All My Pictures!!!

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Undercover Cop: "hmmm, ya think they shoulda been selling weed and X blindly to people they dont know in a bar? Or where people they dont know (cops) can see it happen? They probably needed to go to jail for being dumb, get smart quick in jail."

I used to sell meth to strangers out of a bar I was living at... now that was a bad idea. Thank God those days have passed.

(This was many moons ago)

BTW pot isn't a menace to society like other drugs. Generally, people don't sell their soul for a bag of weed. Its different from crack, meth, cocaine, anything else. Users of that stuff are more than willing... they're eager... to sell their soul for a fix. That's where police are focused. Don't get me wrong... they'll still bust you if you do something stupid. But they're not gunning for the law abiding pot heads... at least in the cities. I once brought an 8th to rural ND (as if there's an urban ND) and was told to be very careful. police out there don't have much else to do.
I don't think anyone here can argue with any of that... wait no, there are people here who will argue with anyone over anything lol. But I agree, just don't be dumb and theres no need for paranoia.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, ya think they shoulda been selling weed and X blindly to people they dont know in a bar? Or where people they dont know (cops) can see it happen? They probably needed to go to jail for being dumb, get smart quick in jail.View attachment 2043402You really think a cop would post pics of his pot plants lol?? IF, you really did think I was a cop... and you cant trust a cop that grows pot? Then damn what has this world come to lol.View attachment 2043412no rep for you! but I will pass the doob to you :peace:
never trust a cop that smokes weed! cuz the first time you Piss them off they will take your pipe and your stash to enjoy themselves ;-)

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
oh and i do not drink or do any drugs. well maybe some shrooms or khat. because they are natural. i smoke weed but have been considering quiting not because i dont like it i just dont like the fact that i get high to often and my body hasnt had time to purify. i do not dink. it has to be the stupidest drug ever very similar to sniffing glue or almost sufficating bad for your brain and prolonged exposure leads brain damage. also heavy metals and toxins. but yeah i think drugs are terrible some are okay in moderation (im not the one to ask what moderation is)

but anyways i dont think your a cop or care i was just making a comment.

i pass the doob back.
Love the variety of different characters here. :) I love drinking- but I don't go out and get wasted really ever. Love about 2 beers with every meal, or a couple glasses of wine. I don't feel it's so bad as long as you don't poison yourself constantly with it. Not to be cliche- but I really think it's true that with everything, moderation is key. Do what floats your boat. I was recently reading about all the people who lived to be 110-120 years old, the majority of them smoked cigarettes and drank alchohol... I guess there is more to understand than meets the eye, and probably being happy and not constantly stressed is likely the biggest part.


Active Member
absolutely gorgeous. How are you attaching those buds to the pole in your "drying box?"
thanx for the nice comment man, the poles r just pushed down into the soil and i used pipecleaners ( little flexible bendy plastic ) and just use them to strap the arms to the poles to help with the wieght coz the buds just got to heavy for the stems, ( nice problem to have ) first time for me ! just her lil sis to go now she is half the size but twice as much bud so shud even out with the taller one just chopped !!!

ps the cola wieghed 51.4 grammes !


Active Member
absolutely gorgeous. How are you attaching those buds to the pole in your "drying box?"
sory misunderstood ya question, the dowling rods same as i use to support branches is what i use and i just drive them through the cardboard let the pretrude out the other side a inch or two and all good !


Active Member
i went to the nursery today..... fruit-bearing lemon:

orange trees (this is why i love this place):

flowering bird of paradise:

more parrot plants than i've ever seen in one place:

i smelled this from across the greenhouse (gardenia):

just look at these orchids. omg.
excellent pics friend !! couldi ask what sort of camera u use ? gr8 camera work by the way !!!!!! +rep


Active Member
thanx for the nice comment man, the poles r just pushed down into the soil and i used pipecleaners ( little flexible bendy plastic ) and just use them to strap the arms to the poles to help with the wieght coz the buds just got to heavy for the stems, ( nice problem to have ) first time for me ! just her lil sis to go now she is half the size but twice as much bud so shud even out with the taller one just chopped !!!

ps the cola wieghed 51.4 grammes !

I mean in the box... the individual cut buds. How are you attaching them to those pipecleaners? I need a new way to dry my weed. I just throw them in a paper grocery bag.

Here's 2 of my girls... they're currently in the dark for 36 more hours... then I'm ready to cut them.




I have 4 others ripening in my grow room. These are blackjacks btw.