First ever grow, grow journal.


Well-Known Member
Cheers :). Is it sad that i get excited each morning when i go check on them? lol its my first grow so everything is new to me. Cant wait to see them develop over the coming weeks. Im tempted to leave them for a couple of days without checking on them, so when i do theres a bigger contrast lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers :). Is it sad that i get excited each morning when i go check on them? lol its my first grow so everything is new to me. Cant wait to see them develop over the coming weeks. Im tempted to leave them for a couple of days without checking on them, so when i do theres a bigger contrast lol
It is never sad get excited about your babies growing, I am able to make it to work on time because I'm ready to wake up and look at them. I spend my days off sitting in my rocking chair in my grow op and just watch em grow!!!! It's the best feeling ever to watch your hard work pay off!!!


Well-Known Member
So its day 14:

My god, the stresses of a first time grower never seem to stop.....

Repotting day today for plant "A". Didnt have one when i repotted its sister so had rush out and buy one yesterday. As you can quite alot of roots were emerging, all photos were taken today by the way:

Anyway, the photos of the plants today were taken before the potting, and the photos later were after it (obviously as its in a pot, but yeah)

The plants themselves are doing well, leaves are really growing well, new growth of nodes is emerging, its as if theyre growing before my eyes now i love it :

(Can see new growth here)

(The above three are plant A)

Anyway, shortly after taking the above photos i started to re organize my grow room. There was no room at all for all my salvia plants as well as the pots for these girls, So i had to segregate the Salvia etc to the top shelves. I will have to get rid of them all together when my new lamp arrives.

Anyway i ordered my new lamp today, a 250w Sodium Son low bay industrial fitting and lamp. My problem is that now that i have repotted them, the plants them selves are too far apart for my light to cover both of them. So ive been running around trying to find lamps etc to do it for now and failed. I found some CFL's but the only lamp i could use them is just doesnt work, replaced fuse etc and still nothing.

So i found this little lights, not quite sure what they are, they get alot warmer than my Fluros, Seem to have a warmer spectrum than that of my fluro. Anyway this was my only option so ended up screwing it to a plank of wood so its just above one of my plants. Im stressed now because i was doing so well and i dont want this to fuck it all up!! My new lamp should arrive in 1-5 working days, but even then i dont know if its suited to these seedlings yet.

Anyway heres some photos of my temporary solution, what do you think?

My improv light:

Sorry for the wall of text today.


Well-Known Member
oh bro I hope those aren't halogen lights. If so throw them away immediatly! Those don't grow but burn plants to the ground. You can buy studio lights at Lowes/Home Depot for $40 and you can fit 6 lights. If you buy Y adapters you can hook up 12 lights. Its just a piece of 2x4 with lightsockets in it. Small,compact and holds enough lights for your plants!


Well-Known Member
fuck man i dunno, i'll try look into them, i'll take a close up of the bulb as well if that helps.. this is why i was worried lol thanks for the headsup


Well-Known Member
argh christ it is as well, didnt say anything about it on the box or the lamp itself, from ikea, so went on ikea and saw it straight away, 10W halogen... What do you propose i do? is it worth keeping it there if its at a fair distance, or the fans on right by it. I cant get a new lamp untill tomorrow now at least. :(


Well-Known Member
remove the light immediatly, put the room back to the way it was until tomorrow and re-do everything tomorrow when you get CFLs. Just get some clamp lights from Wal-mart, Y adapters and some CFLs. You can clamp em on the side of your pots.


Well-Known Member
ive removed the light now, only problem is i cant really put it back due to the fact the plants are now both in large pots. However, i have another lamp that i have managed to find. i'll upload a photo now, CFL think. Ignore the ball shaped lamp i'll rig it securely somehow above the plant.

I have the lampside ways now with the bulb about two inches above the plant. Light seems to be covering her fine. Just hope this will do. Cheers for all the advice!


Well-Known Member
that should be fine until you can get more tomorrow. Just keep that one on 24/0. How many watts is that bulb. Is it glow white, or red?


Well-Known Member
10W, petty i know :( Yeah i'll keep it on 24, cheers. Going to install my new lamp as soon as it arrives i think, keep it on same time schedule though. Only 14 days until forced flowering... I'm thinking because im force flowering so early, will it still need the full 10-11 weeks? If not then i could leave it longer before i force it into flowering.

Bought some Computer fans tonight as well, so i should be having some fun with wiring on the weekend. Cheers for all your help mate.


Well-Known Member
10W, petty i know :( Yeah i'll keep it on 24, cheers. Going to install my new lamp as soon as it arrives i think, keep it on same time schedule though. Only 14 days until forced flowering... I'm thinking because im force flowering so early, will it still need the full 10-11 weeks? If not then i could leave it longer before i force it into flowering.

Bought some Computer fans tonight as well, so i should be having some fun with wiring on the weekend. Cheers for all your help mate.
what kind of light are you getting?

