Blossom blaster


New Member
That's what it's called.. I was trying to think of its name.. lol It's exactly the same thing as Advanced Nutrients Bud Blood. It's a pH buffer with a large p-k boost. Use it right before the stretch stops to get a stronger flower response. In other words it should go into flower faster. Use it sooner to help stop too much stretch if that's a problem.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
That's what it's called.. I was trying to think of its name.. lol It's exactly the same thing as Advanced Nutrients Bud Blood. It's a pH buffer with a large p-k boost. Use it right before the stretch stops to get a stronger flower response. In other words it should go into flower faster. Use it sooner to help stop too much stretch if that's a problem.
Would like to see your experience, otherwise it's just another RIU theorist talking.

A pH buffer with a large p-k boost, eh, used just before the stretch?


New Member
How about Ton-o-Bud? That's one of my favs.. not the product but the name. lol or GH's new one Bio Bud.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
it has a funny name. "BLOSSOM BLASTER!!!!!" ....haha

I choked on my cigarette when I said it out loud.
Yeah, funny stuff. Anything that adds size and maturity must be good, especially if you're just beginning to see your short hairs. :D

A product sold on a warning of only using twice too. Gotta luv it! And only $135 per 300 grams! That's a steal!


New Member
like the report box?
Not really it's sort of flawed.. as long at your happy letting UB openly fame and troll the members that are smarter then him then the fate of your site is sealed. I mean we all know it's on it last legs.. 100's of better sites that have already banned UB years ago and survived. Those that didn't went down the tubes. It's going to be fun watching this site sink with you at the helm.

Haven't you asked yourself why is UB here? Why not on the 100's of other, better boards?


Well-Known Member
Not really it's sort of flawed.. as long at your happy letting UB openly fame and troll the members that are smarter then him then the fate of your site is sealed. I mean we all know it's on it last legs.. 100's of better sites that have already banned UB years ago and survived. Those that didn't went down the tubes. It's going to be fun watching this site sink with you at the helm.
thanks for the warning. we will keep it in mind. :joint::joint:

you can't go around bashing other members. you will be banned.


Well-Known Member
Not really it's sort of flawed.. as long at your happy letting UB openly fame and troll the members that are smarter then him then the fate of your site is sealed. I mean we all know it's on it last legs.. 100's of better sites that have already banned UB years ago and survived. Those that didn't went down the tubes. It's going to be fun watching this site sink with you at the helm.

Haven't you asked yourself that question. Why is UB here? Why not on the 100's of other, better boards?
no, what i ask is, "why are you here if there are better boards"?


Well-Known Member
Play nice people. What was this thread about again?
Oh yeah blossom blaster!
Guy at hydro store says it's flying off the shelf.
So I bought the small pack.
I'll report if I see any difference in my plants.
Can't we all just hit the bong? I mean get along?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
UB was trolling the dood out, fair's fair, I say.

"Where's your experience..".. really dood, if everyone had to provide proof that their opinion is valid, we wouldn't have many posts, would we now?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Play nice people. What was this thread about again?
Oh yeah blossom blaster!
Guy at hydro store says it's flying off the shelf.
So I bought the small pack.
I'll report if I see any difference in my plants.
Can't we all just hit the bong? I mean get along?
I've got a plant just gone into flower, and am starting to think I should start pumping flower-boosters on it, but so many nutrient additives in hydro stores contain nothing but 100% bullshit in a well marketed bottle, and I don't wanna be that dumbshit who goes on buying more and more bottles of shit just based on the labels promises.

At the moment, she's just started showing clusters of new flowers at most of her nodes, but the hairs are almost entirely white. So before the next wave of flowers hits, I probably should get on it.

Currently, all I give her is Proganics PK 13-14, Proganics Stimuliser and SuperThrive.

I don't even know if these nutes are considered favourably since it's made by an Australian company and sold here in Australia, I don't think it's exactly an 'export' product.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Guy at hydro store says it's flying off the shelf.
So I bought the small pack.
"Flying off the shelf"????? Like they say, "a fool and his money are soon departed".

If you think inducing leaf necrosis is wise, I've got some beachfront property in Arizona I'll sell ya. Looking at the leafless plant in your avatar, perhaps you do.
