Well-Known Member
NOW...if we let her live...is anyone opposed to forcefully sterilizing this 15 year old? Hmmmm?

im pro death penalty but your taxpayer funding argument falls short for the most part. the cost of keeping a death row inmate through their lifespans is double the cost of keeping a guy in prison his whole life in most places. if you want to know why the death penalty is just read some of these, ive read them all. some of these people are monsters. http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/usexecute.htmI wouldn't agree with killing someone just because they killed. I would say that because they killed, I as a taxpayer shouldn't have to help foot the 65k+ per year that they charge taxpayers to house people like her. Add that up over her life expectancy, which is higher in prison with free healthcare and three squares a day, figure in some inflation, and then justify spending many millions of dollars taking care of this one fruitcup because she chose a retarded reason to kill someone's kid.
Fuck that, give her instant Karma with a bullet or a few hundred thousand volts and be done with it.
and the horribley ineffecient appeals system.The only reason death row is so expensive is because we let them live too long after sentencing.
If it were my 9 year old the she would not have made it to court. Sorry I have zero mercy for people who kill or molest children.
This is true but there are some cases where they find out the person on death row was innocentThe only reason death row is so expensive is because we let them live too long after sentencing.
You're preaching to the choir, sir. But thank you.im pro death penalty but your taxpayer funding argument falls short for the most part. the cost of keeping a death row inmate through their lifespans is double the cost of keeping a guy in prison his whole life in most places. if you want to know why the death penalty is just read some of these, ive read them all. some of these people are monsters. http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/usexecute.htm
i will admit a few are on there where im not certain death was the right punishment but alot of them i could of executed them myself if they asked me to. personally my view is the family of the person/s who were/was killed should be allowed to kill the killer in the manner the victim was killed. golden rule-treat others like you would like to be treated. want to be merciless and heartless? you deserve the same in return.
I accept what Johnny said completely, but hearing that is just as sick and twisted. It's easy to say things like that on the Internet, especially when most of what has been said is not in her favor. Could you really enjoy something like that? I think that's kind of sad. I've only ever wanted to kill things out of morbid curiosity and a prey drive. But I suppose that's fucked up too.Dust off Ole' Sparky, plug it in, strap her in, put a large picture of the little girl she murdered in front of her so she can look at it while she does the sit-down Samba as the juice is cranked up.
I don't think that's fucked at all. Family member or not she is a dangerous and evil person and deserves nothing less than to be locked up for as long as possible, hopefully her entire life.So this crazy 15 year old girl (18 now) strangles and stabs her 9 year old neighbor a couple years ago, said she wanted to see what it felt like.
She entered a guilty plea for second degree murder and can get the minimum ten years or life in prison.
Her drug addict mom that abandoned her wants the judge to give her the maximum... I think that's a little fucked up personally. Only because I could never imagine my own mother saying something like that to a judge if I was ever in that situation, that's just some straight up cold-hearted shit regardless of the crime.
But most people don't have a problem with murder if it was justified. Murdering a 9 year old for a thrill is murder, and is about as heinous as you can get. Murdering a 15 year old piece of human garbage that DESERVES to die shouldn't be viewed as a murder, it's cleaning up the planet.i think this is really whats wrong with people and americans, if someone kills someone and you go and kill them you're still a murderer. like i dont get this logic of killing people who've killed.
not to mention youre giving them the easy way out.... they're dead after. who knows what goes on after you're dead. Therefore it continues to me to make more sense if you let murderers sit in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives and let them live with their problems and the guilt and the sorrow and the boredom of starring at a concrete wall all day,.
Yes because someone who just had their 9 old murdered is in a perfect state of mind to make life and death decisions about other people. They will be completely rational and not clouded by emotions at all.I think if someone strangles your 9 year old child it should be perfectly legal for you to walk right up to them and shoot them. In the face even, if you really want to.
God damn human rights! You should lose them as soon as you are accused of a crime!The only reason death row is so expensive is because we let them live too long after sentencing.
You are FUCKED.Well the sad reality of that is we may have to kill one innocent person to make sure that 99 guilty ones don't continue to murder and rape even more innocent people. It's the exception to the rule, though. Most of the time, they are guilty. Worrying too much about that one innocent person creates loop holes and doors for bad people to slip right through.
You're not the only one who thinks about death all the time. You would be scared to find out what goes through my head on a daily basis.I think it's horrible what happened to the mine year old and their family don't get me wrong. But as a person who's been through it (severe depression, self harm etc) you start having fucked up thoughts whtlether you like it or not. I used to be completely obsessed with ideas of death. What it feels, tastes and smells like. There's only so much satisfaction you feel after bringing yourself close to the edge a number of times. It's spontaneous things- I used to be walking down the street and see myself throwing myself under a bus, and a few times, I have thought about strangling and killing. There I admit. The only difference between me and her is I didn't act on it. Thankfully I started smoking pot and haven't been in that 'death, death, death' state for a while.
I'm not saying it's no fault of her own whatsoever and the parents don't deserve retribution, but it's easy for everyone to chime in and say 'yeah, she's scum, give it to her and let her rot in jail for the rest of her life'
If you think I should be put down too, come here right now and bring your gun. I guess anyone who thinks like that is irredeemable...
Edit: ok, I'n not surprised they had signs of BPD. I've always suspected I have BPD. However her lack of remorse is saddening. She needs help.
Well hey there, Senator, you wanna pick a side?I don't think that's fucked at all. Family member or not she is a dangerous and evil person and deserves nothing less than to be locked up for as long as possible, hopefully her entire life.
But most people don't have a problem with murder if it was justified. Murdering a 9 year old for a thrill is murder, and is about as heinous as you can get. Murdering a 15 year old piece of human garbage that DESERVES to die shouldn't be viewed as a murder, it's cleaning up the planet.
Yes because someone who just had their 9 old murdered is in a perfect state of mind to make life and death decisions about other people. They will be completely rational and not clouded by emotions at all.
God damn human rights! You should lose them as soon as you are accused of a crime!
You are FUCKED.
You're not the only one who thinks about death all the time. You would be scared to find out what goes through my head on a daily basis.