The UK Growers Thread!

was a jailcase been thingied by a outside magistate

in jail cases ur allowed another inmate to represent you...we was pals i had to try balg the judges head
thats good to know, if i get caught i might get Peter Sutcliffe to represent me, he might get my sentence slashed or maybe cut a deal!
sorry! ;)


Well-Known Member
the drunk driving was a total fuck up, i regret it massively, having to use peasant transport sucks donkeys balls, i will NEVER repeat that mistake. yeah i crashed thru a garden wall, got dragged/scraped out the car , bag of blues in my pocket and then they raided my pad, tent with 8 plants in it( one was dead). 18 month ban, years probabtion and 160 hrs com service. only losing the licence really bothered me although at least i didnt get hit with a resit.
only 8? u got a ongoing criminal record like? or been outa trouble for a while?

thats good to know, if i get caught i might get Peter Sutcliffe to represent me, he might get my sentence slashed or maybe cut a deal!
no shit! lol yeh u can have ANY pronoser represnet you and IF ur in durham A cat the magistrates is connected to the jail so they do all the outside charges ect ther in the name of formaily n shit kinda WEIRD BUT FUN! Tthem coutrhouse sandwiches crisp n a biscuit suk ass

just weird wen u and ur represntative walk into the courts from the cells like

tell u wjhat TT i deffo cant download a movie in 3-4 mins with fukin rapidshare lol wat a pain that place is


Well-Known Member
got an extensive record for violence, disorder etc but it was all over a decade ago, did a few sentences , remands etc back in the day but this was my first drug charge. that was miracle in its own right though.


Well-Known Member
got an extensive record for violence, disorder etc but it was all over a decade ago, did a few sentences , remands etc back in the day but this was my first drug charge. that was miracle in its own right though.

na if you been out of trouble that long NOWAY they will send u away for 8 plants id say 7 but they wil stil charge u for the 8 and yeh i got the same type opf record including drugs BUT never cannabis only supply and poss with intent on class a
n i wont go to jail but saynig that id laugh in ther face if they sed community service FUK THAT send me to jail

walking around hi viz vest on saying comminuty paybak..i think not! lol degrading shit

nurses having to come evryday now :( il show a pic wen they been of me foot i think its going bad again...well thats what the smell is telling me anyways

TTT did u ever get round to lollipopping? thats what my next grow is getting done to it?

got a yew shelve too its like a arch shape does the arch go pointing up or down?

gotta go to the grow room and move the light for the 2nd light and put braces up for the yew far above the pot tops do i put it?

my next grow ima have this reslut


Well-Known Member

Whitney Houston to star in her new film. The Bodybag.

I cannot wait to try the Whitney Houston sex position.

I force feed my wife a load of drugs until she's completely fucked on the floor.

well dura it seems these broing farts have gone to lunch.....hmmf

tiz rather good tbh

hahaha look at this crackhed nigga lmao
<font color="#008000"><span style="font-family: comic sans ms;"><em><strong>[video=youtube;wUmyuDDnkBI][/video]

haha who let sambo out his box found him look


Well-Known Member
@unlucky put ya pics up you'll get some help, you'll also get a bit of a ribbing but you've set yourself up for that just a little bit. may aswell get it over with and help ya plants out now whilst they're still small, especially your greenhouse strains if they're having probs from what i understand about the company their hermie prone at the best of times never mind if they're getting stressed. my vote is bite the bullet and get it over with whilst your plants are still alive and salvageable
i will take pics one;s all the house guest have gone,but please dont give me a very hard time as im upset, i know i will get some but do try not to give me a very hard time :-(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not sure why but the colour seems to get a little paler the furhter up the plant you go, although when you turn the lights off it's not as bad as it initially seems, HPS washes out all the colours. This is some of the bud underneath the scrog screen :) pretty colours.

And to think i'm only thinking 160 an ounce lol


Well-Known Member
Not sure why but the colour seems to get a little paler the furhter up the plant you go, although when you turn the lights off it's not as bad as it initially seems, HPS washes out all the colours. This is some of the bud underneath the scrog screen :) pretty colours.

