil far to me,and not respecting others peoples religions enough to not wanna convert them.GODLESS WHORES![video=youtube;kdsJUxVIANk][/video]


Well-Known Member
What religion was he if you dont mind me asking?I believe in free religion,but the jahovas coming to my door pisses me off.Thats taking it a lil far to me,and not respecting others peoples religions enough to not wanna convert them.GODLESS WHORES![video=youtube;kdsJUxVIANk][/video]
i think he was baptis or something but my aunt is jahovas witness and she is the worse when it come to preaching but one good thing is she and biggie smalls mom went to the same church so i got to meet her that was cool


Well-Known Member
What about people who stand on corners or in front of stores trying to get people to sign petitions to legalize MJ.....or try to get people to register to vote, or promote other causes?

It's all about free speech, we have the right the preach the beneficial medical effects of weed, collect money for the homeless or whatever. I'm in the agnostic department, but they have a right to speak their mind just like we do. You can always walk by and ignore them.


Well-Known Member
So it happened again.

I replied

" I'm too busy doing important things" ended with a awkward stare then i walk away


Well-Known Member
Hmmm annoying ass athiest who are determined to kill god in anyone who has one. Leave us alone bro thats fucked my god didnt hurt you he let you hurt yourself for being a fool. Plenty of times ive done wrong and he's always "hey wait dude dont" "dude just slow down and think about that for a sec!" stop trying to get on christians nerves with your views i didnt do shit to you.


Well-Known Member
Don't have then on the street corners but they do come knocking on the door asking if I'm ready for the end, pisses me off so........
I answer the door naked, they don't stop here any more, they just "keep on trucking"! LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
If God Cared Marijuana Would Be Legal....
O RIGHT NEXT WE'LL HERE IF GOD CARED ABOUT THE DISABLED HE'D MAKES THEM BETTER IN A FLASH o yeah then people like me wouldnt learn a fucking thing and people like you wouldnt see me on the streets "gettin it" and feel what ever it is they feel.