never tc'd a variegated houseplant, but my understanding is that the ones that are chimeras, actually containing tissues of genetic make up growing adjacent to eachother, that one would have difficulty exact cloning. however I may give this a whirl on a chimera in my home. the aberrant characteristic is limited to epidermal tissue, which is already commercially cultured this way.i was just reading that root cuttings of varigated plants will never produce a varigated clone. also, was reading its easier for a root to grow chutes than it is for a chute to grow roots. just got my mind spinning.
thats a question i had on that other tc thread,,,how come all the pics of MJ look like they just got jared,,clean and look just like a potted MJ plant....not the ones of real results though,,,,they look like kinda what u describing! And u never hear from those dudes having pic of a perfect looking, fresh jared culture...i aint scared to show a screw up..or even lame results,,,i-aint-a-lyin-2-myslf.....
I have tryed to find definitions for plant preserve,,but the same thing is found,,,hydrates,,and has a wide soectrum for killing contamination in TC..a must for tissue cultures...I knew this was somthing that was not replaceable,,,and i hope that the 30ml bottle will be here this week!!
cut on the line, transfer the callus into another shooting rooting compound for more divisions. this explant has small roots I cant seem to focus on, beneath the gel. she has lots of time to develop roots in another stronger rooting jar, or dipped in rooting compound and put in rockwool. all my cultures are green, for the love of proper nutrition, including sugar. when roots fully develop in vitro mine need to be lite tight for some reason, so no photos of those, but I shoot some hardening/vegging soon. maybe get a real digital microscope too!thats what i mean, those dont look any thing like plants to me,,,,were is the stem u cut to split...were is the roots? why is it green all the way through ur gel? so many questions..those are real progress pics..not just jared cuttings/bleached and clean...this is actually getting to the point were i might be SCARED....a culture with roots,,the one u might be getting ready to
What are you going to do once you have cultured some bacteria that can luminesce? That doesn't really get you anywhere except for having some bacteria on an agar said earlier, anyone can culture bioluminesce genes, some are on raw fish, just waiting to be cultured. not sure if those can be used for anything other than study though, however, the one from the jellyfish has already been used on plants and several animals, fish, cats, rabbits, mice, etc.
Yes, part of the node, the newest part of it. I dont push them in, I ease them down, and settle them, or make a little piece of paper like a bridge, two sides in, loop up and out, and then set the culture on top of that. I'm jsut starting to play with this suspended technique. evidently they sell jars made to empty and refill without disturbing the suspended culture. might be cool.holly shit man thats a lot of words,,,,,i dont think it will go for i need to get something together scrap all the outer layer off and start with a part out of the nod,,, not the nod itself?mmmmmm just a 1/4 inch of that sprout of the mother nod,,brand new little do you push those WIMPY things into the gel? that ppm tech. store hasnt sent or processed my order yet..they have the order but nothing happened,,,i called but,,their,,,,I have a desperate feeling,,,that nadcc will not last much longer,,, i can see it wearing off now,,,i cant re-jar them again with out that ppm,,it makes no sense,,,till i think about it!!!! ALL YOU WANNA BEESSSS LIKE ME DONT START WITHOUT PPM!?!@#$#@
What are you going to do once you have cultured some bacteria that can luminesce? That doesn't really get you anywhere except for having some bacteria on an agar plate.
those forceps will make things easier for sure, and a good price too ! you may as well keep those cultured clones going, they are possibly viable, and definately study worthy.HELL YEAH. AND THAT SOUNDS FUN TO..GROWING THING FROM CELLS IS COOL......BETTER THEN LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW ALL DAY.....
Ordered a set of 10in. stainless forceps friday at midnight from this aquamarine place 4.95..and they have the bend at the end,,,,,they are already here...WERES MY PPM.....
but,,,, thats cool though huh???that i got one of the hardest parts to start spouting,,,and im doing it ALL WRONG!!!TAKE THAT!!!one for the GRASSHOPER!!!