View attachment 2054261
And to think i'm only thinking 160 an ounce lol
looks well lush ....................... ;-)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i will take pics one;s all the house guest have gone,but please dont give me a very hard time as im upset, i know i will get some but do try not to give me a very hard time :-(
i won't give you a hard time love, i imagine some of the others will though with all the banter you've been exchanging but don't worry about it shit happens and this site would be worse off without it. get ya pics up and don't worry about the comments the plants come first and damn near everyone on here has had some problem or other at some point, i know i have not so much plant health but just about everything else you can think of including nearly being caught and the neighbours around me blatantly knowing, this run in the new room has gone pete tong aswell, like i said shit happens to the best of us and all you can do is learn from it and move on it's part of the game and most of us have been there and done it. DON'T worry get ya pics up love

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
TTT when your scrogìng, how long did you veg for? do you wait until the screen is totally covered then flip into flower? how many plants do you think i could scrog in a space thats 25inch by 25inch?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Think mine was vegged for about 2 months under a 125w cfl, don't know tbh. I've really not very good at doing scrogs at all really, there is no method to my madness, i never really come out with an even canopy as is desired etc, so might be better to ask someone else about this one lol. I'm a lazy grower that just let's things happen without really knowing the outcome.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
TTT looks like you have some lovely colours going on there mate,have you tried the smoke previously or is this a bit of a gamble? either way though mate if the smoke is good when it's finished i'd raise the price slightly even if it's only £20 more, i imagine the novelty of those colours alone will have the locals loving it at that price


Well-Known Member

did u ever get round to lollipopping
and my pal just gave me a yew shelfe well 2 theyve got a curve in them does the curve point upwards or down AND how far above the plantpot tops do they go? fitting em today like


Well-Known Member
i won't give you a hard time love, i imagine some of the others will though with all the banter you've been exchanging but don't worry about it shit happens and this site would be worse off without it. get ya pics up and don't worry about the comments the plants come first and damn near everyone on here has had some problem or other at some point, i know i have not so much plant health but just about everything else you can think of including nearly being caught and the neighbours around me blatantly knowing, this run in the new room has gone pete tong aswell, like i said shit happens to the best of us and all you can do is learn from it and move on it's part of the game and most of us have been there and done it. DON'T worry get ya pics up love
cool thats made me feel better, right ive got to go but will be back with pics ;-) x

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As you say, in the UK coloured bud is unheard of it seems other than to growers, i showed some of the black rose to my flatmate who basically lived and breathed drugs for 15 years and he'd never seen anything like it. Only chance i've had to smoke it was the seeded plant i grew, and once you've removed seeds, i found that none of the strains including the exo were really any good as a smoke, no substance to the calyx's so quite stalky joints etc. At the end fo the day, it'll end up in a neighbourhood where they smoke nothing but wet shite and call it the best stuff they've ever smoked, they'll put like 0.1g into a joint and it'll get them mashed so i am not too worried. As you say, i think it'll move because of the colour alone.

I've lollipoped, but i wouldn't really class it as "something" it's just logical pruning of the plant at the end of the day. I'm never fussed whatsoever with what yield i pull so i've never bothered trying to put effort into getting the maxium gpw etc. If my yield lasted me till next harvest then that was my job done sucessfully :)


Well-Known Member
i won't give you a hard time love, i imagine some of the others will though with all the banter you've been exchanging but don't worry about it shit happens and this site would be worse off without it. get ya pics up and don't worry about the comments the plants come first and damn near everyone on here has had some problem or other at some point, i know i have not so much plant health but just about everything else you can think of including nearly being caught and the neighbours around me blatantly knowing, this run in the new room has gone pete tong aswell, like i said shit happens to the best of us and all you can do is learn from it and move on it's part of the game and most of us have been there and done it. DON'T worry get ya pics up love

sorry its only ment to be fun, im a dumb ass blonde ;-)


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Did the reactions of near everyone who wasn't simply gawking at a photo of some tits not indicate that noone found you fun? It always helps not to troll around and piss off the entire grow forum if you plan on later asking for peoples help. Just a friendly word of advice. And i have to ask how a mutilated corpse is deemed as "fun", it's not fun it's utterly and completely fucked up and will not do anything positive for your friend count or peoples respect for you as a person. Again, just a helpful bit of advice.

My plant had a fight with the tote and netpot and well, it kicked their arse.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
sorry its only ment to be fun, im a dumb ass blonde ;-)
I like that saying alot!!!, never heard it before. my days of pushing anything to the limits are behind me now, well that's what the misses says anyway lol yeah that's right my misses is the boss now and keeps me on the straight n narrow or atleast tries her best to do so

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
TTT that looks like it's hanging on by a prayer and some hope lol is it a common problem for the net pots to struggle with the weight? either way i'd be looking at it as a good thing all that bud bearing down, i imagine it's an easy fix for you mate