I personally don't know too much about force flowering. I'm shooting for full 8 weeks of flowering for mine, 2 weeks drying.

If you need any help wiring those I'm more then happy to help.

Np with the help, I'm just glad I can give some advice :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Any help with wiring would be excellent, thanks to what you said the other day i think i've got an understanding of it, but when it comes down to it i'll probably just hurt myself.

I've ordered a 250W Sodium Son lamp. Looks very similar to yours. I was going to go for 400W, but thought as im only growing two in a very small grow area 250W should do fine, and cut down on electricity a bit.


Well-Known Member
Quick update:

Day 16: - 11 days until forced flowering... They're going to be tiny..

They are doing great despite some problems with lighting. Literally growing before my eyes. Four new leaves developing on each plant. No photos today, i'll upload some tomorrow, that way there'l be a bigger contrast between me last batch of photos.

My new Sodium lamp should be here any day between monday and thursday. And my computer fans should be here early in the week, so experimentation will begin shortly lol.

These girls are probably going to be the smallest flowering plants on the site


Well-Known Member
I read in a thread that you posted in that your going to run 2 off a 9v. I wouldn't recommmend 2 on a 9v. You can do up to 3 on a 12v. 9v's will run it way to slow, just wont be enough juice. When you get the fans and the adapter let me know, its very very simple to put em together, I'll walk you through it.

I can't wait to see how big your plants will get. How much yeild are you expecting, like a quarter? This should be an awesome/interesting small plant, keep me posted bro!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man cheers, yeah i'll look for a 12v adapter, only reason i mentioned 9v is because i have a load from my guitar pedals. Cheers for the help, i really am going to need it lol.

Yeah im quite interested as to how big my plants get. I dont mind really how much i get, as i have no past experience i just dont know what to expect. This is mainly for the experience now. Then i think half way through this grow im going to germ some more seeds and have one or two plants on the grow but in veg when i go on holiday so i can rig them up for feeding for a 2 weeks. Then get some decent sized plants.

Im uploading photos now for today. One of my plants is showing small brown spots but i think its coz my light was way too close (like under an inch) so i've corrected that. Theyre looking great apart from that.


Well-Known Member
Day 17, 10 days untill forced flowering which will give me ten and a half weeks untill i go on holiday. I doubt that the plant will need the full amount of time to mature though as it will be so small, What your opinions?

Im really happy with how i've managed to control the height of these, i see so many seedlings stretched out to an inch or two within the first week, i'm hoping this method, if used on a full grow would produce a really nice bushy plant.

Anyway pics:

Shes still under a make do light as my sodium hasnt arrived yet. But she seems to be doing really well under it. This plant B i do believe, i need to label their pots..

Side view.

I'm loving the new leaf development.

Plant A, with small spots, either down to light being too close, which ive fixed, Or nute burn as i stupidly used a solution thinking it was their PH'd water when it wasnt.. anyway both can be fixed. Do spots like this go away once fixed or are they scarred?

Cheers for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Quick pointless update: I just rubbed the leaf slightly because i thought there was some residue, possibly from my misting the plants around it, turns out there wasnt. But i smelt my fingers after and Oh My God.... It STINKS. I cant believe how good it smells, theyre only just over two weeks. Its not enough to smell it unless you have your nose like an inch away but when you touch it, your fingers smell like heaven.


Well-Known Member
Posted in here quite alot today. Anyway, now that ive realized how this baby smells, i cant help but getting wafts of it every now and again. Which brings me to think i need odor control sooner than i suspected.

Plan is to get hold of one or two febreeze wall plugs for the room in general, and im going to use ONA gel in my grow area. Im thinking would it be worth buying another computer fan to do the following: Get a small box big enough to fit the ona gel in. Then fix the computer fan to the top of the box, or side so its not directly sucking from the open gel tub. And have this in my room, with that fan set for every half hour for say five minutes.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about forcing the flowering in 10 day man.. I've forced flowering pretty early but by the look of your plants you will only get a tiny bud from each. and i mean tiny (maybe a bowl total if there both female) Plants need to become sexually mature before they'll give you buds that your looking for.. As for the smell issue, with how small those plants are.. i don't think smell will ever creep outta your grow area. On my first grow i was worried about the same things you are, and it ended unsuccessfully (i had buds, but only enough to get stoned for a day). To get plants to grow you need the right Ph, for good weed you need good nuts, for big buds you need the right lights (HPS lights are best for buding) and for the bigger buds you need all that and then c02. Time is the key, a plant wont grow overnight, they need time. I think you'll have a better chance at buds if you leave them on 24/0 light cycle until there ready to bud, then bud for a shorter amount of time. consider vegging for another week or two then bud for 8 weeks, and quick dry to smoke before your vacation. Your plants are lookin good so far! they just need time in the right light cycles to give you what your looking for. Best of luck!